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Successful CISO Leadership and Conflict Resolution

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Presentation on theme: "Successful CISO Leadership and Conflict Resolution"— Presentation transcript:

1 Successful CISO Leadership and Conflict Resolution
Don Welch Chief Information Security Officer

2 Introduction Excerpted from Academy Leadership

3 Strategic Leader

4 Conflict Management

5 Conflict is Bad?

6 Personal Conflict

7 Professional Conflict
Different Goals Different Time Pressures Different Nature of Work Competition for Resources Unfamiliarity Interaction Frequency Physical Separtion

8 Winning and Losing Teams
Winners May Losers May Complacent and lose focus Attend to members’ needs instead of goals Feelings of superiority Removes impetus to improve Distort or deny the reality of losing Attribute losing to external persons/teams Loses cohesion Personal issues surface

9 Conflict Management Strategies
Avoid Accommodate Compete Compromise Collaborate

10 Avoid Collaborate Compromise Accommodate Compete Uncooperative Cooperative Assertive Unassertive Win - Lose Win - Win Gain - Gain Lose - Lose

11 Solution-Oriented Avoid Collaborate Compromise Accommodate Compete
Uncooperative Cooperative Assertive Unassertive Solution-Oriented Win - Lose Win - Win Gain - Gain Lose - Lose

12 Use the Avoid Strategy

13 Use the Avoid Strategy Participant Mediator
Issue is unimportant to you or your team You can’t win Disruption outweighs benefits of resolution Cool off and regain perspective Mediator Need more information Others can resolve more effectively Symptoms of other issues

14 Use the Accommodate Strategy

15 Use the Accommodate Strategy
You are wrong Issues are more important to others Build credits Minimize impact of loss when losing When teamwork and cohesion is especially important To allow subordinates to develop by learning from mistakes

16 Use the Compete Strategy

17 Use the Compete Strategy
Participant Important issues when you know you are right Up against those who take advantage Mediator Quick, decisive action is vital Important issues where unpopular actions must be decided Issues vital to the organization

18 Use the Compromise Strategy

19 Use the Compromise Strategy
Important issue, but not worth the cost of Competing or Collaborating When at a true impasse Temporary settlements Expedient solutions when under time pressures Fallback when Collaboration or Completion fails

20 Use the Collaborate Strategy

21 Use the Collaborate Strategy
Find best solution To find an integrative solution when an issue can’t be compromised To learn To merge insights from different perspectives To gain commitment To improve relationships

22 Summary

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