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How Not to Fall Asleep at Your Desk

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Presentation on theme: "How Not to Fall Asleep at Your Desk"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Not to Fall Asleep at Your Desk
A masterclass on beating the 3pm slump, without the Starbucks run.

2 I’m Sally Somers, a Nutritionist and Transformational Health Coach.
Who am I? I’m Sally Somers, a Nutritionist and Transformational Health Coach. As a former burnt out executive (who used to fall asleep at her desk), I now help corporate women suffering from burnout regain their energy with a customized nutrition and lifestyle plan so they can sleep well at night, achieve more and regain their social life.

3 My Journey Worked in corporate for 12 years before burning out before going back to school for nutrition. Graduated Canadian School of Natural Nutrition in 2010 as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. Graduated Integrative Nutrition in 2013 as a Health Coach. Overcame food sensitivities, created healthy boundaries, healed my own adrenal fatigue and regained my social life. I now spend my days working with women just like you to regain their energy and reclaim their schedules so they can get back to having fun!

4 What We’ll Cover The key vitamins and nutrients to focus on in order to regain your energy How to create a balanced schedule so you can go out on weekends and regain your social life How to get a better sleep so you can wake up feeling refreshed each morning

5 Key Vitamins & Nutrients
What vitamins and nutrients are most important to support your adrenals? What should your ‘macros’ look like? What kind of supplements do you need and which could be doing more harm than good?

6 Create a Balanced Schedule
How do you balance work, life and social activities without burning out? How can you rework your schedule in order to free up more time and energy? Who/what do you need to start saying no to?

7 Get a Better Sleep How does balancing your blood sugar through the day help you sleep through the night? What are the foods you should eat before bed to give you a better nights sleep? What is the bedtime routine to help you get a more restful sleep?

8 In Summary The essential vitamins and nutrients most important to support your adrenals are X.Y, Z. The recommendation for your ‘macros’ are X, Y Z. The supplements I recommend are X, Y, Z and suggest you avoid X, Y, Z. You can balance your schedule for more fun and socializing if you ditch X, Y, Z. Eating X, Y, Z can dramatically improve your energy and help you sleep through the night. You can break up with your caffeine addiction and beat the afternoon slump by doing X, Y, Z.

9 You imagine… Jumping out of bed in the morning without hitting snooze at least 3 times Getting to your meeting on time, with bouncy hair and a bounce in your step Joining your co-worker for yoga in the park one morning, even just once Sailing through your workweek with energy left over for a girl’s night out But I know what you’re (really) thinking: “Yeah right. I just need to survive this week.” The reality is you hit snooze 4 times because you were up late cruising WebMD. You just barely make it to your meeting in time and you are rocking the telltale ‘oops I slept in’ topknot -- never mind making your lunch or making it to yoga. Your brain is foggy and you spend the rest of the day angry with yourself for not having it together.

10 Sound Familiar!?

11 Introducing… Nourish. A 90 Day Transformational Coaching Program for women who are ready to break up with burnout, sleep better at night, achieve more and regain their social life. What’s Included: 90-minute strategy session to review your current situation + set your 90 day goals Customized nutrition & lifestyle plan, which we'll test + tweak throughout 11 x 45-minute weekly coaching sessions to review progress and tweak your plan as necessary Weekly food diary review via  (optional) support between sessions – I’ve got your back!

12 Exclusive Offer for Masterclass Attendees:
Regular Investment:  $1800 USD Exclusive Offer for Masterclass Attendees: Save $500 when you register by Sept 1

13 Who is this for? Who is this not for?
You want a customized approach to regaining your energy and getting to the root cause of your fatigue You’re ready to do the mindset work and learn how to say no to things/people that are draining your energy You’re coachable and willing to try things you haven’t tried before Who is this not for? You’re looking for a quick fix You’re not ready to look into hidden causes of your fatigue You’re not willing to try things you may not have tried before

14 “Testimonial……..” - Awesome client “Testimonial……..” - Awesome client

15 Questions!? Type ‘em in the chat!

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