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Global dynamics in the MLT region

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1 Global dynamics in the MLT region
Seminar talk Olexandr Lednyts'kyy 1 1 Institute of Physics, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany Atomic oxygen dynamics in the MLT region th May, 2014

2 circulation in the middle atmosphere 2. Dynamical processes
1. Energy balance chemical processes dynamical processes circulation in the middle atmosphere 2. Dynamical processes GW interaction anomalies in temperatures and winds coupling of temperatures and winds transport tides 3. Chemical processes energy sources energy sinks 4. Analysis drivers in the atmosphere coupling of chemical and dynamical processes variations due to chemical and dynamical processes anomalies and wavelets References and acknowledgements Contents

3 Thermal structure of the atmosphere
Ionization UV absorption by O2 Chemical heating: odd-H, -O IR radiative cooling by CO2 UV absorption by O3 Surface heating Liljequist and Cehak, 1994 1.1. Energy balance, chemical processes

4 Chemical constituents of the atmosphere
Thermosphere dominant molecules (O2, N2) decrease simple molecules (NO, CO) increase dominance of atoms increases excited states prevail reactions are slower due to low density ions and ion reactions are dominant Upper mesosphere dominant molecules (O2, N2) are well mixed troposheric molecules H2O, CO2, [NO], [CO] and atoms (O, H) become important energetics is governed by excited states (O2*) decreasing density affects 3-body reactions diurnal variations are driven photochemically Stratosphere and lower mesosphere larger molecules from troposphere brake down density is sufficient for 3-body reactions daytime maximum: O, Cl, H, OH, NO, etc. catalytic NOx, ClOx, HOx cycles destroy ozone Composition control in the MLT O produced locally from O2 and O3 transported from thermosphere O3 produced from O+O2 destroyed during the daytime H, OH, HO2: produced during the day from H2O Smith, 2001 Brasseur and Solomon, 2005 1.1. Energy balance, chemical processes

5 Gravity waves Gravitational force
Atmospheric waves Lamb-waves Acoustical waves Pressure gradient force Planetary waves Coriolis force Acoustical gravity waves Mixed ROSSBY-gravity waves Infrasound waves Gravity waves Gravitational force GW sources flow over mountains flow over convective cloud instability around the jet stream geostrophic adjustment GW dissipation GW can be filtered and dissipated by stratospheric wind system upon critical layer interactions when phase speed is approximately equal to background wind speed Pichler, 1997 1.2. Energy balance, dynamical processes

6 Gravity waves Gravity waves amplitudes grow exponentially with height
become large and unstable in the reentry regime, “drag” impulse and energy: generate turbulence (turbulent mixing) and deposit heat there (turbopause) cause momentum deposition in regions of vertical wind shears reach critical level absorption that generates the QBO analogously amplify the tides (Hines’ GW parameterization) The deposited momentum produces a net meridional circulation cause the mesopause anomaly in temperature Mayr et al., 2011 1.2. Energy balance, dynamical processes

7 Net meridional circulation and temperature
Meriwether and Gerrard, 2004 1.3. Energy balance, circulation in the middle atmosphere

8 Generation and influence on tides and waves
Mayr et al., 2011 2.1. Dynamical processes, GW interaction

9 Zonal mean temperatures and winds
2002 – 2011 1992 – 1995 Smith, 2012 2.2. Dynamical processes, anomalies in temperatures and winds

10 T-gradient coupling with single reversal of zonal mean winds
Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Month of 2009 – 2010 ECMWF MLS Dec Jan Feb Mar Month of 2008 – 2009 MLS Straub et al., 2012 Manney et al., 2009 2.2. Dynamical processes, coupling of temperatures and winds

11 Diffusion and advection
Molecular diffusion diffusive component reduces gradients “advective” component transports species differentially affects H, H2, CO2, temperature in mesopause diffusion rates depend on temperature Eddy diffusion is caused by turbulence or by any unresolved dynamical scales plays the key role in the vertical transport due to strong mixing ratio gradients mixing ratios of species and potential temperature have same diffusion coefficient very variable due to intermittent dynamics Advective transport time scale of variability increases with spatial scale propagation of low frequency waves (planetary and gravity waves) is affected by zonal wind period variability gravity waves hours hours-seasons tides days-seasons planetary waves days weeks-seasons mean circulation seasons years Smith, 2001 2.3. Dynamical processes, transport

12 Migrating tides Migrating diurnal tide Migrating semidiurnal tide
2002 – 2011 Distribution of terms in the thermal budget diffusion advection by the mean circulation direct solar O2* and O3* heating (loss through airglow) chemical heating (loss through airglow) infrared cooling Smith, 2012 2.3. Dynamical processes, tides

13 Impact of composition on energetics
IR radiation responds to local T, but IR emissions are inefficient (cold mesopause) For comparable momentum forcing in a warmer region need stronger T response Absorption of solar radiation depends on composition O2: nm (Lyman-, Schumann-Runge continuum, Schumann-Runge bands) O3: nm (Hartley band) Acceptors of the absorbed energy breakage of chemical bonds excitation of vibrational or rotational levels of original absorber or its products conversion into heat Brasseur and Solomon, 2005 3.1. Chemical processes, energy sources

14 Terrestrial nightglow in the MLT region
Remote sensing observing techniques • In-situ: Balloon payload, rockets • Ground-based: radar, lidar, passive optics (imager, FPI, spectrograph) • Satellite Mesosphere / Lower Thermosphere is difficult to reach for sparse ground-based observations of nightglow: McDade, 1998 3.2. Chemical processes, energy sinks

15 Drivers in the atmosphere
Photolysis energy breaks chemical bonds giving products that can be converted to heat hours or days after and far away from original absorption Dependence: sun angle, solar flux, columns of absorbing gases Reactions concerned are temperature and density dependent O + O3 → O2 + O2 * O + O + M → O2 + M * O + OH → H + O2 * O + HO2 → OH + O2 * H + O2 + M → HO2 + M * O + O2 + M → O3 + M H + O3 → OH + O2 * reaction rate decreases with temperature Energy conservation and composition radiative flux affect photolysis absorption change atomic / molecular energy levels energetic particles can generate ionized or excited states temperature affects reaction rates Anthropogenic gases increased CO2 → cooling increased hydrocarbons → ozone loss Dynamics impacts composition winds advect species winds and temperature control propagation and dissipation of waves Smith, 2001 4.1. Analysis, drivers

16 Photochemical destabilization of gravity waves
Air parcel trajectory in propagating GW Composition and density cold high O, total density low warm low O, total density higher Midnight O3 and O profiles GW unstable growth rate solid: high eddy diffusion coefficient, no net vertical velocity dashed: low eddy diffusion coefficient, upward net vertical velocity Xu et al., 2001 4.2. Analysis, coupling of chemical and dynamical processes

17 GW and composition variations
The cross-section of GW growth rate as a function of wavelength at 86 km GW growth rate is large longer vertical wavelengths shorter horizontal wavelengths Photochemical destabilization is preferable low temperature low diffusion sharp vertical gradients of O long vertical, short horizontal wavelengths Composition variability regular diurnal, seasonal and interannual time scales irregular variability due to forcing from above (energy) and below (waves) Composition feedback affects all scales of motion from mean circulation to individual GW controls the conversation of energy to heat Xu et al., 2001 4.3. Analysis, variations due to chemical and dynamical processes

18 Analysis of temperature profiles
Rauthe et al., 2006 4.4. Analysis, anomalies and wavelets

19 Thank You! References and acknowledgements References
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