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How does a jackrabbit keep from overheating?

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1 How does a jackrabbit keep from overheating?
Figure 40.1 How does a jackrabbit keep from overheating? For the Discovery Video Human Body, go to Animation and Video Files.

2 Convergent evolution in fast swimmers
(a) Tuna Figure 40.2 Convergent evolution in fast swimmers (b) Penguin (c) Seal

3 Contact with the environment
Mouth Gastrovascular cavity Exchange Exchange Exchange Figure 40.3 Contact with the environment 0.15 mm 1.5 mm (a) Single cell (b) Two layers of cells

4 Internal exchange surfaces of complex animals
External environment CO2 Food O2 Mouth Animal body Respiratory system Blood 50 µm 0.5 cm Lung tissue Nutrients Cells Heart Circulatory system 10 µm Interstitial fluid Digestive system Figure 40.4 Internal exchange surfaces of complex animals Lining of small intestine Excretory system Kidney tubules Anus Unabsorbed matter (feces) Metabolic waste products (nitrogenous waste)

5 Organ Systems

6 Structure and function in animal tissues
Epithelial Tissue Cuboidal epithelium Simple columnar epithelium Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium Stratified squamous epithelium Figure 40.5 Structure and function in animal tissues Simple squamous epithelium

7 Connective Tissue Loose connective tissue Cartilage Fibrous connective
Collagenous fiber Loose connective tissue Chondrocytes Cartilage 120 µm 100 µm Elastic fiber Chondroitin sulfate Nuclei Fat droplets Fibrous connective tissue Adipose tissue 30 µm 150 µm Figure 40.5 Structure and function in animal tissues Osteon White blood cells Bone Blood 700 µm 55 µm Central canal Plasma Red blood cells

8 Muscle Tissue Skeletal muscle Cardiac muscle Smooth muscle Multiple
nuclei Muscle fiber Sarcomere Skeletal muscle Nucleus 100 µm Intercalated disk 50 µm Cardiac muscle Figure 40.5 Structure and function in animal tissues Smooth muscle Nucleus Muscle fibers 25 µm

9 Nervous Tissue Neuron 40 µm Axons Blood vessel Dendrites Cell body
Glial cells Neuron Figure 40.5 Structure and function in animal tissues Axons Blood vessel 15 µm

10 Neuron 40 µm Dendrites Cell body Axon
Figure 40.5 Structure and function in animal tissues Neuron

11 Signaling Stimulus Stimulus Endocrine cell Neuron Axon Signal Hormone
Signal travels along axon to a specific location. Signal travels everywhere via the bloodstream. Blood vessel Signal Axons Figure 40.6 Signaling in the endocrine and nervous systems Response Response (a) Signaling by hormones (b) Signaling by neurons

12 Stimulus Neuron Axon Signal Signal travels along axon to a specific
location. Signal Axons Figure 40.6b Signaling in the endocrine and nervous systems Response Signaling by neurons

13 (temperature conformer)
40 River otter (temperature regulator) 30 Body temperature (°C) 20 Largemouth bass (temperature conformer) 10 Figure 40.7 The relationship between body and environmental temperatures in an aquatic temperature regulator and an aquatic temperature conformer 10 20 30 40 Ambient (environmental) temperature (ºC)

14 negative feedback Response: Heater turned off Room temperature
decreases Stimulus: Control center (thermostat) reads too hot Set point: 20ºC Figure 40.8 A nonliving example of negative feedback: control of room temperature Stimulus: Control center (thermostat) reads too cold Room temperature increases Response: Heater turned on

15 (a) A walrus, an endotherm
Figure 40.9 Endothermy and ectothermy (b) A lizard, an ectotherm

16 Heat exchange between an organism and its environment
Radiation Evaporation Figure Heat exchange between an organism and its environment Convection Conduction

17 Mammalian integumentary system
Hair Epidermis Sweat pore Dermis Muscle Nerve Sweat gland Figure Mammalian integumentary system Hypodermis Adipose tissue Blood vessels Oil gland Hair follicle

18 Countercurrent heat exchangers
Canada goose Bottlenose dolphin Blood flow Artery Vein Vein Artery 35ºC 33º Figure Countercurrent heat exchangers 30º 27º 20º 18º 10º Countercurrent heat exchangers

19 O2 consumption (mL O2/hr) per kg
RESULTS A Burmese python generates heat while incubating eggs. 120 100 80 O2 consumption (mL O2/hr) per kg 60 40 Figure How does a Burmese python generate heat while incubating eggs? 20 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Contractions per minute

20 Hypothalamus: thermoregulation
Sweat glands secrete sweat, which evaporates, cooling the body. Thermostat in hypothalamus activates cooling mechanisms. Hypothalamus: thermoregulation Blood vessels in skin dilate: capillaries fill; heat radiates from skin. Body temperature decreases; thermostat shuts off cooling mechanisms. Increased body temperature Homeostasis: Internal temperature of 36–38°C Body temperature increases; thermostat shuts off warming mechanisms. Decreased body temperature Figure The thermostatic function of the hypothalamus in human thermoregulation Blood vessels in skin constrict, reducing heat loss. Thermostat in hypothalamus activates warming mechanisms. Skeletal muscles contract; shivering generates heat.

21 Bioenergetics of an animal
Organic molecules in food Bioenergetics of an animal External environment Animal body Digestion and absorption Heat Energy lost in feces Nutrient molecules in body cells Energy lost in nitrogenous waste Carbon skeletons Cellular respiration Heat Figure Bioenergetics of an animal: an overview ATP Biosynthesis Cellular work Heat Heat

22 Relationship of Metabolic Rate to Body Size
103 Elephant 102 Horse Human 10 Sheep BMR (L O2/hr) (Iog scale) Cat Dog 1 Rat 10–1 Ground squirrel Shrew Mouse Harvest mouse 10–2 10–3 10–2 10–1 1 10 102 103 Body mass (kg) (log scale) (a) Relationship of BMR to body size 8 Shrew 7 6 Figure The relationship of metabolic rate to body size 5 BMR (L O2/hr) (per kg) 4 3 Harvest mouse 2 Mouse Sheep Rat Human Elephant 1 Cat Dog Ground squirrel Horse 10–3 10–2 10–1 1 10 102 103 Body mass (kg) (log scale) (b) Relationship of BMR per kilogram of body mass to body size

23 from temperate climate
Energy budgets for four animals Endotherms Ectotherm 800,000 Reproduction Basal (standard) metabolism Thermoregulation Growth Activity Annual energy expenditure (kcal/hr) 340,000 8,000 4,000 Figure Energy budgets for four animals 60-kg female human from temperate climate 4-kg male Adélie penguin from Antarctica (brooding) 0.025-kg female deer mouse from temperate North America 4-kg female eastern indigo snake

24 Body temperature and metabolism during hibernation in ground squirrels
Additional metabolism that would be necessary to stay active in winter 200 Actual metabolism Metabolic rate (kcal per day) 100 Arousals 35 Body temperature 30 25 20 Temperature (°C) 15 10 Figure Body temperature and metabolism during hibernation in Belding’s ground squirrels 5 Outside temperature –5 Burrow temperature –10 –15 June August October December February April

25 Stimulus: Perturbation/stress
Review Homeostasis Response/effector Stimulus: Perturbation/stress Control center Sensor/receptor

26 You should now be able to:
Distinguish among the following sets of terms: collagenous, elastic, and reticular fibers; regulator and conformer; positive and negative feedback; basal and standard metabolic rates; torpor, hibernation, estivation, and daily torpor. Relate structure with function and identify diagrams of the following animal tissues: epithelial, connective tissue (six types), muscle tissue (three types), and nervous tissue. Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings

27 Compare and contrast the nervous and endocrine systems.
Define thermoregulation and explain how endotherms and ectotherms manage their heat budgets. Describe how a countercurrent heat exchanger may function to retain heat within an animal body. Define bioenergetics and biosynthesis. Define metabolic rate and explain how it can be determined for animals. Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings

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