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Lysistrata Concept By Simeon Evanson.

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1 Lysistrata Concept By Simeon Evanson

2 Overview of my play My Lysistrta concept is based is about England and Spain going to war over a big piece of land in Jamaica to invest in a fast food business. But the land is already taken up with Jamaican civilians who work on that land to grow vegetables and fruits. Jamaica stand up to the battle and refuse their offers and plan to block their visas so they cannot enter the country. But because Jamaica are in poverty they would need to take some sort of offer only if Spain and England don’t bring war to their country.

3 Context Social-A major event of the year was the west premiere of Lionel Barts musical Oliver this was an immediate success and which made future stars Ron Moody and Georgia Brown Political -The English and Spanish are at war over the Jamaican island and claim they own Jamaica, they threaten to ban the British and Spanish visas…not allowing them into the country. The British and Spanish going into uproar and create more of a fight, which leads to the Jamaican government officially banning them from entering the country. Over time we see how Jamaica decreases with no international export and how the farmers are suffering because they are struggling to meet the need of the families of the islands. Eventually the British and the Spanish decide to resolve their issues, because they see that Jamaica is struggling and come to peace and agree to leave Jamaica an independent island. Cultural –Spain host fashion week in Madrid which was sponsored by Mercedes Benz this event was mainly targeted at women and made a few members of the audience to purchase some of the items they saw at the event. Historical-Christopher Columbus found Jamaica, the English came and thought off the Spanish and that was in preparation for the salve trade. The English fought the Spanish and owned Jamaica until they got their independence in august 1962

4 Set design I would like to set out my stage in a proscenium structure but in a octagon format I think that this would make it easier for the actors to walk through the isles in case they need an exit or entrance point or if they need to interact with the audience Plus it allows the audience to view the performance from different angles This also imitates the setting of original Greek theatre. Also my play is set in the 1960’s and in those times there wasn’t any advanced facilities.

5 Props Bench Gardening tools Corrugated steel Announcement Stand
The bench is to be used as a place where the farmers hold conversations and to discuss certain topics also it slightly sets the scene of a bench being in the garden. The gardening tools are meant to be for the workers to make it noticeable to the audience what role they will be playing. The steel is to make the audience aware that the Jamaica does suffer from poverty and sets the location of the area at the same time. Lastly the stand is meant to be used for the MP’s when they make announcements and when they discuss their ideas within the parliament

6 Lights I will be using standard lights due to the fact that I am portraying a very old story and there was no special effects. But I will use bright and dull lights to demonstrate the change of night and day Reason being that my play is set in the early 1960’s and like I said before in that era there was no advanced facilities

7 Sound effects & Music Sounds effects of winds to convey what the weathers like what ever location the characters will be set in. Sound effect of birds to stimulate the fact the morning is upon them Sound effects of paparazzi on the Priministers To differentiate the locations I will be using crickets to show that the location is in Jamaica where as in England I will use Birds and so fourth.

8 Costume There are two types of characters in my concept there are first class people like the two priministers who will appear in suits and to show the difference with the farmers there attire will be in ragged clothes to show the class differentiation.

9 Use Of Space There will be enough space between each row for the audience to get in and out and to have leg room. There will be entrance and exit points at both sides of the stage

10 How are you going to represent Lysistrata & other key characters
In my concept I will be portraying the character Alex as Lysistrata and Junior who sides with David Cameron at the begging but then he begins to realise what's happening within the community and society. The MP’s will be conveying the characters of the men

11 Themes Suffering- The poverty of Jamaica has a massive impact on all the workers , they don’t earn enough to provide for their families and provide average accommodation. Power- This will be shown though MP’s and the government of Jamaica , until they get there independence. Class- This theme is going to be presented through the attires of all the characters

12 Presentation of the chorus
I will have the MP’s high above and the Jamaican workers beneath them to show higher authority s the two MP’s will be opposite each other and acting out the actions they make. The workers will be centre stage singing and making there way through the audience and back

13 Thank you for listened not surprised if you didn’t like it

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