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Contact: Daily comparisons and Climatology

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1 Contact: Daily comparisons and Climatology
Variability and Trend of Total Ozone Column from Brewer Spectrophotometer and Satellite Measurements Over South of Brazil L. Vaz Peres (1), A. Mohamed Toihir (2), A. Passaglia Schuch (1), N. Mbatha (3), N. Begue (2), V. Anabor (1), T. Portafaix (2), H. Bencherif (2), D. Kirsch Pinheiro (1), N. Maria Paes Leme (4), and N. Jorge Shuch (5) Federal University of Santa Maria, Postgraduate Program in Meteorology, Santa Maria, Brazil Laboratoire de l’Atmosphère et des Cyclones, University of Reunion, Reunion Island, France. (3) School of Chemistry and Physics, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa, (4) South Regional Center, National Institute for Space Research – CRS/INPE, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil, (5) Northeast Regional Center, National Institute for Space Research – CRN/INPE, Natal, RN, Brazil Contact: Poster 55 INTRODUCTION Since 1930s long term data records of Total Ozone Column (TOC) has been done on a global scale by ground base Dobson Spectrophotometer instruments [1]. A number of studies have been conducted from long term TOC monitoring in order to analyze ozone trends [2] and temporal and spatial variations using a variety of ground base and satellite instruments and their inter-comparisons [3]. The objective of this study is to present the measurement of TOC over Southern Space Observatory – SSO (29.26° S;’ 53.48°W) Brazil, measured by Brewer Spectrophotometer, compare it with multiple spaceborne satellite sensors TOMS (Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer) and OMI (Ozone Monitoring Instrument) and merged this time series of 36 years between 1979 and 2014 and analyze the seasonal variability by climatology and trends and interannual variability by Trend-Run model to identify the variability modes and quantify his influence in this multidecal data sets. DATA ANALYSIS TOMS Satellite Nimbus-7 => 1979 to 1993 Meteor-3 => 1991 to 1994 Earth Probe => 1996 to 2005 OMI Satellite => 2004 to present Merger d Serie => to 2014 Comparisons Analysis Figure 1: Brewer Spectrophotometer MKIII #167 in SSO (29.26° S; 53.48° W), Brazil Brewer Spectrometers: MKIV#081 => 1992 to 2000; MKII#056 => 2000 to 2002 ;MKIII #167 => 2002 to present Figure 3: Scatterplot for the TOC in SSO obtained through Brewer spectrophotometer and (a) TOMS (Dataset#1) and (b) OMI (Dataset#2) satellite. (c) TOC monthly climatology for the period between 1979 and 2014 by Brewer spectrophotometer (blue) and TOMS (red) and OMI (green) and merged (black). Daily comparisons and Climatology Trend-run analysis The model is based on the principle of breaking the monthly time series Y(t) in sums of different parameters that explain the variations: Y (z,t) = c1SAC(z,t) + c2AC(z,t) + c3(z)QBO(z 40,t) + c4(z)ENSO(t) + c5(z)Solar(t) + ε(z,t) Figure 2. Schematic diagram of TOC time series for each instrument at SSO between 1979 and (a) Brewer Spectrophotometer in blue, (b) Toms in red, OMI in green and merged in black. Figure 4- Monthly average TOC time series observed (merged) and simulated by Trend – Run Model between 1979 and 2014 in SSO. CONCLUSION Good agreement was observed between Brewer spectrophotometers, TOMS and OMI satellite instruments, verified by high R2 values (0.88 and 0.93 respectively), small spread in all the datasets, whit RMSE smaller than 3%. The MBE parameter indicates that the TOMS and OMI non-significant underestimate and MABE values indicate better agreement with the update in the measurements equipment’s. The annual cycle is the dominant mode in the seasonal TOC variation observed by the climatology and Trend – Run model with a trend of ± 0.3%/decade and interannual variability dominated by QBO cycle. REFERENCES [1] Dobson, G. M. B.: Forty years' research on atmospheric ozone at Oxford: A history, Appl. Opt., 7, , 1968. [2] BENCHERIF, H., DIAB, R. D., PORTAFAIX, T., MOREL, B., KECKHUT, P., AND MOORGAWA, A.: Temperature climatology and trend estimates in the UTLS region as observed over a southern subtropical site, Durban, South Africa, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 6, , doi: /acp , 2006. [3] ANTÓN, M., LÓPEZ, M., VILAPLANA, J. M., KROON, M., MCPETERS, R., BAÑÓN, M., AND SERRANO, A.: Validation of OMI-TOMS and OMI-DOAS total ozone column using five Brewer spectroradiometers at the Iberian Peninsula, J. Geophys. Res-Atmos, 114, D14307, doi: /2009JD012003, 2009. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thanks to FAPERGS CAPES for scholarships,. Special acknowledgments to Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia Antártico de Pesquisas Ambientais and CNPq (process n° /2008-5) and FAPERJ (process n° E-16/ /2008).

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