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The Alamo Feb 23-March 6, 1836.

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Presentation on theme: "The Alamo Feb 23-March 6, 1836."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Alamo Feb 23-March 6, 1836

2 Important People Texas: Davy Crockett William B. Travis James Bowie
190 Texans (approx) Mexico: Santa Anna 2400 MX soldiers (approx)

3 Information The mission San Antonio de Valero (Alamo) was built in 1718 Santa Anna was furious when Cos surrendered San Antonio Bexar and was determined to punish Texas.

4 Information William B. Travis wrote several letters asking for help and never got any. William B. Travis said: “ Give me Victory or Give me Death!” Mexico killed almost all Texans at the Alamo

5 Significance Many battles were fought in San Antonio because it was a strategic access route to the Texas settlements. Battle Cry = “Remember the Alamo” was adopted to honor Texans who died in the Alamo

6 Significance Texas lost but it actually helped Texas because…
Santa Anna lost many of his most skilled soldiers Gave TX time to form a government bc MX was fighting Alamo for almost 2 weeks Death of EVERYONE made Texans more determined to win independence…REMEMBER THE ALAMO!

7 Diagram of the Alamo attacks

8 Defending the Alamo Problems defending the Alamo:
Too few Texas soldiers A gap between the south wall & the old chapel on the southeast. Alamo was too big Attacks came from many directions

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