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This garden integrates native plants and other water wise plants

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1 This garden integrates native plants and other water wise plants
The Owen Garden This garden integrates native plants and other water wise plants

2 Water Harvesting To provide water for her xeric garden, Jan collects rain water in a barrel from a down spout off her home Using a series of drip irrigation lines and hoses she is able to water most of her xeric landscape

3 A birdbath is an excellent way to provide drinking and bath water for birds

4 This shows one of the drip lines used to carry water from the rain water harvesting barrel to the plants that need an occasional drink

5 Russian Sage


7 Native Prickly Pear Cactus (Opuntia Sp.)

8 Scabiosa

9 Artemisia ‘Powis Castle’


11 Yucca elata


13 Verbena Ridgida

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