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Role of Explant Tissue Infection Assays Ian McGowan MD DPhil FRCP University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA 26th July, Paris, France Wednesday October 7th 15.

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Presentation on theme: "Role of Explant Tissue Infection Assays Ian McGowan MD DPhil FRCP University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA 26th July, Paris, France Wednesday October 7th 15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Role of Explant Tissue Infection Assays Ian McGowan MD DPhil FRCP University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA 26th July, Paris, France Wednesday October 7th 15 minutes + 5 minutes for questions

2 Disclosures Consultant Employment ABIVAX Novicol Health Sciences
Chief Medical Officer at AELIX Therapeutics

3 Overview The explant model of HIV infection
Tissue Virus Use of the explant model in clinical trials Challenges of the model Bridging explant data to clinical efficacy

4 The Explant Model Tissue types Challenge model Cervical (S, NS)
Vaginal (S, NS) Penile (S) Tonsil (S, NS) Colorectal (S, NS) Challenge model Human NHP S: surgical; NS: nonsurgical

5 The Explant Model Polarised model Non-Polarised model
Abner SR et al. JID 2005 Fletcher P et al. AIDS 2006

6 The Colorectal Explant Model
Endoscopic biopsies Absorbable gelatin sponge +

7 Colorectal Explant Infection

8 PCR as An Alternative Endpoint
HIV-1BaL HIV-1CHO77 Janocko L et al. AIDS Research & Human Retroviruses 2015

9 Surgical or Endoscopic Tissue?
Replication of HIV JR-CSF better in flex sig tissue than surgical. No difference with Bal Dezzutti C et al PLoS ONE

10 Biopsy Site & Explant Infection
Dezzutti C et al PLOS ONE

11 Clinical Studies with Explant PD
RMP-01 (Topical UC781) RMP-02 (Oral TDF & Topical TFV) CHARM-01 (Topical TFV) MWRI-01 (IM TMC278) MTN-017 (Oral TDF & Topical TFV) HPTN-069 (Oral MVC, FTC, & TDF) CHARM-03 (Oral MVC & Topical MVC) MTN-026 (Topical DPV)

12 Examples of Study Data CHARM-01 MWRI-01 HPTN-069
Phase 1 rectal microbicide study MWRI-01 Phase 1 LA rilpivirine PK/PD HPTN-069 Phase 2 Study of four oral PrEP regimens

13 CHARM-01 McGowan I et al. PLoS ONE 2015

14 MWRI-01 Ex vivo / in vitro1 In vitro2
1McGowan I et al. Lancet HIV 2016; 2Dezzutti C et al. AAAC 2016

15 HPTN-069 (P<0.05) (P<0.05) HIV-1 p24 (pg/mL/mg) Important caveat: MVC rapidly disassociates from explant tissue1 1Coll J et al. AIDS 2015 McGowan I et al. CROI 2016

16 Challenges with Using the Explant Model in Trials
Choice of virus Generally HIV-1BaL Challenge inoculum Viral incubation period Choice of virological endpoint Standardization of model across sites in multicenter trials

17 Explant Assay Variability
Richardson-Harman N et al. AIDS Research & Human Retroviruses 2016

18 Bridging Explant Data to Clinical Efficacy
Increased need to standardize protocols and reagents to reduce assay variability PD data should always be evaluated with PK data Despite assay limitations HPTN-069 colorectal explant data supports Phase 2B/3 effectiveness data for FTC/TDF MTN-013/IPM 026 cervical explant data supports Phase 2B/3 effectiveness data for dapivirine

19 Acknowledgements The study participants
>1,000 flexible sigmoidoscopies and 20,000 biopsies in Pittsburgh1 My explant colleagues but especially Charlene Dezzutti and Nicola Richardson-Harman Funding from NIH/NIAID/DAIDS and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Chiu WK et al. AIDS Research & Human Retroviruses 2017

20 Thank You

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