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Do Now Do Now: What do the words "related" and "family“ mean?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Do Now: What do the words "related" and "family“ mean?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Do Now: What do the words "related" and "family“ mean?
Give an example from your life. Draw a picture.

2 Today’s Schedule Homework: Agenda: Pass back papers
Investigation: Missing Alien Essential Questions What makes up matter? How do the parts of matter affect its properties? Announcements: Tutorials today from 3:30- 5:00

3 What do they mean? Related Family 3

4 Confidential: Late last night, a low-flying alien spacecraft was spotted flying in the sky by people driving down the intersection of 183 and Burnet Road. At 11: 42 PM a large explosion followed by an enormous flash of light was reported near the Taco Cabana, just west of Burnet Middle School. A family of aliens was taken into custody, but there is reason to believe an additional alien is on the loose. Examine and sort the cards provided and make a drawing of the missing alien to give the authorities. 4

5 Missing Alien Sort the alien cards using our definitions of related and family. Record all patterns in your composition book. Predict what the missing alien would look like. Draw your missing alien on the card provided by your teacher. 5

6 Page 39 Related Family September 27, 2010
Characteristics of aliens: __________________________________________ Rows organized by: _________________________ Columns organized by: ______________________ Missing Alien Picture: 6

7 Exit Slip Exit Slip- Describe the properties of the Alien Family.
How did you arrange your Alien Family cards? Describe the patterns in your cards for the rows and for the columns. 7

8 Periodic Table of Elements

9 Do Now Do Now: Read the card “Atom Trivia” at your table.
Write a paragraph summarizing what you learned in your composition book.

10 Bohr Model Periodic Tables
Think: Record patterns you observe in the periodic table: Horizontal Patterns Vertical Patterns 10

11 Bohr Model Periodic Tables
Pair: Discuss patterns you observe in the periodic table with your shoulder partner. Horizontal Patterns Vertical Patterns 11

12 Bohr Model Periodic Tables
Share your discussion with the class. Horizontal Patterns Vertical Patterns 12

13 Periodic Table Notes Notes: Periodic Table of Elements Organization 13

14 Periodic Table Notes Notes: Periodic Table of Elements Organization
Groups Vertical columns Same number of valence electrons, electrons in outermost energy level. Refer back to bohr model periodic table of elements. 14

15 Group 1 Hydrogen 1 valence electron
All have 1 electron in their most outside energy level. Lithium Refer back to bohr model periodic table of elements. Sodium 15

16 Periodic Table Notes Notes: Periodic Table of Elements Organization
Valence Electrons Electrons in the outer-most energy level. Determine the chemical reactivity of an element. Refer back to bohr model periodic table of elements. 16

17 Periodic Table Notes Notes: Periodic Table of Elements Organization
Periods Horizontal Rows Have the same number of energy levels. Refer back to bohr model periodic table of elements. 17

18 Period 1 1 energy level Hydrogen Helium
Refer back to bohr model periodic table of elements. Hydrogen Helium 18

19 Period 2 2 energy levels Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon
Refer back to bohr model periodic table of elements. Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon 19

20 Periodic Table of Elements
Ask students where the metals are, where the non metals are and where the metalloids are. Listen for ZigZag or stairstep line as the divider for metalloids. Metals are on the left Nonmetals are on the right Metalloids are by the stairstep – there are 8 metalloids

21 Periodic Table of Elements
Identify where we would find Metals- color them red Non-metals – color them blue And Metalloids. – color them purple (there are only 8) Tell students to color lightly and put a key or legend on their table so they can identify them later. Color the metalloids first- then use it as a dividing line between the others.

22 Color the Metalloids first – there are only 8
Students will color in their periodic table – remind them not to color in too darkly they need to be able to read it! Color metalloids first – it makes it easier. H is a non-metal weirdo on the left side. Color the Metalloids first – there are only 8 B, Si, Ge, As, Sb, Te, Po, and At Don’t forget- H is a non-metal weirdo on the left side

23 METALS Found on left side of periodic table Shiny- looks like metal!
Malleable ( can bend) Ductile ( can be made into wire) Good conductor of heat and electricity Examples from your life? This will be the notes on the first column of your tri fold

24 Metalloids Near the zigzag line on the periodic table
“KIND OF” elements Some are “kind of” shiny, “kind of” dull Some are “kind of” good at conducting heat and electricity Some are “kind of” malleable – can bend a little bit Examples from your life? Second column of your tri fold

25 Non-metals Found on the right side of the periodic table
Dull ( not shiny) Most are gases Brittle ( break easily- cannot bend) Poor conductors of heat and electricity Examples from your life? Third column of your tri fold.

26 What is another name for Group?
TAKE A GUESS Where are the groups ? Where are the periods? What is another name for Group? The groups are at the top of the periodic table. There are 18 groups. Another name for a group is a Family. The Periods are at the side of the chart. Hint; Sentences have a period at the end. You read a sentence across the page.

27 Groups or Families Groups are columns ( go down) on the periodic table. All elements in the same group or family have similar characteristics – they act alike ( just like your family). Have students write GROUPS at the top of their columns LABEL GROUPS AT THE TOP OF YOUR CHART Another word for Groups is FAMILY – write it too!

28 Periods Periods are rows across the periodic table. The elements gain protons and electrons as we move across the period. Have students label PERIODS at the side of the chart Label PERIODS on the side of your periodic table.

29 Name those elements Group 14, Period 2 Group 11, period 4
Group 14, Period 2 – Carbon Group 11, Period 4 – Copper Group 2, Period 2 – Beryllium Group 17, Period 3 – Chlorine Group 1, Period 18 - Helium

30 Vocabulary Cards Make vocabulary cards for the following words: Group Period Reactivity (chemical)

31 Exit Slip Which two elements are in the same group?
Which two elements are in the same period? Which two elements have the most similar chemical properties? Complete without using your periodic table of elements. A B C D preAP 31

32 Exit Slip Use your Periodic Table of Elements to explain which element has properties most similar to Chlorine. a. Fluorine b. Argon c. Lutetium d. Sulfur   Refer back to bohr model periodic table of elements. 32

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