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My Options for Year 9 Presented to Yr 8.

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Presentation on theme: "My Options for Year 9 Presented to Yr 8."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Options for Year 9 Presented to Yr 8

2 You get to choose your favourite subjects
If you don’t take it in Year 8, you cannot take the subject in Year 9 Choose your favourite subjects but keep your options open Subject choices are in ‘blocks’ like this…

3 Art Comp Art DT French Spanish Music Latin
This is just an example – the actual blocks vary from year to year depending on the subject that you are putting on your request forms now. A B C D Art  Comp Art DT French Spanish Music Latin

4 What should I choose? You HAVE TO choose at least one Modern Foreign Language (French, Spanish), but you can choose both. We advise you to choose a practical subject (Art, DT, Computing, Music)

5 Computing (More technical)
Be careful – we do not do not offer computer science GCSE. However this should not darter those interested in doing computing in Yr9 as in Yr 10 Geography, History, PE and Religious Studies enter the option blocks as alternatives. Computing (More technical) Computing is the study of how computers and computer systems work and how they are constructed and programmed. Its primary aspects of theory are drawn from the disciplines of Mathematics and Science. Computer programming applies specific programming languages to solve specific computational problems. Programming requires patience as you are building applications which takes time. It is much more technically demanding than Digital Literacy. Examples of what you would be doing in Computing: Programming with VBA Advanced formulas in spreadsheets and databases Flowcharts Algorithms Hierarchical structures HTML

6 English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History, RE, PE and Games.
CORE English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History, RE, PE and Games.  Options French ICT Design & Technology   Spanish Art      Latin Music


8 What next Your options have will be emailed to you.
You should print them off, and decide along with your parents what is best for you. Return forms No earlier than Monday 23/2/17 (Talk to Teachers/parents) No later than Monday 6/2/17

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