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Species Project By: Zack Newman.

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1 Species Project By: Zack Newman

2 Madagascar Red Owl Tyto soumagnei
Threatened species A small to medium sized owl only about 30 cm tall, a red-orange tint to its coat, and a rounded pale looking face. It can be described as a orange barn owl with a rounder face This species is threatened because of habitat loss. It lives in the Madagascar jungle witch is being cleared for industry and urban expansion A proposed method for protection is creating nature reserves for these animals.

3 Loggerhead Sea Turtle Caretta caretta
This is a turtle that is present in the Atlantic, pacific, and Indian oceans. It is endangered due to low reproductive rate and vulnerable youth This is a sea turtle with a slightly heart shape shell that is reddish brown and it is about 3ft long and has a very strong beak-like mouth for eating shelled animals One solution that is being accomplished is fishing nets with TED’s built in (turtle excluder device)

4 Thick tailed Chub (Extinct) Gila Cassicauda
This was a fish named for the area right in front of its back fin. This fish is grey in nature but can be found in a purple-blackish tint to it They have gone extinct because of the draining of marshes and ponds to make room for more land

5 Giant Reed Arundo donax
This is a highly invasive species because it grows and takes over riparian zones of waterways. It is invasive because it has no naturally predators because it is so strong It is a tall plant that is hollow and very sturdy. Herbicide is being used right now to help with this problem along the California river banks

6 Saguaro Cactus Carnegiea gigantea
This cactus only grows in the Sonoran Desert in Arizona. This is the largest species of cactus that can sprout out arms that grow towards the sky. This is a keystone species because it is the water well of the desert. While it is alive it isn't much help but when it dies in falls over and becomes habitats and for a lot of little desert rodents

7 Sheep sorrel Rumex acetosella
This flower is an indicator species of low acidity in the soil. It will grow just about anywhere there is acidic soil

8 Sources

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