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Oddly Satisfying Kan Bu Dong About You True Love?

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Presentation on theme: "Oddly Satisfying Kan Bu Dong About You True Love?"— Presentation transcript:

1 100 200 300 400 500 Oddly Satisfying Kan Bu Dong About You True Love?
Fail! Best Answer?

2 What is the University of Washington?
Example A public institution in the Pacific Northwest with a Husky named “Dubs” as its mascot What is the University of Washington?

3 What’s best: hot, cool, or iced?
100 What’s best: hot, cool, or iced? Why?

4 What type of alien is Brandon? Why?
200 What type of alien would you be, and why? What type of alien is Brandon? Why?

5 300 If you were the ruler of the earth, where would you spend the most time? Why?

6 Which of these things do you wish was unnecessary, and why?
400 What things do ALL people have to do? Which of these things do you wish was unnecessary, and why?

7 500 If an apple is 10 yuan, a banana is 15, and a pear is 25, then how much is an orange? Why do you think so?

8 “I’d rather have a tooth pulled.”
100 “I’d rather have a tooth pulled.” (what’s the meaning?) How would you use it?

9 When would you want to do this?
200 “Let’s rough him up.” (what’s the meaning?) When would you want to do this?

10 300 “Let her down easy.” (what’s the meaning?) How would you do this?

11 How true do you believe this is? Why?
400 “Birds of a feather flock together.” (what’s the meaning?) How true do you believe this is? Why?

12 “I almost lost my lunch.” When might you use this phrase?
500 “I almost lost my lunch.” (what’s the meaning?) When might you use this phrase?

13 What’s the longest amount of time you’ve ever spent alone?
100 What’s the longest amount of time you’ve ever spent alone? How did you feel?

14 What drink and food do you hate the most?
200 What drink and food do you hate the most? Why?

15 Would you rather not be able to see or hear?
300 Would you rather not be able to see or hear? Why?

16 What is more important to you: Truth or Feelings?
400 What is more important to you: Truth or Feelings? Why?

17 Hug or Kiss – which is best?
500 Hug or Kiss – which is best? Why?

18 What do you say to someone you like but doesn’t know you?
100 What do you say to someone you like but doesn’t know you? Why?

19 You should try to be friends before being in a relationship.
200 You should try to be friends before being in a relationship. True or False? Why?

20 300 When you date, it is great to bring a gift, some flowers, and go to nice restaurant. Yes or No? Why?

21 After you get a phone number, how long should you wait to call them?
400 After you get a phone number, how long should you wait to call them? Guys? Girls? Why?

22 Guys or Girls should say “I love you” first?
500 Guys or Girls should say “I love you” first? Why?

23 How do you fail at school?
100 How do you fail at school? Why?

24 What’s the best way to fail at work?
200 What’s the best way to fail at work? Why?

25 What are the best ways to fail at getting good sleep?
300 What are the best ways to fail at getting good sleep? Why?

26 What are the best ways to fail getting a spouse?
400 What are the best ways to fail getting a spouse? Why?

27 What are the best ways to fail at life?
500 What are the best ways to fail at life? Why?

28 A guy says “Give me your money or I’ll shoot you”
100 A guy says “Give me your money or I’ll shoot you” Best answer?

29 Your date asks, “Are you still seeing other people?”
200 Your date asks, “Are you still seeing other people?” Best answer?

30 300 A date asks you, “What kind of work do you do?” or “How do you get around?” Best answer?

31 Someone asks “How can I make a LOT of money FAST?”
400 Someone asks “How can I make a LOT of money FAST?” Best answer?

32 How can I become even more handsome or beautiful than I am?
500 How can I become even more handsome or beautiful than I am? Best answer?

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