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Do Now Please look for your child’s desk.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Please look for your child’s desk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Please look for your child’s desk.
Please write your child a note using the “pants” paper on your child’s desk. Please include your hopes and dreams for your child for first grade. Fill out the index card with your name, phone number and address. Also please indicate the best way to reach you. Please print neatly. ☺ 1

2 Welcome to Back to School Night!
September 26, 2017 2

3 What are the purposes of this evening?
Experience your child’s learning environment. Gain an understanding of our mutual expectations as partners in your child’s education. To meet one another in a non- conference atmosphere. 3

4 Building Our Classroom Community
Morning Meeting Greeting Share Activity Calendar Your Turn… Please join us in one component of our morning meeting. ☺ 4

5 Taking Care of Business
Please always contact both of us ☺ & Parent pick-up notes After School Activities Early Dismissal 5

6 Birthday Books! Preferably a new book Whole class signs it
Return at the end of the year Summer Birthdays We do not celebrate with food 6

7 Related Arts Schedule Day 1 Spanish with Senora Stuart &
Technology with Mrs. Magalio Day 2   Gym/Health with Mr. Sullivan Day 3   Music with Mrs. Sorenson & Library with Mrs. Baller  Day 4   Gym/Health with Mr. Sullivan Day 5 Art with Mrs. Diatlo & Spanish with Senora Stuart   Day 6   Gym/Health with Mr. Sullivan     7

8 Web Site Go to: Click on ‘Select a school’ Choose ‘Orchard Hill’ Click on ‘Faculty Webpages’ Find ‘Santoro/Davison’ Click and enjoy! 8

9 Co-Teaching Dual planning, instruction, & assessment
Student- Teacher ratio is lower Differentiated instruction even more! Dual communication with students and parents 2 pairs of extra hands 9

10 First Grade Reading First Grade Reading Units Reader’s Workshop Format
Mini-lesson (Whole Class Direct Instruction) Independent Reading Individual Reading Conferences Reading Partnerships Guided Reading Shared Reading (Big Books) Interactive Read-Alouds Partnership with Teachers College Reading and Writing Project First Grade Reading Units Building Good Reading Habits Word Detectives Learning About the World (Nonfiction) Readers Get To Know Characters by Performing Their Books Readers Have Big Jobs To Do (Fluency, Phonics, Comprehension) Meeting Characters and Learning Lessons

11 First Grade Writing First Grade Writing Units
Focus on writing instruction at all grade levels through Writer’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop Daily Format Mini-lesson (Whole Class Direct Instruction) Independent Writing Individual Writing Conferences Strategy Groups Share Interactive Writing (sharing the pen) Partnership with Teacher’s College Reading and Writing Project First Grade Writing Units Small Moments (Narrative) How-To Writing Non-fiction Chapter Books From Scenes to Series (Realistic Fiction) Writing Reviews (Opinion writing) Poetry and Songs or Independent Writing Projects

12 First Grade Word Work Word Work = spelling, phonics, vocabulary
Words Their Way (Developmental Spelling Program) Flexible groups based on spelling stages Goal is transfer of spelling patterns to writing Weekly Word Work Students will work in groups throughout the week, focusing on a particular feature or pattern i.e. Short /a/ word families Students will meet with the teacher for direct instruction and work individually/in groups on work work activities i.e. Word Hunts, sorting, partner games Students will be tested weekly on any words that fit the feature or pattern studied that week Remember, our goal is transfer!

13 Spelling & Sight Word Practice

14 K-4 Mathematics

15 Word Problems Wednesday

16 First Grade Science 3 Units of Study: How you can help at home?
Changes in the sky Observing patterns in our sky over time Light and Sound Discovering how sound is made and how light travels through different objects. Living Things: Why do they look like that? Identifying why some animals and plants may look the same and others look different First Grade Focus: To verbally communicate thinking How you can help at home? Stop answering questions Work with your child to discover answers Ask questions and problem solve together Model how to solve a problem and what steps you take to find the answer.

17 Promoting Responsibility & Creating a Learning Environment
Elements of a Responsive Classroom Caring for ourselves, each other, & our materials Logical Consequences Reflective Questioning Think Time Form 17

18 Parent Contact Think Sheet

19 Conferences and Report Cards
Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled twice a year. (Fall and Spring) - Fall Conferences: November 16th, 17th, 20th, 21st *Morning conferences are available as well Report cards are issued twice a year 19

20 Parent Volunteers VIP guests…send us an email Many Other Opportunities
Room Parents * The district is obligated to provide all necessary items for student learning. If you would like to supply “nice to haves” for our classroom, then it would be greatly appreciated, but completely voluntary. ☺ 20

21 Interactive Read Aloud!
The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds 21

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42 Before Ending the Evening
If you haven’t had a chance, please take a few minutes to write your child a note using the “pants” paper in your folder. Please tell them your hopes and dreams for them for this year. Thank you for coming and have a great night! “We have one very important thing in common…your child” 42

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