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Council for Geoscience Briefing of the PC on Mineral Resources:

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Presentation on theme: "Council for Geoscience Briefing of the PC on Mineral Resources:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Council for Geoscience Briefing of the PC on Mineral Resources:
Annual Report for 2011/12

2 Presentation Structure
Corporate performance Historic Performance Balanced Scorecard Audited financial statements & multi year budgets PFMA audit outcomes Transformation trends Geoscience mapping programs Key geoscience projects


4 Historic Statutory and Commercial Performance

5 Balanced Scorecard (2011/2012)
BSC Perspective: Market (Stakeholder/Customer) Focus Measure Baseline 2010/11 Target 2011/12 Performance ATP performance index 97,87% 85% 95,4% Customer satisfaction level 89,12% 80% 88,87% # of Maps and Publications published focusing on exploration investment -- 5 2 # of Maps and Publications published focusing on other thrusts 42 20 14

6 Balanced Scorecard (2011/2012)
BSC Perspective: Market (Stakeholder/Customer) Focus Measure Baseline 2010/11 Target 2011/12 Performance # of Rural Development Projects in progress 33 25 27 # of Regional and African Development Projects in progress 29 22 23 # of Environment-related Projects in progress -- 5 6

7 Balanced Scorecard (2011/2012)
BSC Perspective: Effective Systems (Organizational) Measure Baseline 2010/11 Target 2011/12 Performance % ISO implementation in accordance with reference report 85% 90% % Completion of Mine Seismic Network Integration (Klerksdorp area) -- 100% 94% Implement Geoscience Amendment Act n.a. Preferential (BEE/HDI) procurement as % of total procurement 26,82% 45% 31,54% # of audit qualifications

8 Balanced Scorecard (2011/2012)
BSC Perspective: Economic (Financial) Growth Measure Baseline 2010/11 Target 2011/12 Performance Total Revenue R211m R206,1m R241,4m Grant R136,5m R137,5m R144,7m Contract Revenue R61,8m R66m R79,3m Sundry Income R12,7m R2,6m R17,3m Commercial Surplus R15,3m R0m R26,6m Ratio of Contract Revenue to total Revenue 29,3% 32% 32,8%

9 Balanced Scorecard (2011/2012)
BSC Perspective: Economic (Financial) Growth Measure Baseline 2010/11 Target 2011/12 Performance Ratio of External Revenue to Total Revenue 35,3% 33,3% 40% Number of large tenders submitted and proposals submitted (>R1m) 29 44 21 Ratio of overhead costs to total cost (%) 69,8% 55% 67,2% Ratio of personnel costs to total costs 62,8% 65% 59,7%

10 Balanced Scorecard (2011/2012)
BSC Perspective: World Class People (Learning and Growth) Measure Baseline 2010/11 Target 2011/12 Performance Staff turnover -11,6% -7% -2% # of staff and students enrolled for MSc and PhD degrees 37 28 41 # of Engineering Geologists undergoing training -- 4 6 Proportion of Scientists to Total Staff 40,07% 43% 38,87% % of scientific staff with PhD and MSc degrees 56,1% 55% 53,85%

11 Balanced Scorecard (2011/2012)
BSC Perspective: World Class People (Learning and Growth) Measure Baseline 2010/11 Target 2011/12 Performance % satisfied protégées 50,4% 60% 91,3% # of papers and articles published 121 35 81 # of Projects with Intellectual Property Value -- 1 # of projects with external collaborators 77 55 45

12 Balanced Scorecard (2011/2012)
BSC Perspective: World Class People (Learning and Growth) Measure Baseline 2010/11 Target 2011/12 Performance # of strategic science partnerships 30 14 27 % satisfied staff 61,8% 65% 71% EE Statistics (Consolidated) (W:B) 39:61 38:62 36:64 EE Statistics (Gender) (M:F) 60:40 54:46

13 Audited Financials 2011/12 & Multi-year Budget for the Period 2012/13 to 2014/15
INCOME (RANDS) 2011/12 x 1000 Audited Actuals 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 Government grant Sales and contracts 66 000 79 365 72 600 79 860 87 846 Withdrawal from Reserves 10 000 19 000 20 000 Sundry income 2 625 14 673 2 756 2 894 3 039 TOTAL INCOME EXPENDITURE Personnel costs Bursaries 1 200 580 1 900 2 090 2 300 Commercial project costs 29 700 32 640 32 670 35 937 39 531 Overheads and operating costs 59 318 44 121 SUBTOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURE Equipment 1 500 * 9 776 11 000 20 500 22 000 Land and buildings -- 25 000 21 000 40 500 47 000 TOTAL EXPENDITURE Surplus (Loss) 26 552 * Balance Sheet

14 Analysis of Government Grant Allocation for 2011/12 to 2014/15
ITEM 2011/12 R 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 Baseline allocation 137.5m 142.8m 150.9m 161.7m Water Ingress Project 16.8m 18.4m 19.8m 21m Total Government Grant as at January 2012 (Before Additional Funding) 154.4m 161.2m 170.7m 181.7m Derelict and Ownerless Mines Project 20m Additional Funding (MTEF proposals) - Stimulation of investment in the Mineral Sector - 30m 50m 65m - Building & infrastructure (AC) 10m 25m Total Government Grant 221.2m 260.7m 291.7m


A. MATTERS AFFECTING THE AUDITORS’ REPORT Key Focus Area Audit Finding Management Comment Current Status Supply Chain Management R (100%) of irregular expenditure incurred in the current year was as a result of contravention of SCM legislation. Suppliers were not afforded an opportunity to submit quotations. Suppliers did not declare if any of their members are employed by the state. Suppliers did not submit SBD 9 declaration forms. The omission occurred in 2010/11 when a quotation was accepted without tax clearance certificate. A check list is in place to ensure that this omission does not recur. A letter requesting condonation for this transaction has been sent to treasury. This as a result of decentralized sourcing of suppliers when business units sought quotations from the same suppliers. The CGS has adopted a position that business unit s will no longer no longer source quotations rather the Procurement unit will source, thus creating an environment whereby rotation of suppliers will be made possible. 3&4. A procurement checklist control that requires a second signature from the procurement manager has been introduced. This check list includes declaration and SBD9 form checks. Capacity has also been beefed up for documents to be given the required attention. Resolved

17 Key Focus Area Audit Finding Management Comment Current Status Predetermined Objectives 1. Although no material findings concerning the usefulness and reliability of the performance information were identified in the GCS performance report, attention was drawn to the level of non-achievement of the planned targets: Of the total number of planned targets, only 24 were achieved during the year under review. This represents 32%(>20%) of total planned targets that were not achieved during the year under review. This was as a result of the institution not considering relevant systems and evidential requirements during the annual strategic planning process. The CGS set itself high standards in order to drive performance in the organisation. Improving our financial position, serving our stakeholders, developing and implementing effective systems, building skills levels and strengthening our science research are of paramount importance. The CGS has taken notice of the audit finding though and has set more achievable performance targets. Resolved

18 Key Focus Area Audit Finding Management Comment Current Status Annual Financial Statement The financial statements submitted for auditing were not prepared in some material respects in accordance with the requirements of section 55(1) of the PFMA. Material misstatements of irregular expenditure, capital and current assets identified by the auditors were subsequently corrected, resulting in the financial statements receiving an unqualified audit opinion The CGS accepts that the financials were lacking in some material respects. These resulted from the following extraordinary transactions that CGS viewed differently from the auditors: Impairment of Intangible Assets a. ERP software Licences – R2,964, (Expired) Irrecoverable Accounts Receivables b. University of Western Cape – R61, (Allocation Error) c. Lekgotla Africa – R320, (Dispute) Mine Health and Safety Council – R548, (Duplicate Invoice) The above transaction types are being closely monitored to prevent recurrence. Resolved


20 Overall Demographic Profile by Race
Staff Profile as at 30 September 2012

21 Comparative Figures Staff Profile by Race
Period – 2004 to 2012

22 Comparative Figures Staff Profile by Gender
Period – 2004 to 2012

23 Comparative Figures, Professional Job Category by Race
Period – 2004 to 2012: Professionals only

24 Bursary Intake Analysis
Number of Bursars to 2012

25 Demographic Composition of Bursars by Race
Period /2012 Financial Year

26 Demographic Composition of Bursars by Gender
Period to 2012

27 National Geoscience Mapping Programmes
Geological Mapping Geotechnical Mapping Geophysical Mapping Geochemical Mapping Metallogenic Mapping

28 1:250 000-scale Geological Mapping

29 1:50 000-scale Geological Mapping

30 1:50 000-scale Geotechnical Mapping

31 High-density Airborne Geophysical Mapping

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