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Photography pitch By Andre Tibbles.

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1 Photography pitch By Andre Tibbles

2 Terence Donovan & Nina manandhar
Terence Donovan was an English photographer and film director, noted for his fashion photography of the 1960s. Nina Manandhar’s photographs and curated projects explore contemporary global youth identity and the meaning of style. Driven by an enduring interest in people, underpinning her work is a will to champion authenticity in commercial and arts based commissions alike.

3 What this is for This project is about creating a book with everyone in my class contributing two images to the book, one photo will be a remake or in the style of Terence Donovan and Nina manandhar. Who are very different photographers, in the way of Nina captures more diverse cultures and Terence takes photo’s of more higher class audience (celebs) and his photo’s, whereas Nina’s photo’s relate to a more working class audience.

4 Nina manandhar photo Nina Manandhar is known for taking photos in different cultural environments and of different ethnic groups. I also gathered that this photo was taken in Africa which also makes me more interested because some of the poverty in Africa means that children don’t have dreams and if they do they don’t get a great chance in making their dreams reality and these boys might have dreams and them waring these clothes might be a sign of them trying to make their dream a reality.

5 Why I picked this photo I picked this photo because it is very stereotypical and I caught my eye, not only is it controversial it is very colourful and vibrant. The background is not overbearing and the only thing you really see in the photo is the clothes on the two black men. That is why I want to recreate this photo using my own interpretation of what this photo symbolises and using a rough part of London as the background, I want to capture hope and ambition in my photo. I also want to show racial diversity in my photo so I want to use 3 people in my photo all of them from different ethnic backgrounds, because London is a very multicultural place.

6 Objective I want to use the photo as funny but serious look at ethnic diversity in the united kingdom and use it to symbolize that everyone even though they are from different social/ethnic groups can still be friends and I want my photo’s to stand against ethnic prejudice and social exclusion. I want people to neither feel angry at my photo or refreshed by the variety of cultures in my photo.

7 Target audience Although my photo can be viewed and interpreted by anyone I want to aim my photo at teenagers in my college because CANDI is a very diverse place with people from many different ethic groups my aim is to bring people together. (although only a small majority of students will sample my pictures and create their own interpretation of my photos. Older people like parents or teachers might be more interested in the photo book because their child might have been a part of it students might be less interested in this because it’s a book and I do not feel that most students at the college will go to the trouble of od reading a book on photography when the majority do not take it. This Is for the Nina manandhar’s photo recreation, Terence Donovan’s will have a different target audience.

8 Focus I want to show and focus on diversity and I intend to show this in my photo. The original photo was taken in Africa an I’m obviously not going to Africa to take a photo that already exists so I want to capture London in my interpretation of the photo. This means I am going to heavily focus on my location I need to pick a location that heavily shows and breathes London I want to do this photo at night because I am taking a photo of teens and I think the night perfectly captures youth. These things will be my main focus when shooting this photo, because my photo could seem very stereotypical in a negative way if I do not focus on these points.

9 Mood/atmosphere I want use the natural colours of London to capture mood, I will also use the people who I take the photo’s of to create mood using clothing; people judge on the clothes someone wares which can often be wrong of ignorant so I want to show this in my photo by being very stereotypical in what clothes I choose to use. This creates a hostile atmosphere and mood just like some parts of London for some people from ethnic groups. I want different age groups to feel different things; I want older people to feel very ignorant towards my photo and I want younger people to emphasize with the concept because they may have experienced it.

10 Terence Donovan photo This is the photo that I have chosen to recreate from Terence Donovan’s photos, I picked it because it is mysterious. The most striking thing about this photo is the man’s eyes. The background is also black which makes you feel that the man in the foreground is shady and scary. The top of his head is also cropped which makes me feel that the man is hiding something or in trouble. The black and white brings out the sharpness of the man’s jawline which makes him seem more intimidating.

11 objective I want to show emotion through colour so I want to have the same photo of someone's face( whoever I choose to take the photo of) and use photo shop to make the photos different I want to make my photo’s different to make it seem like the persons emotions are different. I want to use a pop art theme.

12 Influences Obviously Terence Donovan was a big influence, because I’m recreating one of his photo’s, although I do not like much (if not all) of his work, I feel Nina’s work is more true to life so I prefer her work. I want to make this photo have a pop art theme so Andy Warhol was a big influence on my choice to recreate this photo. I like Andy Warhol’s work because it is very colourful and I want to bring lots of colour to this originally black and white close-up. I thought that adding colour would be a good way to put my own spin on the photo, I also want to see what colour does to the emotion in the photo.

13 Target audience I want to target younger people; college students, because I feel my recreation will relate more to teens because I am using a pop art theme which I think relates more to teens that older people. I am not targeting an ethnic group because my photo is open to interpretation from anyone of any race but I do think some ethnic groups will be more interested in my recreation that others. I think some people will will be interested in my photo just because, they may be keen on art older people may enjoy my photo but most wont that is why I am not strictly targeting any ethnic groups because anyone can enjoy art but different people will be enjoy looking at my photo; a media and art student will probably want to look and my photo compared to business student.

14 Mood and atmosphere For Terence's photo I want to create lots of different mood I aim for people of different ages to feel different emotions. I want some of my shots to create a negative and spooky atmosphere an other shots to make the viewer feel happy and humored by the shots. I will be editing each shot differently to create these moods (not taking individual shots). I want all of my edits to be mysterious because I want to capture the mysteriousness that Terence Donovan did because the mysteriousness was the main influence for me picking this photo to reinterpret.

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