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Attendance and Punctuality

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Presentation on theme: "Attendance and Punctuality"— Presentation transcript:

1 Attendance and Punctuality
Today’s assembly is to talk about attendance and punctuality and also first aid.

2 Katie Who are attendance team are. Mr Willey is not only the assistant head teacher but also the head of attendance! Display board- Weekly figures are displayed for each year group, rewards for 100% attenders are displayed. Come and have a look regularly updated, house attendance will also be displayed.

3 But just remember… All members of staff are part of the Attendance Team!

4 Why Attend School? Better grades and opportunities
Learning will be more enjoyable, you won’t get behind Make friends, and build good relationships with your teachers It is the Law Liz *Importance of attendance. Impact on Education (Better grades) * Progression, build rapport with teacher, *Enjoy learning more, won’t get behind. *Make more friends if you’re here more. More employable

5 What happens when you don’t attend school?
Text message is sent out in the morning Phone calls are made Home visits may be carried out Tutor involvement Head of House involvement Katie *Daily basis -Phone calls -Text messages -If you are absent for three consecutive days and no one has notified us of the reason, we will complete a home visit.

6 What happens if you drop below 95%
PLT phone call Text messages Warning letters Katie *What happens if you drop below 95% -PLT phone call -Text messages

7 What happens if your attendance drops below 90%
Persistent Absence category Attendance panels Local Authority involvement Katie *What happens if you drop below 90% -PA -Potential LA involvement -Examples

8 News Story Liz

9 News Story ‘Distress she was causing her family’.
‘Failure to make the most of your educational opportunity’. ‘Frequently missed classes’. ‘You’ve put your Mum through the mill, resulting in her losing her job’. ‘You’re going to find yourself unemployable’. ‘Ordered to pay £40 fine and £80 court costs’. Liz

10 1 week and 4 days of learning missed Satisfactory
100% Attendance 0 days missed Excellent 95% Attendance 9 days of absence 1 week and 4 days of learning missed Satisfactory 90% Attendance 19 days of absence 3 weeks and 4 days of learning missed Poor 85% Attendance 28 days of absence 5 weeks and 3 days of learning missed Very Poor 80% Attendance 38 days of absence 7 weeks and 3 days of learning missed Unacceptable 75% Attendance 46 days of absence 9 weeks and 1 day of learning missed Liz *Hands up who currently has an attendance of 100% *Hands up who doesn’t know what their current attendance figure s *Checking on G4S/Parents do check!!

11 100% - It can be done! Katie

12 Top Tips For Great Attendance
‘Be more resilient’ ‘If you have a sniffle, you are not ill’ ‘Eat healthy food such as fruit and vegetables’ ‘Get plenty of sleep’ ‘Exercise regularly’ ‘Avoid technology before bed’ *Tips from pupils who achieved 100% attendance in the last academic year *Will it be you this year?

13 Starting College or a New Career
Limited places Written Warnings References Limited places offered, if attendance was poor at school they may not set you on. If you keep missing days in a job will lead to written warnings etc… Hard to find a job afterwards. References

14 Punctuality Arrive in school before 8.30 More prepared for the day
Get to know your tutor group Prevents you from missing work. To ensure good practice with time keeping skills, getting you ready for the future. Keep updated with events happening in school

15 Equivalent learning missed
Minutes late per day Equivalent learning missed 0 minutes 0 school days per year 5 minutes 3 school days per year 10 minutes 7 school days per year 15 minutes 10 school days per year 20 minutes 13 school days per year 30 minutes 20 school days per year *How punctual are you? *What impact this has on school life: -You have missed the chance to chat with your friends before school. -Missing work. -Interrupting class, leaving you feeling embarrassed, unsettled and less confident with your work.

16 If you are late, deal with the consequences...
Negative behaviour logs Letters home Parents have to attend meetings in school Same day 15 minute detention Text message to parents so NO EXCUSES 30 minute Friday detention with *What will happen if you’re late to school: Behaviour logs Receive a pass detailing the detention you will receive, on the same day! Text home to alert parents Detention (15 mins after school) DEB and us If you fail to attend this will roll over resulting in a longer detention with SRW Continually monitor punctuality, letters- may lead to punctuality panels- EWO If you arrive at school at the student gate is locked- press the buzzer once and wait for us to answer. Do not hold the button in!!


18 Top Tips For Punctuality
Be prepared! Plan your journey Have everything ready the night before…including homework Set an alarm clock - don’t rely on others Go to sleep at a reasonable time No technology before bed Have a routine *You should aim to arrive at school for 08.30, and be outside your Tutor Room ready to start the day for 08.40 *Top tips: -Be more prepared, plan your journey, allow enough time. think about the friends/siblings you are travelling with. Don’t let these drag you down. Your own responsibility. -If you travel to school on public transport, and you know that the bus/trains are on strike, ensure that you make alternative arrangements in advance. -Go to bed at a reasonable hour, avoid using technology just before sleep. -Complete any homework that you have in advance, don’t rely on doing it in the morning. -Have an alarm clock, don’t rely on others!

19 Medical Appointments Return to school after appointments
Attend school before appointments Try to book out of school time Let us know in advance *Try to avoid taking time out of school for medical appointments. *If this can’t be avoided, make sure you attend school before and after the appointment to ensure that you receive both AM and PM marks. We will make phone calls for pupils that don’t return following their appointment. *You must bring an appointment card or letter into the Attendance office prior to the appointment. Alternatively, parents can phone us to make us aware of the appointment. You will not be allowed to leave if we have not received prior notice. *It is your responsibility to remember your appointment, we cannot chase around school for you! You must come to attendance to sign out at the time you need to leave. *Parents must collect you from the lay by on Moorgate road and not main reception. When you arrive back at school you must arrive back through the pupil entrance. Leave and return via pupil entrance Provide evidence

20 Holidays Should not be taken during term time!
Collect a letter from Attendance Let us know the dates IN ADVANCE SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN DURING TERM TIME! If you are going away during term time you need to: Collect a letter from Attendance Let us know the dates IN ADVANCE Any and all holidays taken will be coded as unauthorised absence

21 First Aid/Medical *You must come to attendance if you’re feeling unwell. *Under no circumstances should you contact parents/guardians when you are unwell. Anyone caught using a mobile phone will have the phone confiscated and you will receive a behaviour log for this. *We are not allowed to give you any pain relief such as Paracetamel, however you can bring this in from home in the original box, with a signed note from parents and we will store this for you. If you have been un well the night before get parents to phone us to make us aware or please come and tell us! Antibiotics

22 Use your break wisely! But if you must... Toilets
*Ask your teacher for permission to go to the toilet. (If this is 10 minutes before or after break time you will not be allowed unless you have a medical pass. Use your breaks wisely!) *Your teacher must give you an Out of Lesson Pass. *Come to Attendance and ask to use the toilet. You may be sent back if the queue is too long. *You will received a 0 point log every time you go to the toilet during lesson time. Your Tutor and Head of House will monitor how frequently you leave lessons to use the toilet.



25 Heads of House are watching you!
HOH are always monitoring the toilets as well and everything you do!

26 Attendance Rewards 100% tutor group – Longer break
4 X Consecutive weeks (Domino’s pizza) Most improved incentive (Vouchers/ Sweets/ Toiletries) Achievement logs/ Certificates HoH lottery/Attendance Lottery for 100% attendance 100% Attendance Reward BUT they are also watching all the positive things that you do!

27 We want to know your weekly routine when at school!
Tutor Activity We want to know your weekly routine when at school! Why do you think your routine helps you attend school and arrive on time. What do you think you could change about your routine to improve your attendance and punctuality. Tutors will check and mark this.

28 Tutor Competition Each tutor group will be creating an attendance poster which will be judged by the attendance team. This will display the benefits of attendance and punctuality and how this can be achieved.

29 Video Clip
Thank you for listening to us today, please if you have any questions pop in and see us or alternatively speak to your HOH or PLT. To finish our assembly today we have a short video clip for you to watch, this is a man called Magic Johnson professional basket ball player explaining how him attending school helped him to achieve success.

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