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One Wrong Turn?: A conference for practitioners to help children and young people make positive life choices and promote emotional health and well-being.

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Presentation on theme: "One Wrong Turn?: A conference for practitioners to help children and young people make positive life choices and promote emotional health and well-being."— Presentation transcript:

1 One Wrong Turn?: A conference for practitioners to help children and young people make positive life choices and promote emotional health and well-being

2 Future in Mind Children’s emotional wellbeing and mental health is not
always given the attention it needs Too many families have experienced poor children’s and adolescent mental health care Progress in the last few years, but it remains unacceptable that not every child gets the help they need when and where they need it. Some don’t get any care at all, and their problems escalate to a crisis point. There are many highly skilled and highly valued staff working with children who want to make a real and lasting difference to their lives but there are barriers in the system itself which prevent change. This isn’t just about funding. What is needed is a fundamental shift in culture. A whole system approach is needed focusing on prevention of mental ill health, early intervention and recovery. Norman Lamb Minister of State for Care and Support

3 Transformation Plan Local Transformation Plans are part of a national focus on improving children and young people’s emotional wellbeing and mental health. Embedded in a truly integrated challenge to change the way we think about emotional wellbeing and mental health: strengthening resilience, improving services and tackling the stigma associated with mental health services. A group of people committed to improve services for children and young people has come together to work jointly on this, including commissioners, education, social care, health settings, GPs, primary care health professionals, voluntary and community groups and children, their families and their carers. Looks at the whole complicated picture around emotional wellbeing and mental health for children and young people. It sets out our response to the ‘Future in Mind’ 49 recommendations

4 Transformation Plan
School Emotional Health and Wellbeing Network - this was set up recently with Secondary Schools, Commissioners, School Nursing Team and CAMHS services and was developed as part of the Tier 1 Project Sue Stirling completed in 2014/2015. The network is designed to provide Schools and Commissioners an opportunity to discuss and share best practice information and expertise on emotional health and wellbeing, build upon and strengthen links and partnership working with CAMHS services and provide useful information for Commissioners to consider in future work. Emotional Health and Wellbeing Update - If services would like to be added to the circulation list please contact CAMHS Stakeholder event - Held on Friday 29th January and attended by approx 70+ guests from a wide variety of services that deliver emotional health and wellbeing support and treatment. The event was arranged to gather information and intelligence from frontline workers that we can use for our future Specialist CAMHS Services.

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