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Low latitude southern hemisphere mesospheric dynamics from meteor radars measurements Paulo Batista1, Barclay Clemesha1, Amitava Guharay1, Vânia Andrioli1,

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Presentation on theme: "Low latitude southern hemisphere mesospheric dynamics from meteor radars measurements Paulo Batista1, Barclay Clemesha1, Amitava Guharay1, Vânia Andrioli1,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Low latitude southern hemisphere mesospheric dynamics from meteor radars measurements Paulo Batista1, Barclay Clemesha1, Amitava Guharay1, Vânia Andrioli1, Ana Roberta Paulino3, Ricardo Buriti2, Lourivaldo Lima3, Nelson Schuch4 1 National Space Research Institute (INPE), São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil 2 Campina Grande Federal University, Campina Grande, PB, Brazil 3 Paraiba State University, Campina Grande, PB, Brazil 4 Southern Regional Center for Space Research, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil

2 OUTLINE Introduction Radar Sites Research instruments Mean Winds Planetary waves and Tides Lunar Tides SSW effects on Low Latitude Winds Kelvin Waves and variability on QTDW Conclusion

3 Introduction 3 identic all sky interpherometric Meteor Radars SKiYMET -All SKy Interferometer METeor Radar Cachoeira Paulista (22.7° S, 45° W) – April present Cariri (7° S, 38° W) – May March 2009 Santa Maria (29.7° S, 55° W) – December 2004-April 2012 Study the southern hemisphere low latitude dynamics covering the aspects of mean winds, planetary waves, Tides end gravity waves in short and long-term

4 Meteor Radar Location Cachoeira Paulista Meteor Radar Cariri
Digissonde Airglow Cariri METEO RADAR Digisonde Santa Maria METEOR RADAR Boa Vista Equator Alcantara Manaus São Luis Fortaleza Natal Cariri (7 S, 38 W) Palmas Campo Grande Cachoeira Paulista (22.7 S, 45 W) São José dos Campos Santa Maria (29.7 S, 55 W)

5 Instruments 3 identic all sky interpherometric Meteor Radars SKiYMET All SKy Interferometer METeor Radar Wind Technical parameters Peak Power kW Pulse width μs Repetition Rate Hz Height Resolution km Angular Resolution ° Height interval – 100 km Transmmiter Antenna 3-elements Yagi • Receiver Antennas 5 2-element Yagi forming an Interpherometer

6 Mean winds, seasonality and Intraseasonal Oscillations
Monthly mean zonal wind in the mesopause from 1999 to 2008. (a) amplitude of the SAO, (b) amplitude of the AO, (c) phase of the SAO and (d) phase of the AO in the zonal wind in the mesopause. Composite monthly mean zonal wind in the mesopause over Guharay et al., Earth, Planets and Space, 66:45, (29 May 2014) 2014

7 Guharay et al., Earth, Planets and Space, 66:45, (29 May 2014) 2014
(a) Deseasonalized-AO wind at 81km and 10 hPa, (b) deseasonalized-SAO wind at 81 km and 10 hPa, (c) deseasonalized wind at 81km and 10 hPa. Temporal variation of the monthly mean (a) diurnal tide amplitude and d SAO wind, (b) diurnal tide amplitude and AO wind and (c) diurnal tide amplitude and (~ QBO) wind. Lomb-Scargle amplitude periodogram of the monthly mean diurnal tide and QTDW kinetic energy at 81 km over the observational period. Same as previous, but here it is QTDW kinetic energy instead of diurnal tide amplitude. Guharay et al., Earth, Planets and Space, 66:45, (29 May 2014) 2014

8 Planetary waves studies – QTDW at Santa Maria
2005 2005 2005 Santa Maria Wavelet power spectral density (PSD) for hourly zonal and meridional wind at 90 km with respect to day of the year and oscillation period for the years 2005 (top panel), 2006 (middle panel) and 2007 (bottom panel). Bold lines represent 90% significance level.

9 Planetary waves studies- QTDW at three latitudes
QTDW amplified when DT is reduced Amplitude modulated by 7-8 day periodicity Overall latitudinal invariance . Wave ducting evidence in MLT Signature for both baroclinic/barotropic instability and Rossby-gravity normal modes 2005 2006 2007 Filtered wind profile at 90 km over Santa Maria, Cachoeira Paulista and Cariri for the zonal and meridional wind for the years 2005 (top panel), 2006 (middle panel) and 2007 (bottom panel). Guharay et al., JASTP , 92: 83-93, 2013

10 QTDW at Cariri and Cachoeira Paulista
Lima et al., Rev. Bras. Geof. vol.25  suppl.2, 2007

11 Planetary waves studies- Kelvin waves at Cariri and Cachoeira Paulista
Wavelet power spectra of the zonal and meridional wind at 90 km for the years (a) 2002, (b) 2003, (c) 2004 and (d) Bold lines represent 95% significance level and the horizontal lines denote selected UFK bandwidth. Guharay et al., JASTP 102: , 2013

12 Filtered zonal and meridional wind after band pass filtering with bandwidth 3-4 day at 90 km for the years (a) 2002, (b) 2003, (c) 2004 and (d) 2005. Guharay et al., JASTP 102: , 2013

13 Upward wave amplitude growth
Discrete bursts of UFK with less amplitude during fall equinox and early winter Upward wave amplitude growth Higher eastward acceleration during equinox by UFK dissipation indicates potential for driving westerly phase of mean zonal wind immmediately after the equinoxes Lomb-Scargle periodogram calculated for the daily UFK amplitude and zonal wind at 90 km with the total time series (a) at Cachoeira Paulista and (b) at Cariri. Horizontal lines represent 95% confidence level. Guharay et al., JASTP 102: , 2013

14 6.5–day wave at Cachoeira Paulista
Lima et al., Adv. Space Res., 36, , 2005

15 16-day wave at Cachoeira Paulista
Lima et al., Advances in Space Research, 38, , 2006

16 Araújo, L. R. et al., Ann. Geophys., 32, 519-531, 2014
Time-height cross section of the 6-7 day oscillation amplitudes and composite-year 6-7 day amplitudes over Cariri (left hand plots) and over C. Paulista (right hand plots) for zonal component, for the years 2004 to 2008 and 2002 to 2008, respectively. Monthly mean eastward (dotted) and westward (solid) winds are also plotted as open white contours. Araújo, L. R. et al., Ann. Geophys., 32, , 2014

17 SSW Tides and QTDW in 2006 S-transform amplitude spectra for Cariri meridional wind in the 90-km 2004/Dec-2005/Mar (upper panel), 2005/Dec-2006/Mar (middle panel) 2006/Dec-2007/Mar (bottom panel). Lima et al., JASTP, 78-79, pp99-107, 2112

18 Amplitudes of Diurnal Tide and QTDW in zonal wind at Cariri in 90 km (Top panel), NCEP Zonal mean temperature in polar cap - from 60N to the pole- (second panel from top) and the mean zonal of the zonal wind (third panel from top), and the amplitudes of waves with zonal number 1 and 2 in geopotential hight in 60N, at 10 hPa, fora (a) , (b) e (c) Lima et al., JASTP, 78-79, pp99-107, 2112

19 Convective activity at Cachoeira Paulista decreases during the SSW
Response of the extratropical middle atmosphere to the September 2002 major stratospheric sudden warming Planetary waves of zonal wavenumbers 1 and 2 are found to propagate to extratropical latitudes during the warming period PW activity is is considerable les in the mesopause compared with stratopause No wave features are observed in the mesopause although wave component of ~12-14 days are found 2 weeks after the warming Convective activity at Cachoeira Paulista decreases during the SSW Daily mean wind (m/s) at Cachoeira Paulista (a) zonal, (b) meridional in the mesopause region using meteor radar and (c) zonal, (d) meridional in the troposphere-stratosphere using ECMWF. Guharay et al., Advance in Space Research, 53: , 2014

20 Lunar tide in Cachoeira Paulista
Paulino et al., JASTP pp 31-36, 2012

21 Lunar Tide Enhancement with SSW
Cariri Cachoeira Paulista Santa Maria Paulino, A. R. et al., /j.jastp , 2012

22 a)December 2005 to February 2006 at Cachoeira Paulista
Mesospheric temperatures derived from meteor radar decay times Stratospheric temperature at 90°N and 10 hPa . (b) Zonal wind at 60°N and 10 hPa level. c)Meridional wind at Cariri, d)Cachoeira Paulista e)Santa Maria. f)Zonal wind at Cariri g)Cachoeira Paulista Santa Maria New and full moons are indicated by solid and open circles, respectively. a)December 2005 to February 2006 at Cachoeira Paulista b) The same at Santa Maria c)December 2003 to February 2004 at Cachoeira Paulista d) December 2006 to February 2007 at Santa Maria Paulino, A. R. et al., /j.jastp , 2012

23 Zonal wind variances at Cariri
Zonal component of variances (left side) and the total wind (right side) averaged from 2005 to 2008 over São João do Cariri. All panels show the height/time variation of their respective variable. The altitude is measured in km, and X axis represent Universal Time (UT) beginig at midnight, and each line of the variances contour plot corresponds to 50 m²/s². The total wind are measured in m/s and the dashed line indicates where the values are zero. Andrioli et al., Ann. Geophys, 31, , 2013

24 Annual variation of the Monthly averaged variances <u´u´> and <v´v´> for Cariri, Cachoeira Paulista and Santamaria

25 Spectral power( m2 /sec2)
Periodograma de Lomb Scargle para a média em altura de <u´u´> Spectral power( m2 /sec2) Period (Months) Periodograma de Lomb Scargle para a média em altura de <v´v´> Spectral power( m2 /sec2) Period (Months)

26 Monthly averaged Gravity Wave Momentum fluxes at Santa Maria
For year Average of the vertical flux of the horizontal momentum for 2005 to 2009.

27 Momentun flux spectra Lomb Scargle Periodograms for zonal component of the vertical momentum flux. On top is the height averaged only in the altitudes where we have more confidence (87 to 94.5 km) ; on the botton only at chosen hights (85.5, 89, and 96 km). Lomb Scargle Periodograms for Meridional component of the vertical momentum flux. On top is the height averaged only in the altitudes where we have more confidence (87 to 94.5 km) ; on the botton only at chosen hights (85.5, 89, and 96 km). Dotted = 85.5 km Dashed = 89 km Dash Dot = 92.5 km Dash Dot Dot = 96 km

28 CONCLUSIONS Three SkiYmet meteor Radars have been installed in Brazilian equatorial and low latitudes Regular and international cooperation campaigns have been conducted since 1999 Tides and planetary waves have been configured at the three stations and also the non-linear relations between then The effects of SSW’s in northern polar regions are present in Solar and Lunar Tides, Planetary waves and Temperature in low latitude southern mesosphere Variances of the zonal and meridional winds have been calculated exibiting strong tidal modulation and semi annual variation Momentun fluxes in monthly average basis can be calculated and results show annual and semiannual variation.

29 Thank you

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