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Implementing Remote Procedure Calls

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing Remote Procedure Calls"— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing Remote Procedure Calls
Andrew Birrell and Bruce Nelson Slide Set by Phil Howard and others

2 Why?

3 Consider #include <stdio.h> int main() {
printf("hello world!\n"); return 0; }

4 What Happens main main printf glibc kernel IO kernel update_window X
update_display kernel IO kernel

5 But what if Laptop Linux Box X Client X Server Console Window main

6 What Happens Laptop Linux Box X Client main main printf glibc
update_display X kernel IO kernel kernel IO kernel update_window X update_display

7 How do you do this? Fork/Join? SendMessage/AwaitReply?
Virtual Shared Memory? Remote Procedure Call?

8 Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

9 What's Involved in RPC Remote Procedure Call should look and feel like local call Remote Procedure Call should be independent of where it executes Remote Procedure Call should be "efficient"

10 Issues Finding the callee Passing data Implementation Exceptions

11 Finding the Callee (Binding)
Where - Either server has known static address - Or client broadcasts request - Or use central database of interfaces What - Servers export named interfaces - Clients request a particular interface - Need Globally Unique Identifiers for interfaces

12 Interfaces Type Instance - Like object oriented programming interfaces
- Method names, parameter and result types - Underlying functionality is hidden Instance - Which specific provider of this type

13 Binding Callee exports an interface via a network accessible database.
RPCRuntime Server Stub Server Database Export Interface Export Interface Update Database

14 Binding Caller binds by specifying the type of the interface in a database query Selects from a list of instances returned Caller User User Stub RPCRuntime Who’s available? Database Import Interface Import Interface Query Database Interface Info Interface Info Interface Info Available Interfaces

15 Issues Passing data Finding the callee Implementation Exceptions

16 Passing Data Can't use the stack! Can't use shared memory!
Generally use message passing

17 Passing Data #include <stdio.h> int main() { } union } my_var;
unsigned long stuff1; unsigned char stuff2[4]; } my_var; my_var.stuff1 = 0x ; printf("%X %X %X %X\n", my_var.stuff2[0], my_var.stuff2[1], my_var.stuff2[2], my_var.stuff2[3]); return 0; }

18 Passing Data What's the output? or

19 Passing data Build a message that includes:
Who and what's being called Identity of the caller Data values in known byte order Using an intermediate data representation

20 Issues Implementation Finding the callee Passing data Exceptions

21 Implementation foo(a,&b) foo(int a, int *b) return;

22 Implementation foo(int a; int *b) { build_msg(a,b); send_msg();
wait_for_reply(); get_from_msg(&b); } do_foo(msg_t msg) { int a,b; get_from_msg(&a,&b); foo(a,&b); build_msg(b); send_reply(); }

23 Implementation Function prototype is (almost) all that's needed to build the client stub Also need binding information Function prototype is (almost) all that's needed to build server stuff Also need method to wait for message

24 Implementation Network Network Caller Callee User User Stub RPCRuntime
Procedure call Pack arguments Send packet Transmit packet(s) procedure return Unpack result(s) Receive packet(s) Receive packet Callee RPCRuntime Server Stub Server Network Receive packet Receive packet(s) Unpack arguments Procedure call Send packet Transmit packet(s) Pack result(s) Procedure return

25 Implementation Clients Threaded Servers Event Driven

26 Issues Exceptions Finding the callee Passing data Implementation

27 Exceptions What can happen in "normal" procedures?
Procedure generates an exception Procedure infinite loops Procedure generates wrong results

28 Exceptions What can happen in "remote" procedures?
Client stub generates exception Transmission failure knowable failure unknowable failure Remote procedure generates an exception Remote procedure infinite loops Remote procedure generates wrong results

29 Issues Optimizations Finding the callee Passing data Implementation
Exceptions Optimizations

30 Optimizations Servers maintain no state on clients
No penalty for a large number of clients Messages must be ack'd for short calls, result serves as ack for frequent calls, next call ack's last result for long requests, only last request message gets ack'd for long results, only last result message gets ack'd Bound to "closest" server Minimum transmission delay

31 Protocol-Level Optimizations
Caller Callee User RPCRuntime RPCRuntime Server Procedure call Transmit first packet Call[Ids, packet=0] Receive packet 0 Ack[Ids, packet=0] Receive ack Transmit ack Call[Ids, packet=1] Transmit next packet Receive packet 1 Procedure call Retransmit next packet Call[Ids, packet=1, needAck] Receive packet 1 Ack[Ids, packet=1] Receive ack Transmit ack procedure return Receive result Result[Ids] Transmit result procedure return Receive result Result[Ids, needAck] Transmit ack request Ack[Ids] Transmit ack Receive ack

32 Conclusion Remote Procedure Call should look and feel like local call
Remote Procedure Call should be independent of where it executes Remote Procedure Call should be "efficient"

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