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Parallel Programming in C with MPI and OpenMP
Michael J. Quinn
Shared-memory Programming
Chapter 17 Shared-memory Programming
Some References Primary Reference – Michael Quinn, Parallel Programming, McGraw Hill, 2004, Ch 17 (Textbook). Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC, has a online WebCT course on OpenMP. (Need to create a user name and password Barbara Chapman, Gabrile Jost, and Ruud Van Der Pas, Using OpenMP: Portable Shared Memory Programming, The MIT Press, 2008. Chandra, Rohit, Dagum, Kohr, Maydan, McDonald, and Menon, Parallel Programming in OpenMP, Morgan Kaufmann, 2001.
Outline OpenMP Shared-memory model Parallel for loops
Declaring private variables Critical sections Reductions Performance improvements More general data parallelism Functional parallelism
OpenMP OpenMP: An application programming interface (API) for parallel programming on multiprocessors Compiler directives Library of support functions OpenMP works in conjunction with Fortran, C, or C++
What’s OpenMP Good For? C + OpenMP sufficient to program multiprocessors C + MPI + OpenMP a good way to program multicomputers built out of multiprocessors IBM RS/6000 SP Fujitsu AP3000 Dell High Performance Computing Cluster
Shared-memory Model Processors interact and synchronize with each
other through shared variables.
Fork/Join Parallelism
Initially only the master thread is active Master thread executes sequential code Fork: Master thread creates or awakens additional threads to execute parallel code Join: At end of parallel code created threads die or are suspended
Fork/Join Parallelism
Shared-memory Model vs. Message-passing Model (#1)
One active thread at start and finish of program Number of active threads inside program changes dynamically during execution Message-passing model All processes may be active throughout execution of program
Incremental Parallelization
Sequential program a special case of a shared-memory parallel program Parallel shared-memory programs may only have a single parallel loop Incremental parallelization is the process of converting a sequential program to a parallel program a little bit at a time
Shared-memory Model vs. Message-passing Model (#2)
Execute and profile sequential program Sort program blocks according to how much time they take Starting first with the most time-consuming blocks Incrementally, parallel blocks amendable to parallelization Stop when further effort not warranted Message-passing model Sequential-to-parallel transformation requires major effort Transformation done in one giant step rather than many tiny steps
Parallel “for Loops” C programs often express data-parallel operations as for-loops The following loop accounts for a large portion of the MPI execution time in the Sieve of Eratosthenes in Chapter 5: for (i = first; i < size; i += prime) marked[i] = 1; Clearly, there is no dependence between different iterations in this loop OpenMP makes it easy to indicate when the iterations of a loop may execute in parallel Compiler takes care of generating code that forks/joins threads and allocates the iterations to threads
Pragmas Pragma: a compiler directive in C or C++
Stands for “pragmatic information” A way for the programmer to communicate with the compiler Compiler free to ignore pragmas Syntax: #pragma omp <rest of pragma>
“Parallel for” Pragma Format: #pragma omp parallel for
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) a[i] = b[i] + c[i]; Compiler must be able to verify the run-time system will have information it needs to schedule loop iterations Body of for loop must not allow premature exits (e.g., no break, return, exit, or goto statements allowed).
Canonical Shape of for Loop Control Clause
Execution Context Master thread creates additional threads during parallel execution of a for loop Every thread has its own execution context: I.e., the address space containing all of the variables a thread may access Contents of ‘execution context’ for a thread: static variables dynamically allocated data structures in the heap variables on the run-time stack additional run-time stack for functions invoked by the thread
Shared and Private Variables
Shared variable: has same address in execution context of every thread Private variable: has different address in execution context of every thread A thread cannot access the private variables of another thread
Shared and Private Variables
The index variable i is private All other variables (e.g., b, cptr, and heap data) are shared
Function omp_get_num_procs
Returns number of physical processors available for use by the parallel program Function Header is int omp_get_num_procs (void)
Function omp_set_num_threads
Uses the parameter value to set the number of threads to be active in parallel sections of code May be called at multiple points in a program Allows tailoring level of parallelism to characteristics of the code block. Function header is void omp_set_num_threads (int t)
Pop Quiz Write a C program segment that sets the number of threads equal to the number of processors that are available. Answer: ???
Pop Quiz Write a C program segment that sets the number of threads equal to the number of processors that are available. Answer: int t; t = omp_get_num_proc( ); omp_set_num_threads(t);
Declaring Private Variables
Heart of computation for Floyd’s “all pairs shortest path” algorithm in Chapter 6: for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE(id,p,n); i++) for (j = 0; j < n; j++) a[i][j] = MIN(a[i][j],a[i][k]+tmp); Either loop could be executed in parallel We prefer to make outer loop parallel, to reduce number of forks/joins Each thread needs its own private copy of variable j Otherwise all threads try to initialize and increment same shared variable j Result: Some threads will probably not execute all n iterations
Grain Size Grain size is the number of computations performed between communication or synchronization steps Increasing grain size usually improves performance for MIMD computers
private Clause Clause - an optional, additional component to a pragma
Private clause - directs compiler to make one or more variables private private ( <variable list> )
Example Use of Private Clause
#pragma omp parallel for private(j) for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE(id,p,n); i++) for (j = 0; j < n; j++) a[i][j] = MIN(a[i][j],a[i][k]+tmp); Comments: Here the private variable j is undefined - when this parallel construct is entered when this parallel construct is exited
firstprivate Clause Used to create private variables having initial values identical to the variable controlled by the master thread as the loop is entered Variables are initialized only when thread is created, not once per loop iteration If a thread modifies a variable’s value in an iteration, subsequent iterations will get the modified value
lastprivate Clause Sequentially last iteration: iteration that occurs last when the loop is executed sequentially lastprivate clause: used to copy back to the master thread’s copy of a variable the private copy of the variable from the thread that executed the sequentially last iteration
Critical Sections Consider this C program segment to compute using the rectangle rule: double area, pi, x; int i, n; ... area = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { x = (i+0.5)/n; area += 4.0/(1.0 + x*x); } pi = area / n;
Race Condition If we simply parallelize the loop...
double area, pi, x; int i, n; ... area = 0.0; #pragma omp parallel for private(x) for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { x = (i+0.5)/n; area += 4.0/(1.0 + x*x); } pi = area / n;
Race Condition Time Line
Thread A reads value of area first Thread B reads value of area before A can update its value Thread A updates value of area Thread B ignores update by A and writes its incorrect value to area
Race Condition (cont.) A race condition is created in which one process may “race ahead” of another and overwrite the change made by the first process to the shared variable area 15.432 15.230 11.667 area Answer should be Thread A 11.667 15.432 Thread B 15.230 11.667 area += 4.0/(1.0 + x*x)
critical Pragma Critical section: a portion of code that only thread at a time may execute We denote a critical section by putting the pragma #pragma omp critical in front of a block of C code
Correct, But Inefficient, Code
double area, pi, x; int i, n; ... area = 0.0; #pragma omp parallel for private(x) for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { x = (i+0.5)/n; #pragma omp critical area += 4.0/(1.0 + x*x); } pi = area / n;
Source of Inefficiency
Update to area inside a critical section Only one thread at a time may execute the statement; i.e., it is sequential code Time to execute statement significant part of loop By Amdahl’s Law we know speedup will be severely constrained
Reductions Reductions are so common that OpenMP provides support for them May add reduction clause to parallel for pragma Specify reduction operation and reduction variable OpenMP takes care of storing partial results in private variables and combining partial results after the loop
reduction Clause The reduction clause has this syntax: reduction (<op> :<variable>) Operators Sum * Product & Bitwise and | Bitwise or ^ Bitwise exclusive or && Logical and || Logical or
-finding Code with Reduction Clause
double area, pi, x; int i, n; ... area = 0.0; #pragma omp parallel for \ private(x) reduction(+:area) for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { x = (i + 0.5)/n; area += 4.0/(1.0 + x*x); } pi = area / n;
Performance Improvement #1
Too many fork/joins can lower performance Inverting loops may help performance if Parallelism is in inner loop After inversion, the outer loop can be made parallel Inversion does not significantly lower cache hit rate
Performance Improvement #2
If loop has too few iterations, fork/join overhead is greater than time savings from parallel execution The if clause instructs compiler to insert code that determines at run-time whether loop should be executed in parallel; e.g., #pragma omp parallel for if(n > 5000)
Performance Improvement #3
We can use schedule clause to specify how iterations of a loop should be allocated to threads Static schedule: all iterations allocated to threads before any iterations executed Dynamic schedule: only some iterations allocated to threads at beginning of loop’s execution. Remaining iterations allocated to threads that complete their assigned iterations.
Static vs. Dynamic Scheduling
Static scheduling Low overhead May exhibit high workload imbalance Dynamic scheduling Higher overhead Can reduce workload imbalance
Chunks A chunk is a contiguous range of iterations
Increasing chunk size reduces overhead and may increase cache hit rate Decreasing chunk size allows finer balancing of workloads
schedule Clause Syntax of schedule clause schedule (<type>[,<chunk> ]) Schedule type required, chunk size optional Allowable schedule types static: static allocation dynamic: dynamic allocation Allocates a block of iterations at a time to threads guided: guided self-scheduling Size of block decreases exponentially over time runtime: type chosen at run-time based on value of environment variable OMP_SCHEDULE
Scheduling Options schedule(static): block allocation of about n/t contiguous iterations to each thread schedule(static,C): interleaved allocation of chunks of size C to threads schedule(dynamic): dynamic one-at-a-time allocation of iterations to threads schedule(dynamic,C): dynamic allocation of C iterations at a time to threads
Scheduling Options (cont.)
schedule(guided, C): dynamic allocation of chunks to tasks using guided self-scheduling heuristic. Initial chunks are bigger, later chunks are smaller, minimum chunk size is C. schedule(guided): guided self-scheduling with minimum chunk size 1 schedule(runtime): schedule chosen at run-time based on value of OMP_SCHEDULE UNIX Example: setenv OMP_SCHEDULE “static,1” Sets run-time schedule to be interleaved allocation
More General Data Parallelism
Our focus has been on the parallelization of for loops Other opportunities for data parallelism processing items on a “to do” list for loop + additional code outside of loop
Processing a “To Do” List
Two pointers work their way through a singly linked “to do” list Variable job-ptr is shared while task-ptr is private
Sequential Code (1/2) int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
struct job_struct *job_ptr; struct task_struct *task_ptr; ... task_ptr = get_next_task (&job_ptr); while (task_ptr != NULL) { complete_task (task_ptr); }
Sequential Code (2/2) char *get_next_task(struct job_struct
**job_ptr) { struct task_struct *answer; if (*job_ptr == NULL) answer = NULL; else { answer = (*job_ptr)->task; *job_ptr = (*job_ptr)->next; } return answer;
Parallelization Strategy
Every thread should repeatedly take next task from list and complete it, until there are no more tasks We must ensure no two threads take same task from the list; i.e., must declare a critical section
parallel Pragma The parallel pragma precedes a block of code that should be executed by all of the threads Unlike “parallel for”, the execution is replicated among all threads
Use of parallel Pragma #pragma omp parallel private(task_ptr) {
task_ptr = get_next_task (&job_ptr); while (task_ptr != NULL) { complete_task (task_ptr); }
Use of the critical pragma
Need to ensure function get_next-task executes atomically. Prevents two threads having the same value for task_ptr.
Critical Section for get_next_task
char *get_next_task(struct job_struct **job_ptr) { struct task_struct *answer; #pragma omp critical { if (*job_ptr == NULL) answer = NULL; else { answer = (*job_ptr)->task; *job_ptr = (*job_ptr)->next; } return answer;
Functions for SPMD-style Programming
The parallel pragma allows us to write SPMD-style programs In these programs we often need to know number of threads and thread ID number OpenMP provides functions to retrieve this information This information is used to divide the iterations among the threads.
Function omp_get_thread_num
This function returns the thread identification number If there are t threads, the ID numbers range from 0 to t-1 The master thread has ID number 0 int omp_get_thread_num (void)
Function omp_get_num_threads
Function omp_get_num_threads returns the number of active threads If call this function from sequential portion of program, it will return 1 int omp_get_num_threads (void)
SPMD Example Example of computing given on pg 423-424
Since area of unit circle is , the part of the unit circle in first quadrant has area of /4. This quarter circle is contained in the unit square whose SW corner is at the origin The area of the unit square is 1. The Monte Carlo method can estimate the portion of the circle lying inside square Random coordinates (x,y) are generated with 0x,y1 The percent of coordinates lying inside circle is approximately the portion of area of square that lies within the circle
SPMD Example Multiple threads are used to increase accuracy of approximation of /4 Different threads generate different sequence of random coordinates in unit square Each thread computes the same number of random coordinates and a subtotal of those lying within the unit square The total of these subtotals divided into the total number of coordinates generated is the approximate area of the quarter circle.
for Pragma The parallel pragma instructs every thread to execute all of the code inside the block If we encounter a for loop inside parallel pragma block that we want to divide among threads, we use the for pragma #pragma omp for
Example Use of ‘for’ Pragma
#pragma omp parallel private(i,j) for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { low = a[i]; high = b[i]; if (low > high) { printf ("Exiting (%d)\n", i); break; } #pragma omp for for (j = low; j < high; j++) c[j] = (c[j] - a[i])/b[i]; 1st ‘for’ is executed by all threads 2nd ‘for’ divides up inner loop iterations Creates only single fork/join
single Pragma Suppose we only want to see the output once
The single pragma directs compiler that only a single thread should execute the block of code the pragma precedes Syntax: #pragma omp single
Use of ‘single’ Pragma #pragma omp parallel private(i,j)
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { low = a[i]; high = b[i]; if (low > high) { #pragma omp single printf ("Exiting (%d)\n", i); break; } #pragma omp for for (j = low; j < high; j++) c[j] = (c[j] - a[i])/b[i]; ‘Single’ pragma tells compiler that only a single thread should execute code block.
‘nowait’ Clause Compiler puts a barrier synchronization at end of every parallel for statement Necessary in previous example If a thread leaves loop and changes low or high, it may affect behavior of another thread If ‘low’ & ‘high’ are private variables, then threads can move ahead and reduce execution time
Use of nowait Clause #pragma omp parallel private(i,j,low,high)
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { low = a[i]; high = b[i]; if (low > high) { #pragma omp single printf ("Exiting (%d)\n", i); break; } #pragma omp for nowait for (j = low; j < high; j++) c[j] = (c[j] - a[i])/b[i];
Task/Functional Parallelism
To this point all of our focus has been on exploiting data parallelism OpenMP allows us to assign different threads to different portions of code (task or functional parallelism)
Task Parallelism Example
v = alpha(); w = beta(); x = gamma(v, w); y = delta(); printf ("%6.2f\n", epsilon(x,y)); May execute alpha, beta, and delta in parallel
parallel sections Pragma
Precedes a block of k blocks of code that may be executed concurrently by k threads Syntax: #pragma omp parallel sections
‘section’ Pragma Precedes each block of code within the encompassing block preceded by the parallel sections pragma May be omitted for first parallel section after the parallel sections pragma Syntax: #pragma omp section
Example of parallel sections
#pragma omp parallel sections { #pragma omp section /* Optional */ v = alpha(); #pragma omp section w = beta(); y = delta(); } x = gamma(v, w); printf ("%6.2f\n", epsilon(x,y)); NOTE: We reorder assignments to group three that can be executed in order.
Another Approach Execute alpha and beta in parallel. Execute gamma and
delta in parallel.
sections Pragma Appears inside a parallel block of code
Has same meaning as the parallel sections pragma If multiple sections pragmas inside one parallel block, may reduce fork/join costs
Use of sections Pragma #pragma omp parallel { #pragma omp sections
v = alpha(); #pragma omp section w = beta(); } x = gamma(v, w); y = delta(); printf ("%6.2f\n", epsilon(x,y));
Quinn Summary (1/3) OpenMP an API for shared-memory parallel programming Shared-memory model based on fork/join parallelism Data parallelism parallel for pragma reduction clause
Quinn Summary (2/3) Functional parallelism (parallel sections pragma)
SPMD-style programming (parallel pragma) Critical sections (critical pragma) Enhancing performance of parallel for loops Inverting loops Conditionally parallelizing loops Changing loop scheduling
Quinn Summary (3/3) Characteristic OpenM MPI
Suitable for multiprocessors Yes Suitable for multicomputers No Supports incremental parallelization Minimal extra code Explicit control of memory hierarchy
Some Additional Comments
OpenMP Constructs Limited to compiler directives and library subroutine calls. The compiler directive format is such that they will be treated as comments by a sequential compiler. This allows existing sequential compilers to easily be modified to support OpenMP Whether a program executes the same computation (or any meaningful computation when executed sequentially) is the responsibility of programmer.
Starting & Forking Execution
Execution starts with a sequential process that forks a fixed number of threads when it reaches a parallel region. This team of threads execute to the end of the parallel region and then join original process. The number of threads is constant within a parallel region. Different parallel regions can have a different number of threads.
OpenMP Synchronization
Handled by various methods, including critical sections single-point barrier ordered sections of a parallel loop that have to be performed in the specified order locks subroutine calls
Parallelizing Programs Philosophies
Two extreme philosophies for parallelizing programs In minimum approach, parallel constructs are only placed where large amounts of independent data is processed. Typically use nested loops Rest of program is executed sequentially. One problem is that it may not exploit all of the parallelism available in the program. The process creation and termination may be invoked many times and cost may be high.
Parallelizing Programs Philosophies (cont)
The other extreme is the SPMD approach, which treats the entire program as parallel code. Enters a parallel region at the beginning of the main program and exiting it just before the end. Steps serialized only when required by program logic. Many programs are a mixture of these two parallelizing extremes.
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