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33rd Hadron Synchrotron Incoherent effects section meeting

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1 33rd Hadron Synchrotron Incoherent effects section meeting
September 29th, 2017

2 Information SLM Fellows : request tsent to Alessia by 27/09 for discussion on the SLM 02/10. Next BE meeting will be on the 10th of October. Updated requests for the next three committees (until fall 2018). CAS in Zurich: no participant from the section IPAC18 participation: The list of proposed participants will be discussed at the BEMB next week. Need to discuss participation on linac18 (Beijing), beam-beam, e-cloud and HB2018 workshops JUAS 2018 participation to be send to me ASAP.

3 Information BEMB Training for work and services supervisors: a presentation was given at the ED meeting. A pilot training will start soon. Paul will circulate the slides on this topic. CAS school: a presentation has been given on the status and possible new activities for these schools. A syllabus will be prepared by Werner to ensure that a minimum level of knowledge for the students is guaranteed. Hermann asked for support from the ABP to cover the role of deputy of school director and to prepare the syllabus. The annual meeting of the Beams department will be on the 18th of December. Slides to the SLs by 3rd of November.

4 Information LMC Research board approved to move to the end of 2017 the special runs like the high-beta run at injection and the proton reference run, and a short Xe run. MD4 moved to week 47, starting November 20th. No doublet-beam will be used to avoid any bad surprise from 16L2. CMS would like to have the re-alignment done during LS2. TDE status; an inspection with a robot did not show any large single leak and no damage of the Ti vacuum window. Machine recovered quite fast after the TSs, with very good availability. Solenoid is proved to do mitigate losses in 16L2. Today fill with almost 1.3e11 ppb The rationale for the x-ing angle proposal presented by Yannis (thaks to the BB team work). Proposal to reduce it further for 8b4e was endorsed. First trial with 140 μrad was very successful. Need to provide to OP x-ing angle steps Presentation on the emittance evolution and performance to be given on 04/10 by Yannis. IEFC ECR was approved for the wide-band kicker in the SPS. Suitbert gave two presentations on RF issues in Isolde.

5 Information Space-charge and injectors
Hannes delivered a talk during the Benevento workshop on reduction of instabilities by optics manipulation Yannis was invited to convene a session during HB2018 Dry runs for the SC workshop talks are taking place during the SC WG meetings of last and this week. Discussion with Fanouria and Panos (along with Bettina, Frank, Rogelio, et al.) of how to use the TBT data of the booster to measure chromaticity

6 Information Beam-beam and luminosity
Discussions from OP to implement Fanouria’s simple luminosity prediction tool in the LHC-CCC, is being followed up by EICs (Theo et al.). Long-term bug found by Jean-Batiste in the conversion of the convention of the long-range kick between SIXTRACK and MADX. Discussions are taken place of how to take deal with this, probably in the convertor. Nikos and Riccardo are investigating other bugs on the implementation of the crab kicks in the latest mask files. Deadline for the MD4 procedures is moved to the 20th of October. Received the draft procedure of the half-integer tune MD study, as proposed by Dario. Very encouraging simulation results for both injection and collision. Discussion organised by Stephane, Guido et al. for the two compensation MDs (wire and octupole). Simulations of Dario in preparation of the MDs. Nikos will represent the beam-beam team on the CEPC workshop in Beijing (following the DA workshop)

7 Information HL-LHC CLIC and FCCee
Fanouria has simulations showing that the SPS emittance blow-up can be very well correlated with vacuum effects Discussion with Adriana and Guido for the wire tests during MD4, but also First ideas for the organisation for a wire mini-workshop Provided information to Elias for the HL-LHC operational scenario Invitation for the e-lens review (19-20/10/2017) CLIC and FCCee Discussion on the electron linac injector for the SPS this Thursday

8 Next events Space-charge workshop, GSI Darmstadt, 04-06/10/2017
Dynamic Apertures of Circular Accelerators, IHEP, Beijing, 01-03/11/2017 CEPC workshop 2017, IHEP, Beijing, 06-08/11/2017 Mini-Workshop on Slow Extraction, CERN, 09-10/11/2017 HL-LHC general meeting, Madrid, 13-17/ Physic Beyond Colliders workshop, 21-22/11/2017 LHC operation workshop, Evian, 12-14/12/2017 Low emittance rings workshop 2018, CERN, 15-17/01/2018 USPAS, Old Dominion University, Hampton, Virginia, 15-26/01/2018 LHC performance workshop, Chamonix, 29/01/2018 – 01/02/2018 Beam-beam workshop, Berkeley, 03-05/02/2018 SC CERN, Spring 2018 BB compensation mini-workshop, Geneva area, April 2018 Workshop on Future Light Sources, SINAP, China, March 04-09/03/2018 ECLOUD18, Elba, Italy, June 03/07/2017 HB2018, Daejeon, Korea, June 17-22/06/2018 Mini-Workshop on Slow Extraction, FNAL, USA, 11/2018. CERN Accelerator School in “Computational Methods in Accelerator Physics”, Thessaloniki, 11/2018

9 AOB Next section meetings 13/10/2017, 27/10/2017, 10/11/2017, 24/11/2017, 08/12/2017

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