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University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, Slovak Republic IMPORTANCE OF DISINFECTION IN ANIMAL HEALTH PROTECTION, PRODUCTION OF HEALTHY.

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1 University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, Slovak Republic
IMPORTANCE OF DISINFECTION IN ANIMAL HEALTH PROTECTION, PRODUCTION OF HEALTHY FOOD AND PUBLIC HEALTH Ondrašovič M., Hromada R., Ondrašovičová S., Koščo J., Pošiváková T., Miňo I., Korytár Ľ., Chvojka D. Introduction Desinfection is aimed at the disposal of harmful or other harmful organisms into living or non-living materials as to prevent infectious or other vermin and killing, inactivation or removal. According to the focus we know the focal disinfection, which aims to devitalize the agent in the environment where the choice of disinfectant decides the veterinary doctor. In preventive disinfection objective is to reduce the number of microorganisms in the environment, which it is already a matter of more or less the owners, but it is an important part of disease prevention respectively, the damages which are caused in the environment. The action of disinfectants is specific to particular types of microorganisms, which must be considered when selecting. In the present work, we want to point out the mentioned issue and the shortcomings, which occur in the area. Methodology Microbiological efficacy of disinfection most objective reflects the effectiveness of disinfection operations. Detection rate of pathogenic microorganisms in the environment is a few probable and therefore the efficiency of assessed on the basis of the presence of indicators germ. Sampling is carried out in the area after disinfection and after the desired exposure by using sterile swabs to 10 ml of sterile saline solution. Sampling strategy in quantitative analysis is done thoroughly by collection of surface 10 cm2 delimited sterile template. At qualitative examination is the smear taken from the surface 100 cm2. Samples were taken from the floor, side walls, a ceiling, but also of different materials and devices, which are located in the object. After collection, the samples must be processed as soon as possible. For determination of total cell count of microorganisms is used agar matrix with trypton, yeast extract and glucose, where the microorganisms are cultivated 72 hours at 30 °C. At assessment was used the procedure by STN ISO 4833. Determination of coliforms microorganisms it is based on the counting of colonies of microorganisms after incubation on the solid agar matrix with crystal violet, neutral red, bile salts and lactose (VRBL) 24 hours at 30 °C. At assessment was used the procedure by STN ISO Determine the number of moulds is based on colony count microorganisms after cultivation on agar matrix with yeast extract, glucose and chloramphenicol 3-5 days at 35 °C. At assessment was used the procedure by STN ISO 7954. Results and Discussion It was performed disinfection of objects with using more current disinfectants at recommended concentrations and then by using microbiological control of disinfection which we carried out with swabs, subsequently was evaluated effectiveness of disinfection by total number of colonies, number of E. coli, moulds and yeast. Graph No.1 Effectiveness of disinfection at CPM Chloramine T; 2. NaOH; 3. Persteril; 4 Formalin; 5. Virkon S; 6. Incidur; 7. Antec Longlife 250S; 8. Bioclean; 9. Chlorine lime Based on the values of the disinfection efficacy shown in graph1 we can state that disinfectant Pedox, Chloramine T, Chlorinated lime and Incidur achieved the best devitalization effects at total number of colonies in the disinfected object where was individually achieved 98%, 95%, 94% and 90% efficiency. Graph No.2 Effectiveness of disinfection at E.coli Chloramine T; 2. NaOH; 3. Persteril; 4 Formalin; 5. Virkon S; 6. Incidur; 7. Antec Longlife 250S; 8. Bioclean; 9. Chlorine lime The graph 2 shows that most of the used disinfectants had significant devitalization effect on E. coli. Disinfecting efficacy by using Pedox was reached at 98% efficiency; 95% effect was achieved with the product Chloramine T; 91% formalin and preparation Incidur reached 90% efficiency. The preparation Virkon S was achieved only 56% efficiency. Graph No. 3 Effectiveness of disinfection for moulds and yeasts Chloramine T; 2. NaOH; 3. Pedox; 4. Formalin; 5. Virkon S; 6. Incidur; 7. Antec Longlife 250S; 8. Bioclean; 9.Chlorine lime Graph 3 refers to the percentage of effectiveness of various disinfectants preparations for moulds and yeasts. Virkon S with efficiency 60 % had the lowest disinfecting effect. The most expressive at devitalized effect was at Pedox and reached 94 %. At Chloramin T the efficacy was 84 %  at chlorine lime 80% and Incidur 82%. The use of disinfectants is among the most important preventive measures for microorganism’s devitalization. On the reduce the importance of their use is accounted for optimism in connection with the introduction of antibiotics, in respect of their use in surgical practice but also with the whole application of preventive disinfection environment. The focal disinfection the success of which is related to contain epidemic respectively, epizootic have the main importance in protecting public health. At choice of disinfectants is a basic requirement devitalization of zoonotic disease, but also residual environmental burden by residues used from the disinfectant. Action of the disinfectant according to the chemical composition has the specific mechanism the effect of the bacterial cell, which must be considered when selecting disinfectants on the focal disinfection and originator who caused it. Within the European Union on this issue there are legislative guidelines at occurrence of dangerous infections. In the meaning of listed directives are at Slovak Republic in progress measures to eradicate certain infectious diseases, which they are defined for each disease by government regulations. Within these is the obligation to safety the focal disinfection delegates at the regional veterinary doctor. These are for example: Government Regulation No. 116/2005 Coll. SR deals on measures to control foot-and-mouth disease; Government Regulation No. 314/2003 Coll. SR about measures for damping Newcastle disease; Government Regulation No. 367/2007 Coll. on measures to control avian influenza. Conclusion Pursuant to that regulation is defined procedures and guidelines to ensure the required cleansing and disinfection. Given the evolution of the used products, there are not intended products that are effective for the disease and the decision is delegated to the regional veterinarian, where the disease originated. As documented in the present work: Devitalizing effectiveness of disinfectants on various microorganisms, it has own specifics, which, when it is necessary taken into consideration. In this respect, in our country it is not designed workplace that would help in the selection of current disinfectants on liquidation of dangerous infectious diseases. The study was supported by Cultural and Educational Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic KEGA č.003UVLF-4/2016.

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