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My Classroom Philosophy

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1 Back-To-School Night 2017-2018

2 My Classroom Philosophy
Inclusive Challenging Nurturing Creating success Boosting self-esteem Promoting community Reaching potential Instilling confidence Fostering independence POSITIVE!

3 Newtown Elementary Goals
School-wide Positive Behavioral Support System (SPBSS) Develop and maintain a safe, clean and positive learning environment based on mutual respect, clear expectations and shared accountability (see website for more details!) This year our school will continue our focus on the issue of bullying, especially during recess and lunch. We will also work with students to teach resiliency. RESPECT SPORTSMANSHIP COOPERATION RESPONSIBILITY

4 Mathematics 3rd year using-Glencoe Math
Students MUST advocate for themselves Clinic at recess-come prepared with ?’s Homework every night-written or studying HW will be using online textbook, workbook, or printed pages given in class Common Core-less topics, more in depth See my website for more information!

5 Language Arts: Collections
Council Rock’s core reading program Includes literature, phonics, writing, spelling, grammar and vocabulary Emphasis on non-fiction text

6 Language Arts/Writing
5 Domains of Writing Writing Process Mini-lessons Conferencing Revising/Peer Editing Required Writing Pieces-narrative, persuasive, informational, poetry, response journals Most writing will be done as part of the Collections program

7 Culture Day-Beginning of November (get your display board now!)
Social Studies Harcourt Brace Social Studies (book not online) Evaluations (tests, quizzes, notes, classwork, homework, group/individual projects) Study Skills Outlining Flashcards Note taking strategies Organization Mnemonic devices Culture Day-Beginning of November (get your display board now!)

8 Switching Classes for Social Studies & Science
Egypt (Mrs. Coolahan) Mesoamerica (Ms. Grimes) India (Mrs. Skitsko) Mesopotamia (Mr. Eckelmeyer) China (Mrs. Galanti)

9 Science Astronomy (Mrs. Coolahan) Variables (Mrs. Skitsko)
Levers and Pulleys (Mr. Eckelmeyer) Cells, Heredity & Classification- Chapters 1-3 (Me ) Chapters 4-6 (Ms. Grimes) The Scientific Method 1. State the Question 2. Collect Information 3. Form a Hypothesis 4. Test the Hypothesis 5. Observe 6. Record and Study Data 7. Draw a Conclusion

10 Transition to Middle School
Preparation Independence Study Skills Organization Responsibility Advocacy Collaboration with NMS Course Selection (spring)

11 Technology ~Chrome Books ~Each student has a Google account -Web based
-Access at home -Automatically saves student work ~Usernames/passwords will be written in the HW book (next week, hopefully!) ~Please let me know if there is a problem with internet access at home.

12 Homework 60 minutes (written, studying, reading) High Expectations
Consequences for missed assignments Phone calls, s, conferences Tests/Quizzes signed and returned Class webpage, as backup Homework Buddies!

13 “Mark My Time”

14 Thanks for coming! I’m looking forward to a great year with your children!
Marcie Galanti

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