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Safety In The Kingdom Matthew 5:27-32.

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Presentation on theme: "Safety In The Kingdom Matthew 5:27-32."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety In The Kingdom Matthew 5:27-32

2 6 contrasts between the righteousness of the Pharisees and true Kingdom righteousness

3 1. With regard to the 6th commandment You shall not commit murder

4 If there’s any place we should feel safe it’s in our homes.

5 2. With regard to the 7th commandment You shall not commit adultery

6 Aristotle: There is no such thing as committing adultery with the right woman, at the right time, in the right way, for it is simply wrong.

7 Adultery is a heart issue that begins with contempt and anger.

8 The problem of pornography…
... makes the world and our homes dangerous places.

9 Purity of heart creates safety for women and children.

10 Jesus said, “Gouge out or cut off the body part that makes you stumble
In other words, “Get serious about dealing with adultery in your hearts.”

11 for new love for your spouse and kids
Some suggestions: 1. Own your contempt for your spouse 2. Confess your contempt and anger 3. Confess your problem of fantasizng 4. Admit your need for God’s power 5. Thank God for His Holy Spirit in you 6. Ask Him to control your desires - for new love for your spouse and kids

12 The Church should be the safest of places for those who need protection – women and children!


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