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A Closer Look at the Pre-K Classroom Organization Domain

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Presentation on theme: "A Closer Look at the Pre-K Classroom Organization Domain"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Closer Look at the Pre-K Classroom Organization Domain

2 Classroom Organization Domain
Focuses on classroom processes related to the organization and management of children’s behavior, time, and attention

3 Child Outcomes The development and expression of regulatory skills is highly dependant on the classroom environment Children exhibit better self-regulation in classroom environments with effective Classroom Organization Classroom environments with effective Classroom Organization tend to have children who make greater academic progress toward school-readiness goals

4 The Classroom Organization Domain
There are three dimensions under the Classroom Organization Domain BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT PRODUCTIVITY INSTRUCTIONAL LEARNING FORMATS

Encompasses staff’s ability to provide clear behavioral expectations and use effective methods to prevent and redirect behavior

6 Behavior Management Overview
Within the dimension of Behavior Management there are four categories of behavioral markers observed: Clear Behavioral Expectations Proactive Redirection of Misbehavior Child Behavior

7 Clear Behavior Expectations
Rules and expectations for behavior are clear and consistently enforced Clear Expectations Consistency Clarity of Rules

8 Proactive Staff is consistently proactive and monitors the classroom effectively to prevent problems from developing Anticipates Problem Behavior or Escalation Low Reactivity Monitors

9 Redirection of Misbehavior
Staff effectively redirects misbehavior by focusing on positives and making use of subtle cues without taking time away from learning Effective Reduction of Misbehavior Attention to the Positive Uses Subtle Cues to Redirect Efficient Redirection

10 Student Behavior There are few, if any, instances of student misbehavior in the classroom Frequent Compliance Little Aggression and Defiance

11 Productivity Considers how well staff manages instructional time and routines and provides activities for children so that they have the opportunity to be involved in learning activities

12 Productivity Overview
Within the dimension of Productivity there are four categories of behavioral markers observed: Maximizing Learning Time Routines Transitions Preparation

13 Maximizing Learning Time
Staff provides activities for the children and deals efficiently with disruptions and managerial tasks Provision of Activities Choice When Finished Few Disruptions Effective Completion of Managerial Tasks Pacing

14 Routines The classroom resembles a “well-oiled machine”; everybody knows what is expected of them and how to go about doing it Children Know What To Do Clear Instructions Little Wandering

15 Transitions are quick and efficient
Brief Explicit Follow-through Learning Opportunities Within

16 Staff is fully prepared for activities and lessons
Preparation Staff is fully prepared for activities and lessons Materials Ready and Accessible Knows Lessons

17 Instructional Learning Formats
Focuses on the ways in which staff maximizes children’s interest, engagement, and ability to learn from lessons and activities

18 Instructional Learning Formats Overview
Within the dimension of Instructional Learning Formats there are four categories of behavioral markers observed: Effective Facilitation Variety of Modalities and Materials Child Interest Clarity of Learning Objectives

19 Effective Facilitation
Staff actively facilitates children’s engagement in activities and lessons to encourage participation and expanded involvement Teacher Involvement Effective Questioning Expanding Children’s Involvement

20 Variety of Modalities and Materials
Staff uses a variety of modalities including auditory, visual, and movement and uses a variety of materials to effectively interest children and gain their participation during activities and lessons Range of Auditory, Visual, and Movement Opportunities Interesting and Creative Materials Hands-on Opportunities

21 Student Interest Children are consistently interested and involved in activities and lessons Active Participation Listening Focused Attention

22 Clarity of Learning Objectives
Staff effectively focuses children’s attention toward learning objectives and/or the purpose of the lesson Advanced Organizers Summaries Reorientation Statements

23 In conclusion, classrooms function best and provide the most opportunities for learning when children are well-behaved, consistently have things to do, and are interested and engaged in learning tasks

24 For additional information…
Please visit the website for informational videos and recorded webinars regarding CLASS and classroom best practices And please don’t forget to fill out the survey at the end of this presentation!

25 The Children’s Forum Program Assessment Center website :
For more information on the Strong Minds program, please contact the Strong Minds Navigators: Irene Apolinar (561) Natasha Smith (561) For copies of this PowerPoint, to view a recording of this webinar, and to watch our informational videos please visit The Children’s Forum Program Assessment Center website :

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