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Review for Quiz 1 (Everything through Chapt 5)

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1 Review for Quiz 1 (Everything through Chapt 5)
Peter Berck 2016 Env. Econ. 1

2 Supply and Demand Supply and Demand demand vs. quantity demanded
supply vs. quantity supplied movements along vs. shifts of S & D price ceiling, price floor Excess supply/demand market & individuals' demand curves horizontal summation specific tax tax incidence elasticity of demand and supply complementary vs. substitute goods normal and inferior goods

3 Tax example Ps = 0.25 Q Pd = 3 – .4 Q t= .6 D-1(Q) – t = S-1(Q)
Pd t = Ps

4 Tax Incidence Flat and vertical supply curve

5 Loan rate A price floor supported by government purchase. Demand
?treasury outlay QD PL Demand Supply QL Excess supply

6 Consumer Theory consumption bundle* *=learn the definition
Preferences* budget line or budget constraint* indifference curve* properties of indiff. curves (1) slope down (2) don't cross (3)"moon" shaped derivation of demand curves Why tangency of budget line & indiff curve Change price

7 Demand Curve Price of Wine is 8

8 Normal & Inferior Again
What happens to q demanded with increased income?

9 Pareto Improvement* When at least one party to a deal is made better off and no parties are made worse off the deal is said to be Pareto improving. Examples of market trades that are pareto improving Examples of market trades that are NOT pareto improving

10 What Goes Wrong With Markets
Reasons for No ownership; open access* Externalities* Public Goods (non-rival; non-excludable)* Insufficient weight on future Government Failure Give examples of each

11 Surplus,EV,CV Total Willingness to Pay* Amount Paid Consumer Surplus*
Surplus from a public good Define EV* and CV* for a price change.

12 Willingness to Accept and Willingness to pay questions.
When are they EV and when are they CV

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