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King Djoser By: Vonn Behr Period: 3.

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Presentation on theme: "King Djoser By: Vonn Behr Period: 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 King Djoser By: Vonn Behr Period: 3

2 During what dynasty did he rule?
King Djoser ruled the third dynasty.

3 What other name was Djoser known for?
He was known for the step pyramid Saqqara

4 What other name was Djoser known by?
He was known by Netjerikhet

5 Where did Djoser move the capital to during his reign?
Djoser moved the capital to Memphis

6 Where did Djoser move the necropolis to during his reign?
He moved to Saqqara during his reign

7 Why was Djoser able to complete a lot of building projects during his reign?
There was no threat to Egypt and there was free supplies.

8 In what other ways did Egyptian civilization progress during Djoser’s reign?
They were focused on establishing Egypt as a economic presence, and maintain the Sinai.

9 Who was mostly responsible for helping Djoser accomplished the building of pyramids at Saqqara?
Imhotep was mostly responsible for helping

10 Imhotep

11 What was Imhotep’s job under King Djoser?
Was Imhotep from a royal family or a common family? Imhotep’s jobs were being a high priest and a vizier (Highest Official). Imhotep was from a common family.

12 Describe the variety of skills of Imhotep?
What is Imhotep most remembered for? Imhotep skills were a poet, architect, and Priest Physician Imhotep was remembered for a architectural model of the step pyramid

13 Describe as much about King Djoser’s Step Pyramid as you can.
Collection of pavilions, temples, chapels, staterooms, halls, and corridors.

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