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Incorporating Windows® Media Into Web Sites 7-317 Chris Carper Program Manager Windows Media Microsoft Corporation

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Presentation on theme: "Incorporating Windows® Media Into Web Sites 7-317 Chris Carper Program Manager Windows Media Microsoft Corporation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Incorporating Windows® Media Into Web Sites Chris Carper Program Manager Windows Media Microsoft Corporation

2 Agenda Windows Media MetaFiles (Controlling the Player experience)
Embedding Windows Media into Web Pages Synchronized Multimedia Demonstrations

3 Windows Media Content Development and Deployment
UNICAST, MULITCAST Live Content License Server End Users: Home, Business Live Feed Encoding Workstation On-demand Content Windows Media Services Server Web Server Streaming from a Web Server Download & Play Streaming From a WM Server Editing Workstation Stored Content Authoring Distribution Playback

4 Windows Media Metafiles
XML structured data files used to: Launch WMP from web page Create play lists and integrate advertising Specify information about a clip Enable/Disable functionality in WMP Create them with Notepad, or tools like On-Demand Producer, Server, etc.

5 Why Use Metafiles? Required for hyperlinking from Netscape Navigator
Allows you to fill in the details Title, Author, Copyright… Provides Greater control over playback URL users can safely link to or add to favorites

6 Basic Metafile <ASX version = "3.0” > <Entry>
<Ref href = “mms://server/program1.asf"/> </Entry> </ASX>

7 Complete Metafile <ASX version = "3.0" >
<Title>Title of the Show</Title> <Author>Chris Carper</Author> <Copyright>Copyright 1998 Acme</Copyright> <Abstract> This is a few sentences describing the clip, which will be displayed as a tooltip or in Properties. </Abstract> <Entry> <Title>Title of the Clip</Title> <Ref href = "mms://server/program1.asf"/> </Entry> </ASX>

8 Playlist Metafile <ASX version = "3.0” > <Entry>
<Ref href = “mms://server/ad.asf"/> </Entry> <Ref href = “mms://server/program1.asf"/> </ASX>

9 Hyperlinked Metafile <ASX version = "3.0" >
<Title>Title of the Show</Title> <Author>Chris Carper</Author> <Copyright>Copyright 2000 Acme</Copyright> <Entry> <MoreInfo href=” /> <Title>Title of the Clip</Title> <Ref href = "mms://server/program1.asf"/> </Entry> </MoreInfo> </ASX>

10 Redundant Metafile <ASX version="3.0"> <Entry>
<ref href="mms://server1/welcome.asf"/> <ref href="mms://server2/welcome.asf"/> <ref href=" </Entry> </ASX>

11 Banner Metafile <ASX version = "3.0” > <Entry>
<Banner href=“ <MoreInfo href=” /> </Banner> <Ref href = “mms://server/advertisement.asf"/> </Entry> <Ref href = “mms://server/program1.asf"/> </ASX>


13 Dynamic Metafiles Windows Media Metafiles can be dynamically generated from ASP Typical corporate scenario: Customer deploys multiple WM Servers close to the end users Users access centralized web site to find content they wish to view ASP page examines users IP address and generates Dynamic metafile directing them to the closest available Windows Media Server Typical Internet scenario: Personalized advertising

14 Using Metafiles Best practices for streaming
Use the right extension For Audio: Use .WAX extension For Audio/Video: Use .WVX extension Copy file to Web server Set the Mime Type on your Web server Always hyperlink to a metafile!

15 MIME Types Required for accessing metafiles from a web server
Document on Jumpstart CD & Web site Configure as follows: .WMA audio/x-ms-wma .WAX audio/x-ms-wax .WMV video/x-ms-wmv .WVX video/x-ms-wvx

16 Programming The WM Player
Extensible filter-based architecture for network and local multimedia playback Leverages DirectX® foundation: DirectSound® for audio mixing and low-latency audio, Direct3D® for hardware 3D acceleration Embed and control the Player Control/Plug-in via scripting and programming languages Visual Basic® Scripting Edition or JavaScript/JScript™ COM interfaces with Visual Basic or Visual C++®/Visual J++® Fully scriptable Netscape Plug-in supports all properties, methods, and events Windows Media SDK fully documents interfaces

17 Browser/Applications
Architecture Browser/Applications Netscape Plug-in Source Filter (AVI, VOD, ASF, etc.) Windows Media Player Control Transform Filter Renderer Direct Show Filter Graph Manager DirectX Foundation Com Interfaces

18 Embedding For Video

19 Embedding For Audio

20 Embedding The WM Player Leverage Browser Capabilities
<!– Internet Explorer ActiveX Control  <OBJECT ID=MediaPlayer1 HEIGHT=412 WIDTH=326 CLASSID="CLSID:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95" CODEBASE= " <PARAM NAME="FILENAME“ VALUE=“MyShow.asx"> <!– Netscape Embed Tag --> <Embed type="application/x-mplayer2“ pluginspage = " Name=“MediaPlayer1" src=“MyShow.asx"> </embed> </OBJECT>

21 FrontPage Demonstration

22 Synchronizing Events

23 Synchronized Multimedia
Enhances audio/video content by synchronizing with external information, such as: PowerPoint Slides (GIF/JPEG/HTML) External Web Pages Embedded functions within a web page Closed Captioning / Transcripts Flash Animations …Any data type supported by Internet Explorer or the application hosting WMP


25 Synchronization Methods
Intrinsic Methods URL redirects (more than one frame) FILENAME changes clip being played TEXT changes caption EVENT searches for <EVENT> in ASX file OPENEVENT opens EVENT, then waits Custom Methods Call external functions Any Name You Want MyFavoriteJavascriptFunction

26 Synchronized Events

27 Summary Embedding Windows Media Player provides
Greater control over playback Integrated Web site experience Allows for synchronization with external content (Web Pages, Slides, Closed Captioning, etc) Works with IE & Netscape Works across platforms (Windows, Mac, Solaris, STBs)

28 Call to Action Create Windows Media metafiles for all your content, host on web server Learn more about embedding Windows Media Player at Learn more about WMP 7 Skins Use WMP 6.4 Control for embedding in web pages Use WMP 7 Control for applications

29 Windows Media @TechEd Windows Media 7: Platform Overview
Monday 6/5 12noon Incorporating Windows Media Into Web Sites Monday 6/5 5pm Hosting Windows Media: Best Practices Tuesday 6/6 315pm Creating Skins for the Windows Media Player 7 Wednesday 6/7 430pm Windows Media SDK: Under the Hood Thursday 6/8 315pm Digital Rights Management Thursday 6/8 430pm Windows Media Authoring: Capturing from Screen, Live & Pre-Recorded Media Thursday 6/8 615pm


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