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Proficiency Testing as a quality improvement tool

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1 Proficiency Testing as a quality improvement tool
James Mwangi

2 Objectives Define Proficiency Testing (PT) Describe PT process
Detail the benefits of participating in PT schemes Outline the role of each arm of the laboratory to ensure maximum utility of PT Discuss the limitations of PT

3 Definition of PT “A program in which multiple samples are periodically sent to members of a group of laboratories for analysis and/or identification; whereby each laboratory’s results are compared with those of other laboratories in the group and/or with an assigned value, and reported to the participating laboratories and others.” CLSI GP27-A2 27:8

4 PT organization /provider
PT process PT organization /provider Laboratory Analyze Evaluation PT performance report Return results PT samples sent regularly Receive PT report Corrective Actions

5 PT benefits The lab as a whole Measure of lab quality
Tells “where we are” i.e. measures gaps or deficiencies Early warning system for errors Helps identify and resolve testing errors Lab mistakes are prevented

6 PT benefits Laboratory personnel
Educational value (Identify training needs) Identifies skills gap and possible areas of improvement Boost personnel morale

7 PT benefits Physician No repeat testing
Increases confidence in the lab’s results

8 PT benefits Patient Increases patient confidence in the particular lab
Customer expectations met i.e. quality care Reduces cost of medical care

9 PT benefits Hospital Director Enhanced confidence in the institution
Reduce wastage in repeated tests Reduced external pressure to meet client expectations Reduce cost and increase revenue

10 Determinants of an effective PT Program
Commitment of the three major players PT Provider Laboratory Personnel Hospital or Laboratory Management

11 PT Provider Provide suitable PT materials
Use of appropriate statistical procedures, Appropriate criteria for performance evaluation, Providing useful summary reports to laboratories in a timely manner Create education and training opportunities for participating laboratory staff

12 Laboratory personnel Run PT samples on time and submit results before set deadline Openly discuss PT reports with laboratory management Take corrective actions and monitor their effectiveness Maintain PT records Advice management on programs of interest to the institution

13 Management Determine policies for PT (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, HOW)
Provide required resources Monitor and discuss PT results and reports with laboratory staff Supports corrective action measures Communicates outcomes

14 Insights from PT reports
Accuracy of the test results Personnel competency, equipment maintenance, condition of reagents, pipette calibration, cold chain maintenance, interpretation skills turn-around time

15 PT Limitations/ challenges
Correct Pear Grouping Negative influence of the consensus mean by poor performing but dominant group. Inadequate numbers in a pear group Preferential treatment of PT samples by participants Frequency of distribution of PT material Choice of assigned values to use

16 Key Messages PT should help direct improvement efforts
PT is a responsibility of everyone in the laboratory PT has to be carried out within the context of a complete system for appropriate quality in the lab PT is a regulatory requirement for laboratories seeking accreditation

17 Q & A

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