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Analysing Magazines By Zach Perry
Front covers. Magazine 1. Main title has featured pages. Featured pages of a new game shows that they have gone in depth about this specific game which will interests fans about the game and lure them to buy the magazine. Big title of the company in the middle of the screen. This is used so that people can instantly see the magazine title because it’s a big company and its audience will recognise it. I will use this technique in my magazine. Advertising in their magazine to get people to buy it. Advertising around the magazine will show that they don’t just have one point about the magazine and have multiple different points. It can also be used to show what is in the magazine without actually opening the magazine is that you can make a quick and informed decision about whether you would like to buy it. Latest Game- Using it so people will buy it for this game. They use this technique to show that the magazine is good and current and keeping up with recent releases of new games and they know it will sell. The magazine is aimed at a very particular group. Gamers and not just of a specific game of the whole genre. Asking questions about many different types of games and even though the main title and image is to one game it suggests other games. Big image to go along with their main title. Based the font and colours round this. This image is used really well throughout the whole of the backgrounds as the rest of the cover is shaped around it including the font and positioning of the adverts. Intriguing question based on topic interesting people that are related to the main topic of the magazine.
Magazine 2. Date and issue
Magazine Cover clearly directed at a certain group. People who enjoy sports. With different issues on different sports. Title of the magazine. Tells you what issue it is and a slogan with it. The font is simple and bold and stands out against the background. Overall I feel that this magazine is very professional and based towards a singular target audience. His magazine is targeted towards male population interested in sport. Nothing going on in the background so that all attention is on the sportsman. He is remaining in focus at all times. Strong image. Strong pose of the Sportsman. Clearly highlights the sport as boxing for the issue and a famous boxer. Nice clear Heading and even showing that its all about ‘Anthony Joshua’ and his fight. A pun referring to the sport.
Magazine 3. Clearly showing the headline for the magazine. Matches the photo in the background of a famous music artist. ‘we her loyal subjects’. Clearly aiming at her fans. Showing company logo as they’re a famous company fading into the image nicely. Slogan below the image so people can recognise the magazine. Appealing to male audience who might not pick up a magazine and especially for such a massive topic. They’re doing this to try and appeal to more than one group of people. This goes for the watch too, they appeal to many types of groups so that they can sell as many copies as they possible can. Advertising what's in their magazine and aiming at people of this category. Showing other celebrities included in this magazine. For fan purposes Big controversial topic.
Magazine front cover evaluation.
As seen by all 3 magazines there were some similarities and differences within the magazines. Some things that are quite frequent within the magazines is self promoting. They will have things round the edge of the cover promoting what's in the magazine. For example on the PC gamer magazine it talked about new technology in the SSDs. Also the big logo either in the middle or one of the corners is in every magazine. The audience has to be able to find your magazines around hundreds of magazines that are similar so you need to make sure that your magazine is standing up above the rest. Some differences apart from the genre would include audiences. In PC gamer and sport they were really only trying to appeal to their specific genres; Gaming and sport. However in the GQ magazine they were trying to appeal to Taylor Swift fans and Men about to marriage and a variety of different groups for them to pick up magazines. Overall I will take all this information into account. I would like to design my own Logo in the style of GQ I like the design of just having two letters in capital standing out. I like the professionalism of the Sport magazine, However I like the effect of how filled out PC gamer and GQ are and trying to sell their magazines. So I believe I will take this approach rather than the Sport magazine of something simple and basic. Unlike PC gamer I like the bland backgrounds in GQ and Sport magazines and will take this approach on just focusing on the main subject.
Content within the Magazines. Magazine 1.
They have taken some FAQ and added them onto this double spread page. They are approaching the audience as if they have never heard of what the event is and this is a good technique since they will not know who is reading thee magazine and it’s also a good marketing technique because you can approach anyone with this and show them what a LAN party is. Content within the Magazines. Magazine 1. Instantly on this double page spread of content we are presented of the title. Clearly from the title we can see that the magazine is advertising some sort of popular event due to the ‘we’re back’ bit on the page. It’s a good technique because everyone is drawn in to this title. Language is really informal and not too hard to read since they don’t know who is picking up their magazines they just want everyone to be able to read the magazine. This a good selling point of the magazine. They are persuading you in they are trying to give you the opinion of why wouldn’t you go to this event it clearly has all this and you’ll be with other people like you. Lots of bold writing fitting in with the background and lots of points. Images highlighting past events. Logos links and sponsors. Yet again Cramer have there logo in their promoting themselves but also the people that host the event. The link is good because it shows that you can go out and find more about the event. Clear background and works well with the text and its consistent across 2 pages making it a unique point of these pages.
Double page spread background is so consistent you cant tell when one page ends and the other begins. I Like this technique because it all looks like one page and give sit that unique taste that you only see in this magazine. Magazine 2. Image on the athlete is intended to be in the middle. If you was involved in the sport you would know who the athlete is and therefore would be intrigued in the article. What I like is the fact that he is his kit and holding his equipment, this way people know what sport he is doing and also that he is proud of it which is what the magazine tries to portray to be proud of the sport that you are doing. They keep their logo in the top left highlighting their magazine and linking it back to themselves. Massive title across the page and also a subtitle next to it. I like this because it gives the reader straight away the insight into what section this is and what they will be reading. I also like the technique if the sportsman being highlighted in bold as this will be the talking point. The text is a very formally written along with a professional style font giving us the sense that this magazines audience is targeted towards an older audience rather than kids/Teenagers. But on the right hand we can see bubbles of text and the image showing that this magazine is in fact for anyone interested in sport. I enjoy the darker backgrounds due to the fact that the text can really stand out and this makes it easier to read. They have also reversed it and used a white background and black text highlighting key points of the sport.
Magazine 3. This backgrounds is used to bring out the image of the Artist that they are talking about and they also use it to help bring out the text that is used. Clearly and instantly showing who they are talking about. I like this technique because it will instantly draw in the audience. Image that goes over the whole page. I personally feel that this is a waste of space and that they space can be used more efficiently, perhaps using some text over and near the image. However in this technique everyone know who he is and they are also promoting what he does and they will both be boosting each other up. However I will not be doing this in my magazine. The text is less formal than the previous magazine that we looked at. It is wrote in columns. I don’t like this because I feel it shows lack of creativity and I will not be using this in my content design. Quote from when they interviewed home showing that they are a big company who can pull in Famous artists and gain interviews. This will boost the companies views.
Evaluation of the Content.
First of all I want to talk about the unique selling point for all 3 magazines. First of all the PCgamer magazine its main selling points for me would be the explosive title and the background really bringing out the font. Of course the Sports magazine has both of these features. Both of the pages really stood out to me due to these reasons. I would also like to talk about the point of the images. All 3 magazines have images in them but I feel that some images are used more efficiently than others and intend to highlight this. In the PC gamer magazine the images are used to represent the event that they are currently promoting and the images overlap each other and has a good design to it. My favourite out of al 3 for imaging has to be the Sports magazine as he is showing off what he is doing with all his equipment with text and colours around him forming perfectly for the image. However for the GQ magazine its one image across the whole spread. This will be a good technique for big artists because people will know exactly who they are by their appearances. But for slightly smaller artists I feel the pages could be used to more of an effective manner. All 3 magazines are highly regarded in their chosen genres but this is not why they sell and their audiences. I think all magazines are the best because of the way the present the content on the page. They hardly waste space and get straight to the point. Every magazine had nice strong big titles and instantly go the point of that specific magazine across so that they you could then decide whether or not you actually wanted to read that article, if not you could move on. And I think all 3 magazines are based on this technique. Overall I would prefer to do my content page in the form of the spots page, I think it got plenty of information across in a more efficient way. The language was very formal and all centred around the chosen subject and this is how I would like to do my magazine.
References… GQ- Double spread / - Last accessed 14/09/2017- Author Pintrest. Sports magazine double- analysis/ - Last accessed 14/09/2017 – Author KarlJane Pcgamer double spread- - Last accessed 14/09/ Author PCgamer. GQ Cover Last Accessed 14/09/2017 – Author GQ. Sports Magazine Cover- covers/ - Last Accessed 14/09/2017 – Author Pintrest. PC gamer Magazine html – Last Accessed 14/09/2017 – Author PC gamer USA.
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