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Dogs By: Grace Kauffman.

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Presentation on theme: "Dogs By: Grace Kauffman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dogs By: Grace Kauffman

2 Table of Contents Chapter 1:Why To Buy A Dog
Chapter 2:Basic Info On Dogs Chapter 3:How To Treat A Dog Chapter 4:Cats V.S Dogs Chapter 5:Dog Supplies Chapter 6: Fun Facts About Dogs Glossary

3 Chapter 1: Why To Buy A Dog
Dogs are such amazing animals. They come in different colors and breeds and colors. Dogs have very good hearing and are very smart. My dog was a leader dog he got arthritis in his leg so he could not be one any more. My dog is a yellow lab. Labs are common dog breeds they have black , yellow , White, and some different shades of brown. I think that dogs are the most amazing animals in the world. Do you?

4 Chapter 2: Basic Info On Dogs
When You get a dog one of the most important things is that you have food. Food is important because your dog will starve without it and in a more severe case it could even lead to death. It dose not really matter what food you feed them unless there sick or they have a health problem then they might have to eat a special food or something. But the most important thing is that your dog is happy and healthy. One of my favorite things to do with my dog is tricks are fun to do. You can teach your dog how to give you a high five or shake your hand. Most dogs can jump and some can play dead. Some can roll over or dance. My favorite trick is when my dog plays dead he looks so funny and cute. And that is why I love doing tricks with my dog so much and I think you will love doing tricks with your dog also.

5 Chapter 3: How to treat a dog
Did you know that if you have a rescued dog that before you got your dog it was maybe treated badly? Well maybe it was or maybe it was not but the important that is that it is treated well now. I know some stories about dogs do you want to here one? Well here it goes and by the way it’s a true story. Once there was a dog named Bell and these mean people adopted here from a breeder. Right across the street lived a girl in a apartment she just hated to see the dog suffer. So one day when the dog the dog was tide to the pole outside to a pole she came over and stole it but dogs were not allowed in the apartment so she went upstairs with it making sure no one saw it then when she got up stairs she put it on the internet. Now that dog lives with a nice family and that dog is still alive.

6 Chapter 4: Cats V.S Dogs Have you ever realized that dogs and cats are similar? Well they are! Dogs and Cats are similar in lots of different ways like they are both animals and they also both have fur. They also both have whiskers. They also both growl. Even though they are similar, they are different. Dogs are nice cuddly and cats are mean they scratch and bite. Also dogs go to the bathroom outside and cats use a litter box. Dogs bark and Cats meow. Also, dogs are more fun to play with and Cats are more lazy and boring. But in the end of the day I would decently pick dogs would you?

7 Chapter 5:Dog Supplies When you get a dog you have to have supplies. You need a brush so their fur is as smooth as silk. You also need 2 bowls for food and water. You also need a leash that might come in handy don’t you think. You will also want plastic bags for when they go on walks with you.

8 Chapter 6: Fun Facts Do you want to know some cool facts about dogs? Because I have a couple good ones for you: If you are blind they can help you get your way around. Another cool fact is dog are very smart and they have good hearing. Dogs are all different like some dogs have a little spot on there eye, and those are the best one’s I know!

9 Glossary Leader Dog – A dog that helps the blind.
Breed –A type of dog. Death – Someone’s life over. Labs – A breed of dogs. Starve– When you are so hungry.

10 The End

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