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Kingdom Archaea (Archaebacteria)

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Presentation on theme: "Kingdom Archaea (Archaebacteria)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kingdom Archaea (Archaebacteria)
The Extreme Prokaryotes

2 What Are They? Archaea (archaebacteria) – microscopic single-celled organisms that DO NOT have a nucleus and can survive in extreme environments Archaea are Prokaryotes - unicellular organism that are prokaryotic cells prokaryotic cell – a cell that lacks a nucleus and other organelles Archaea are similar to bacteria in size but their cell structure is so different from bacteria that they placed it in its own domain

3 Prokaryotic Cell vs. Eukaryotic Cell
Prokaryotic Cell – a cell that lacks a nucleus and other organelles Tough cell wall that protects the organism

4 Prokaryotic Cell vs. Eukaryotic Cell
Eukaryotic Cell – a cell in which the genetic material is enclosed within a nucleus, surrounded by its own membrane (HAS A NUCLEUS)

5 Where Do They Live Thrive in places where no other organisms can survive: 3 types of Archaea: 1. Methanogens 2. Thermophiles 3. Halophiles

6 Methane-Makers - Methanogens
Use only CO2, H and N to produce energy to live, and as a result give off methane gas. Live in swamps, marshes, gut of cattle, termites, etc… Methanogens are decomposers; and can be used in sewage treatment. Methanogens may someday be used to produce methane as fuel

7 Heat/Cold Lovers - Thermophiles
Prefer temperatures above 60°C (up to 110°C for hyperthermophiles!) or near or below freezing Thermophiles live in hot sulfur springs, Yellowstone Park, deep sea hydrothermal vents “black smokers”, geothermal power plants Also live in ocean waters around Antarctica, under the polar ice caps, etc.

8 Salt Lovers - Halophiles
Require an environment as salty or 10x saltier than ocean water Some prefer up to 30% salt concentrations! These bacteria live in the Dead Sea, the Great Salt Lake, and salt evaporation ponds.

9 How do Archaea get energy?
Cellular Respiration – a process in which cells use oxygen to release energy stored in sugars

10 How Do They Reproduce? Binary Fission
Binary Fission is a form of asexual reproduction

11 Binary Fission -binary fission – a type of asexual reproduction where
one organism divides into two organisms -In binary fission the genetic material is copied, and one cell divides into two independent cells that are each a copy Of the original cell -In some cells, binary fission can occur every 20 minutes

12 So Who Cares About Archaea Anyway?
Some scientists believe that all life on Earth evolved from Kingdom Archaea

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