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Operational Aspects of GSICS

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2 Operational Aspects of GSICS
Fuzhong Weng/ Bog Iacovazzi (NOAA) For GSICS Coordination Centre

3 GSICS Coordination and Operation
Dr. Fuzhong Weng, Director Dr. Robert Iacovazzi, Jr., Deputy Director WMO GSICS Coordination Center of Satellite Applications and Research National Environmental, Satellites, Data and Information Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration GSICS User 2009 EUMETSAT Satellite Conference Bath, UK, September 22, 2009

4 GCC Overview Roles and Responsibility Instrument Monitoring
Demonstration Projects Annual Operating Plan Product Acceptance Procedure WebSite, Quarterly, and Meetings

5 Roles and Responsibility
Develop and maintain GSICS Website for community accessible calibration information Publish GSICS quarterly news on new calval methodology Respond to requests from WMO, CGMS, GSICS partner agencies etc on calibration information Track the GSICS annual operating plan CSS GPRC GSICS Executive Panel GRWG GDWG GCC Develop and operate LEO2LEO baseline cross-calibration algorithms Assess GEO2LEO calibration algorithms developed by GSICS partners and establish a baseline algorithm for GSICS operations Demonstrate the impacts of improved calval satellite data on climate and weather applications Develop and maintain a standard software used for cross-instrument calibration (e.g. forward models, LBL datasets, orbital prediction models, SNO/SCO)

6 GCC Overview Roles and Responsibility Instrument Monitoring
Demonstration Projects Annual Operating Plan Product Acceptance Procedure WebSite, Quarterly, and Meetings

7 Instrument Performance and Anomaly Reporting
CGMS Recommendation 35-18: All CGMS members were encouraged to “… develop standardized instrument performance monitoring systems and share the results with the members through GSICS.” In Response: Coordinated development of community accessible instrument performance monitoring at NOAA for GOES and POES instruments, and NOAA instruments on Metop-A and will provide the “blue print” to other GSICS partner agencies

8 Instrument Monitoring
Feedback About Instrument Monitoring and Anomaly Reporting at Joint GRWG-IV/GDWG-III Workshop ACTION GDWG03_06 All GSICS partners shall propose contents of the performance monitoring pages which they intend to display on their own web sites. Members appreciated the need for instrument monitoring and reporting Most members reported that the data processing branches of their organizations handle this activity. Members agreed to provide a link to a Satellite Operation Control Center web site

9 NOAA Integrated Cal/Val System
AMSU-A NOAA-19 Ch3 NEΔT anomaly MetOP-A Ch7 NEΔT Drop MHS NOAA-19 H3 NEΔT is out of specification (1K) NOAA-19 H4 Cold Calibration Count jump HIRS NOAA-19 Ch4 Data Gaps NOAA-18 Ch5 NEΔN Anomaly The integrated cal/val system is useful for instrument monitoring and diagnoses. URL:

10 NOAA-19 On-orbit Verification and Long-term Monitoring
STAR Satellite Integrated Calibration and Validation System (ICVS) has been developed for NOAA-19 OV and long-term monitoring The system has detected instrument anomalies, provided an important tool for diagnoses, data quality assurance, and decision making To better support the operations, we have developed comprehensive on-orbit verification for newly launched satellites and an integrated cal/val system. Courtesy of F.Weng

11 GCC Overview GCC Roles and Responsibility Instrument Monitoring
Demonstration Projects Annual Operating Plan Product Acceptance Procedure WebSite, Quarterly, and Meetings

12 Demonstration Project I: SSM/I SDR and EDR Reprocessing
SSM/I TDR/SDR Data STAR: 20 years ( ) of SSM/I data in binary format, and NCDC has some SSM/I data converted to NETCDF ( ) CM-SAF: 20 years ( ) SSM/I data in netcdf. Two series from RSS/NOAA and RSSv6. STAR/NCDC/CSU joint efforts rescued 20 years of SSM/I and converted the data to a standard format. The year shown in pink Includes months with missing data

13 Improved SSM/I Calibration Resulted in Consistent Trend

14 Monthly TPW Bias from SSM/I Before Intercalibration
Monthly total precipitable water path (TPW) bias between any overlapped SSM/I sensors for F10, F11, F13, F14, and F15. Large biases between F10-F11 and F10-F13 are obvious. Since TPW = *TV *TV37-( *TV22)*TV22, (Alishouse et al., 1991), any radiance biases in lower SSM/I frequencies will be directly translated into TPW biases

15 After Intercalibration
Monthly TPW Bias from SSM/I After Intercalibration The inter-sensor TPW biases become much smaller and consistent between different sensors. The averaged absolute bias after calibration is reduced by 75% and 21% over global ocean and over tropical ocean, respectively .

16 Demonstration Project II: AMSU Level 1B Reprocessing
Pre-launch calibration SNO calibration AMSU-Ch5 The advantage of this recalibration is that the warm target contamination and intersatellite biases have been largely removed at the radiance level. So we expect that if they are used in reanalysis, the reanalysis trend and variability will be close to the what we obtained from retrievals. So we recommend the community to try the new one. Currently,

17 Demonstration Project II: AMSU Level 1B Reprocessing
AMSU-Ch7 Pre-launch calibration SNO calibration The advantage of this recalibration is that the warm target contamination and intersatellite biases have been largely removed at the radiance level. So we expect that if they are used in reanalysis, the reanalysis trend and variability will be close to the what we obtained from retrievals. So we recommend the community to try the new one. Currently,

18 GCC Overview Roles and Responsibility Instrument Monitoring
Demonstration Projects Annual Operating Plan Product Acceptance Procedure WebSite, Quarterly, and Meetings

19 GSICS Operations Plan The GSICS Operations Plan assists the Executive Panel in tracking of GSICS milestones related to the following program areas: Project meeting milestones Outreach and user interaction Data management and other cross-cutting tasks LEO-LEO UV, Visible, IR and MW inter-comparison GEO-LEO algorithm development/ implementation The Plan is reviewed on a semi-annual basis, and updated on an annual basis

20 GSICS Operations Plan

21 GCC Overview Roles and Responsibility Instrument Monitoring
Demonstration Projects Annual Operating Plan Product Acceptance Procedure WebSite, Quarterly, and Meetings

22 GSICS Procedure for Product Acceptance
GSICS Procedure for Product Acceptance (GPPA) is the … GSICS product developers pathway to obtain a “Stamp of Approval” for the product GSICS data users window to GSICS product quality and “fitness for purpose” GSICS governing body reference for judging GSICS product fitness

23 GSICS Procedure for Product Acceptance
Inspired by the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Working Group on Cal/Val (WGCV) Quality Assurance Framework for Earth Observations (QA4EO) Guided by the principle that “All data products must have associated with them a Quality Indicator based on a documented quantitative assessment of its traceability to an agreed reference standard (ideally tied to SI)” Ten Key Guidelines provide a common structure from which program sponsors, data providers and data users can communicate about data product quality assurance Tailored to meet the needs of GSICS Focuses on post-launch inter-calibration of space-based measurements, which currently is only traceable to community intrinsic reference standards. Data protocols suit GSICS data processing needs. GPPA oversight based on international panel composed of GSICS Processing and Research Center (GPRC) representatives

24 GSICS Procedure for Product Acceptance
Fundamental Capabilities of GPPA For a potential GSICS product, the GPPA defines and documents: Scope of product within the GSICS product portfolio Theoretical basis and implementation strategy of product Product Quality (uncertainty, quality indicators, etc) GPPA allows implementation of favorable potential products on an experimental basis within GSICS without Executive Panel approval GPPA gives final acceptance power to the GSICS Executive Panel, whom need enough information to make a decision about a product in a short order of time.

25 GSICS Procedure for Product Acceptance
Current GPPA Activities Define documentary and data format standards Hierarchical algorithm theoretical basis document (ATBD) design and implementation effort spearheaded by Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) and other GRWG members, with help from Aleksander Jelenak (NOAA) File and parameter naming convention definitions being moved forward by Aleksander Jelenak (NOAA). Test GPPA with LEO-LEO GSICS Correction Products Submit for archive control using “Subversion” software Document and tag software comments in a manner recognized by “Doxygen” Generate software documentation using “Doxygen” Add new GSICS compliant netCDF output Convert code to work in radiance units for IR Establish GSICS LEO-LEO SNO Correction analysis Establish product uncertainty analysis and archive/distribution plan Integrate FY-3 satellite instruments

26 GCC Overview Roles and Responsibility Instrument Monitoring
Demonstration Projects Annual Operating Plan Product Acceptance Procedure WebSite, Quarterly, and Meetings

27 The WMO GSICS Web Site and its Content
The new GSICS web site ( is now up-and-running. This web site is now considered the GSICS Central Web Site. Central web site includes: GSICS introduction and organizational structure information Links to GSICS member web sites that include instrument information, research results, newsletters, and meeting agendas and presentations GSICS Members Point-of-Contact list

28 GSICS Quarterly Mainly contains news and articles relevant to operational satellite instrument calibration and its impacts on weather and climate products from operational agencies Currently in the third year of publication Special Issue recently released that contains two articles from NIST regarding uncertainty estimation Back issues found at

29 GSICS Face-to-face Meetings
GSICS Web Meetings GRWG – EUMETSAT (Centra - 26 Mar 2009) GRWG – NOAA (WebEx - 12 May 2009) GDWG – EUMETSAT (Centra - 13 May 2009) GRWG – EUMETSAT (Centra – 2 Jun 2009) GSICS Face-to-face Meetings GSICS Executive Panel VI – ESSIC, College Park, MD, USA (Jun 2009) Joint GRWG IV/GDWG III – JMA HQ, Tokyo, Japan (Jan 2009) GSICS at Meetings GPM X-Cal Meeting - Ann Arbor, MI, USA (May 2009) CEOS WGCV 30th Plenary Meeting - Ilhabela, Sao Paulo, Brazil (May 2009)

30 Summary GCC operation is running successfully as a result of strong participations and partner supports With the supports of partner agencies (e.g. NOAA-SDS, SCOPE-CM), GCC is able to perform an end-to-end demonstration of impacts of improved satellite calibration on weather and climate studies


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