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Risk analysis mussels transfer

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1 Risk analysis mussels transfer
20/06/2018 Risk analysis mussels transfer Jeroen Wijsman, Aad Smaal Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies, The Netherlands ICSR’06 Charleston

2 Contents Mussel culture Netherlands Import from Irish and Celtic Seas
Exotic species Risk assessment Conclusions

3 Mussel culture in the Netherlands
Percelen WS


5 Fluctuating resources

6 Import of mussels to fulfill needs

7 Import from Irish and Celtic seas
Import from various locations in Western European waters Annual import ton total ton from Irish and Celtic Seas


9 Import from Irish and Celtic seas
Transport in big bags on conditioned trucks hrs out of the water Juveniles (20%) →directly on culture plots Consumption (80%) Natural watering sites Containers

10 Exotic species With import of mussels risk of introducing exotic species into the Oosterschelde Exotic species could potentially effect functioning of the Oosterschelde ecosystem (Special Area of Conservation) Once introduced, it is very difficult/impossible to control/remove Examples: Crepidula fornicata (1929), Crasostrea gigas (1964) Legislation through permits Risk analysis

11 Import exotic species through shellfish transfer
20/06/2018 Import exotic species through shellfish transfer NE Atlantic shelf region Exotic species

12 Introduction of exotic species in the Oosterschelde
Last decade: 1.7 new species year-1

13 Introduction of new NE-Atlantic species in the Oosterschelde
Last decade: 5.3 new species year-1

14 Increasing introductions into Oosterschelde
More transportation (ships, shellfish) More and better observations (recreational divers) Changing climate

15 Chance of successful introduction
Target species Target species Step 2. Introduction capacity Chance of successful introduction Risk analysis Step 3. impact x Ecological impact = Risk Exotics Irish/Celtic Sea Exotics Oosterschelde Step 1. Selection Target species

16 Results Risk Analysis Oosterschelde 69 exotic species (this study)
74 exotic species in Irish and British marine waters (Minchin and Eno, 2002) 22 species unknown for the Oosterschelde (target species) 14 species could permanently establish permanent populations in the Oosterschelde

17 Results Risk Analysis 3 of the target species are known as pest species (Alexandrium tamarense, Karenia mikimotoi, Urosalpinx cinerea)

18 Conclusions/Recommendations
Risk of introducing harmful exotic species into the Oosterschelde is low but not absent Develop a risk management programme Further research on A. tamarense, K. mikimotoi and U. cinerea Monitor development of exotic species in Ireland and UK Monitor species composition of the import

19 Contributers to this study
20/06/2018 Contributers to this study E. Brummelhuis; K. Kaag; C. Karman, E. Foekema (IMARES, The Netherlands) H. Hummel (NIOO-CEME, The Netherlands) R. Wenne, T. Kijewski, M. Zbawicka (Institute of Oceanology PAS Sopot, Poland) R. Seed, J. Bussell, L. Oliver (SOC, Univ. Wales Bangor) M. de Kluijver (Grontmij | AquaSense, The Netherlands) F. O’Beirn (Marine Institute, Galway Ireland) © Wageningen UR

20 Import from Irish and Celtic seas
5.0 1.3 16.4 4.1

21 Import exotic species through shellfish transfer
20/06/2018 Import exotic species through shellfish transfer NE Atlantic shelf region Exotic species NE Atlantic shelf species

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