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1 THE ZHOU DYNASTY And Confucius
On Watching Oneself When Alone. < [Date Accessed: 28/10/08]

2 Kiem et al. (2004) Old Worlds New Worlds. Pearson Education: Melbourne
Kiem et al. (2004) Old Worlds New Worlds. Pearson Education: Melbourne. p.136

3 The Zhou Dynasty ( BC) The Zhou people gained control of the Shang lands in 1027BC They ruled China for nearly 800 years During this time feudalism was firmly established, allowing members of the nobility to control and use the king’s land in return for paying taxes and providing soldiers


5 The Zhou Dynasty ( BC) The second half of the Zhou Dynasty was known as the Warring States Period This was when the various nobles were trying to gain power for themselves A time of chaos, confusion and assassinations Finally resulted in the overthrow of the Zhou by the Qin

6 Confucius Widespread warfare and lawlessness caused great suffering for the people At the same time, philosophers and other educated thinkers had great influence They provided people with hope and confidence to go on with their lives during a time of hardship and confusion.

7 Confucius The most influential of the philosophers was Kong Fu Zi, or Confucius He lived from BC and was a wandering scholar Image:Confucius Laozi Buddha.jpg < [Date Accessed: 28/10/08]

8 Confucius Confucius’ followers called him ‘the Master’
When they asked him a question he would give them brief answers The answers were thoughtful, simple but memorable He provided advice on how to lead a good and happy life

9 Kiem et al. (2004) Old Worlds New Worlds. Pearson Education: Melbourne
Kiem et al. (2004) Old Worlds New Worlds. Pearson Education: Melbourne. p.136

10 Confucius In 134BC the teachings of Confucius became the official belief system of the Chinese government His ideas and attitudes provided the code of behaviour that guided Chinese society for more than 2000 years

11 Some Teaching of Confucius
Anderson et al. (1999) RetroActive (2nd Edition). Jacaranda; Queensland. P.130

12 Your Task… Read over Confucius’ saying carefully:
What advice is Confucius giving in each one? Which one/s do you like best? Which one/s do you like least? Why? Write your own Confucian saying to advise students on how to behave in class

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