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#5- Los Artículos Definidos y Indefinidos (Definite and Indefinite

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1 #5- Los Artículos Definidos y Indefinidos (Definite and Indefinite

2 El estándard Communication 4.1: Students will demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparison of the language studied and their own Essential Question: What are definite and indefinite articles in Spanish and how does one differentiate each one’s use?

3 Definite Articles… refer to specific nouns -the car -the girl

4 There are 4 definite articles in Spanish
el (the) la (the) los (the) las (the)

5 In Spanish, definite articles that accompany a noun MUST match its gender and number
el chico the boy los chicos the boys la chica the girl las chicas the girls

6 Indefinite Articles… refer to unspecified persons or things -a car
-a girl

7 There are 4 indefinite articles in Spanish
un (a, an) una (a, an) unos (some) unas (some)

8 In Spanish, indefinite articles that accompany a noun MUST also match its gender and number
un chico a boy unos chicos some boys una chica a girl unas chicas some girls

9 ¿Cómo se dice en español?
a boy the number some communities the girl a notebook a number some boys the computers some notebooks the girls

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