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KELLY Dudley Ece 675 Dr. david brown

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1 KELLY Dudley Ece 675 Dr. david brown
Chapter 12 Effective Strategies for Teaching Reading to Adults By: John R. Kruidenier KELLY Dudley Ece 675 Dr. david brown

2 Adult Literacy Research Working Group
Purpose Findings Identify & evaluate existing research related to adult literacy reading instruction & provide the field with research related adult literacy products, including principles & practices for practitioners (Curtis & Kruidenier, 2005). Supplemented with findings from reading instruction with children, reviewed & related to family literacy programs to provide research based approaches to teach adults to read.

3 Adult Education (AE) Serves ages 16+
No longer serviced by secondary education programs Including: Low literate adults in community based literacy centers Family literacy programs Prison literacy programs Workplace literacy programs Acronyms AE-Adult Education ABE- Adult Basic Education ASE-Adult Secondary Education ESOL-English for Speakers of Other Languages

4 Large Scale Survey of Adult Education Programs
40% of learners in government funded AE programs participated in ESOL programs Immigrants who wanted to improve their English & reading 39% AE learners participated in ABE classes for beginning readers (K-8 reading levels) Adults in program have severe reading problems Dyslexia LD 19% participated in ASE programs: working on HS equivalency (9-12 reading levels).

5 Components of Reading Alphabetics Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension

6 What Do We Know About Adult Learners’ Reading Abilities?
Alphabetic Assessment Fluency Assessment Vocabulary Assessment Reading Comprehension Assessment

7 (Adult) Reading Instruction: ASE, ESOL & ABE Learners
Alphabetic Instruction Fluency Instruction Vocabulary Instruction Comprehension Instruction ESOL ASE ABE

8 Implications for Family Literacy Programs
Use research based approaches to teach reading to adult learners Assessment of the components are essential first step in effective reading instruction Use direct & explicit instruction (Word Analysis & Phonemic Awareness) to tech alphabetic principles were best taught together for adults Repeated reading w/multiple repetitions of new words in meaningful & engaging context can be used to teach fluency & vocabulary

9 Research: Implications for Family Literacy Programs
ABE learners & LD may need more intense alphabetic & fluency instruction ASE & ESOL may need more intense vocabulary & comprehension instruction Research with children provide effective support to AE learners in filling in gaps Adult oriented & contextually relevant materials may lead to increased reading achievement ( MORE RESEARCH NEEDED to Verify) Family Literacy programs may have natural advantage when teaching AE learnersmore likely to use highly relevant family oriented material Motivational Activities: Give adult control over what they read & reading goals; collaborative learning activities

10 References Retrieved from internet: Youtube- Curtis, M. E, & Kruidenier, J.R. (2005). Teaching adults to read: A summary of scientifically based research principles. Washington, DC: National Institute for Literacy Wasik, B.H. (2004). Handbook of family literacy. New York: Routledge.

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