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Pastoral Counseling 1 Timothy 1:9

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1 Pastoral Counseling 1 Timothy 1:9
But they were not made for people who do what is right. They are for people who are disobedient and rebellious, who are ungodly and sinful, who consider nothing sacred and defile what is holy, who murder their father or mother or other people. They who despise the authority of the lawgiver violate the first commandment, which is the foundation of the law, and the ground of all obedience. Pastoral Counseling

2 Informed Consent Timing – someone coming to see you while in the midst of a crisis will not be ready to discuss informed consent. Use tact and good sense. Take care that (1) the client has the capacity to give consent; (2) you have discussed counseling together and the client reasonably understands the nature and process of counseling; and (3) the client freely gives consent to counseling, without coercion or undue influence. Buy In…….

3 Informed Consent Information of the services you provide.
What is your scope and focus. What is beyond your scope? Many will want you to testify. Goals of Therapy and Procedures What problems are you addressing? What techniques will you use. Client’s responsibility. Keep Records

4 Confidentiality Any information that is divulged with the implicit or explicit promise and the reasonable expectation that it will not be further disclosed except for the purpose for which it was provided.

5 Exceptions Written Consent – Include
Who – Both the organization and the individual in the organization. What – Specifically what is being released. Testing; notes; tx plans; etc… How – How the person receiving the information will use the info. When – When will the information be sent. When will the consent expire. (should never be longer then one year.

6 Exceptions Duty to Warn and Protect
When a client discloses intentions or a plan to harm another person, the health care professional is required to warn the intended victim and report this information to legal authorities. In cases in which the client discloses or implies a plan for suicide, the health care professional is required to notify legal authorities and make reasonable attempts to notify the family of the client. In most cases counselors do not have to report past criminal activity.

7 Exceptions Abuse of Children and Vulnerable Adults
If a client states or suggests that he or she is abusing a child (or vulnerable adult) or has recently abused a child (or vulnerable adult), or a child (or vulnerable adult) is in danger of abuse, the health care professional is required to report this information to the appropriate social service and/or legal authorities. Prenatal Exposure to Controlled Substances Health care professionals are required to report admitted prenatal exposure to controlled substances that are potentially harmful.

8 Exceptions In the Event of a Client’s Death
In the event of a client’s death, the spouse or parents of a deceased client have a right to access their child’s or spouse’s records. Professional Misconduct Professional misconduct by a health care professional must be reported by other health care professionals. In cases in which a professional or legal disciplinary meeting is being held regarding the health care professional’s actions, related records may be released in order to substantiate disciplinary concerns.

9 Exceptions Court Orders
Health care professionals are required to release records of clients when a court order has been placed. Consent for subpoenas. Minors/Guardianship Parents or legal guardians of nonemancipated minor clients have the right to access the client’s records.

10 Exceptions In the event in which the clinic or mental health professional must telephone the client for purposes such as appointment cancellations or reminders, or to give/receive other information, efforts are made to preserve confidentiality. Please list where we may reach you by phone and how you would like us to identify ourselves. For example, you might request that when we phone you at home or work, we do not say the name of the clinic or the nature of the call, but rather the mental health professional’s first name only.

11 Sexual Misconduct Prevention
Be aware of your own needs and well-being Develop and maintain fulfilling relationships apart from your counseling work. Be conservative in terms of touch. Limit contact with counselees in social settings and other relationships apart from the counseling room. Keep a professional manner in counseling by adhering to time limits, meeting in appropriate places and boundaries for emergency contact. Have informed consent Be careful about self-disclosure.

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