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Stress Health 8 Miss Doyle.

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1 Stress Health 8 Miss Doyle

2 Stress—is the response of the body to the demands of daily living

3 Stressor—is the source or cause of stress.
Stressors can be physical, mental or social.

4 What are some STRESSORS in your life?
Stressors on OneDrive & Share

5 General Adaption Syndrome (GAS)
GAS—is the response of the body to stressors. These are a series of physical changes that happen in 3 stages. ALARM STAGE—the body releases hormones into the bloodstream fight-or- fight response…What happens??? RESISTANCE STAGE—body tries o shut off the fight-or-flight response and return to normal. No more hormones are released. What happens to your heartbeat now?? Muscles?? Blood Pressure?? EXHAUSTION STAGE—the body’s stress response is prolonged. The immune system is exhausted, and the risk of illness increases. Your risk of being unintentional injured increases

6 GAS Eustress Distress Is a positive stress that prompts a healthful response to a stressor. Fight-or-Flight reaction is motivating and improves performance. Body recovers to normal quick & easily Is a negative stress that prompts a harmful response to a stressor. Fight-or-Flight reaction continues for a prolonged period Feel overburdened by intense and constant pressure and you enter the exhaustion stage of the GAS

7 What are some skills we can use to manage STRESS?

8 Skills for Managing Stress
Write down your thoughts Care for pets Help others Talk with friends, parents, and other respected adults Maintain a positive attitude Keep a sense of humor Exercise regularly Use responsible decision making skills Get plenty of rest & sleep Participate in physical activities Use a time management plan

9 Closure How does making responsible decisions help to reduce stress??
What is the purpose of stress management skills??

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