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Communicative Approach Speaking Activities

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1 Communicative Approach Speaking Activities
Joanne Chen Presentation Part II

2 In this session 1. Why is it important to develop speaking skills in our class? 2. Class activities promote speaking 3. Design speaking activities with online tools

3 Why is it important to develop speaking skills?
L2 learners regard speaking as the most important skill they can acquire, and they (or their friends/family) assess their progress in terms of their accomplishments in speaking skills.

4 Challenges & Solutions
Technology Large classes Use small Group work; develop tasks suited to large classes Using ppt, video, podcast and other presentation tools in class 2. Multi-level, multi-background learners Use small group work; interactive activities; study skill training Post lesson videos, class materials and online resources 3. Class time-frame, limited class time Rotation; pair work activities Using blackboard to host videos/ review games, practice, and assignments 4. Working Adults, busy students Small group; In class practicing activities Providing online learning resources. Extra one-on-one tutoring service. 5. Difficulty in Chinese language Break down large lesson to small activities Help students to build their study skills Using online tools for more listening and speaking practice and providing more task-based activities

5 Use an Integrated Activities Approach can help learners develop speaking competence


7 Classroom Teacher or Facilitating Instructor or Mentoring
Student or Learner Learning is a social networking environment.

8 Guided Practice and Communicative output

9 The Goal To Use the Communicative Approach to have learners become communicatively competent

10 Flashcards Activities
Small group (2 students) Match Vocabulary / Pinyin / meaning Speaking cards – translation, drills practice Sentence matching card – reading characters, sentence patterns /drills Task cards: Situational conversation Benefits: Have to speak. Study skills. Review. Easy for instructor to supervise.

11 Asking questions using a worksheet
Interview Activities Small Group ( 3-4 students) or walk around the class Worksheet Asking questions using a worksheet Benefits: Drill and vocabulary practice Ex:谁,什么,在哪儿,有没有,会不会 Name 你的老师是谁? 你在哪儿学中文? 你有没有中文书? 你会不会说日文? 1 2 3 4

12 Interview a star ( group of 2-4) Worksheet
Star Interview.2 Interview a star ( group of 2-4) Worksheet Drills and vocabulary practice For example: Yao Ming meets Yo-yo Ma Student A has Yao’s information. And the B has a worksheet to ask. B has Ma’s information, and A interview B.

13 Ex: 去过, 吃过,喝过,看过,用过.. Survey Activity Worksheet
Students walk around the class and ask questions until they fill out all the information on the worksheet Drill and vocabulary practice. Ex: 去过, 吃过,喝过,看过,用过.. 名字 去过中国 用过毛笔 喝过烧仙草 吃过臭豆腐 1 2 3

14 Circle Talk/ Long Table Talk
After structured practices, give students free speaking time or give them a different task Students walk around a circle or long table Teacher control the time (30seconds- 1minute) with a bell

15 PPT Games PPT: Jeopardy A:____________ B: 不行! PPT: Wheel of Fortune
PPT: Puzzle / Guessing game PPT: Mouse Mischief Game PPT: iSpring game Individual or small group mouse game

16 Use Authentic Materials
Phone number Birthday License plate number Weather report Population Price guessing game: Activities with numbers

17 Bingo Games Bingo Games
Use daily objects to practice pinyin and the four tones Goal: Build up vocabulary Food items / Animals / School objects Fruits / sports / colors /body parts Practice: /有没有/要不要/谁/

18 Comic Stripes Small group of 2-3 students.
Using Comic strip and dialog worksheet to create short dialogue

19 Find the Difference Small group activities: A/B ask each other until they both have the same objects in both rooms. A B Teachers can easily create a situation picture by creating a comic stripe from:

20 Picture Describing Activities
他们在说什么?这个女的为什么不高兴?她要做什么? 这个女的在问什么?这个男的说什么?他们在哪里?

21 Problem solving Speaking Activities

22 Information Gap Activities
Students Working in pairs Student A has the information student B does not have and they will share their information by asking each other. Weather, restaurant menu, airplane/train timetable, person’s schedule, etc. Target grammar: 几点/ 什么时候/ 什么时间/ 多久了 北京到上海 广州到南京 香港到广州 西安到上海 成都到长沙 起飞时间 降落时间

23 Communicative Output Activities

24 Communicative output activities
Role play Drama YouTube Video project Discussions and presentation Photo story / story telling Cartoon story Lesson recording assignments Culture report / oral report

25 Discussions Communicative output activities Small Groups activity
First, instructor will give students input, both topical information and language forms. Topics selection: Vacation, movie, food, school, recycling, life style, should we buy a new car…etc. Set a goal or outcome. Individual report or group reports.

26 Oral Presentation in class
Advantages Good Practice for the learners Disadvantages: Time consuming

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