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Presentation on theme: "SETTING UP THE ENVIORNMENT FOR EFFECTIVE LEARNING/THERAPY"— Presentation transcript:


2 To create an environment that welcoming and nourishes children.
AGENDA: How to structure the physical environment How to structure the emotional environment The role of self-esteem in the classroom

3 Teachers with effective classroom management skills:
Physically arrange the classroom in a way that minimizes distractions and facilitates teacher-student interaction Create a climate in which students feel they belong and are intrinsically motivated to learn Plan activities that encourage on-task behavior Continually monitor what students are doing Modify instructional strategies when necessary

4 Structuring the Physical Environment in a classroom
Desk arrangements Student placement Classroom decoration Music in the classroom

5 Desk Arrangement Desks in groups, with students facing each other, can help stimulate student discussion

6 Desk Arrangement Desks in single or double rows are good for demonstrations and independent work Source:

7 Desk Arrangement Remember, all seating arrangements should accommodate an inclusive learning environment Foreman (1996) notes that some classrooms may require free and quiet spaces to facilitate learning

8 Student Placement Place easily distracted students away from each other, doorways, windows and areas of high traffic Preferably, place to one side of the classroom, close to the front An inclusive classroom should place students in areas of the class best suited to their needs

9 Classroom Decoration Students like to see their own work displayed, even in High Schools Class-made posters help students develop a sense of belonging to the classroom Plants and animals can have positive effects on the classroom (Nicholls, 2006)

10 Music in the Classroom Music can be a great addition to any classroom
Use as reward Create positive mood Helps broaden musical experiences In inclusive classroom music can: Comfort/calm and help focus (some students)

11 Structuring the Emotional Environment
“It is the teacher’s responsibility to value each and every one of the students in their class, so that each student feels special and important.” (Groundwater-Smith et al, 1998, p. 95)

12 Structuring the Emotional Environment
The bond between a teacher and student is much more important for students with management and behavioural issues such as ADHD and Asperger’s.

13 Structuring the Emotional Environment
ADHD Students need extra motivation so they can maintain attention, work consistently, and avoid boredom associated with repetitive tasks. (eg. Maths) Asperger’s A bond with the teacher can encourage, inspire and greatly assist them.

14 Strategies Greet students personally Make frequent eye contact
Negotiate rules and routines with students Acknowledge positive behaviours Use positive language Interact with students outside the classroom

15 Strategies Minimise embarrassment Use class meetings) home buddies

16 Self-esteem Defined An individual's sense of their value or worth, or the extent to which a person values, approves of, appreciates, prizes, or likes him or herself (Blascovich & Tomaka, 1991). A favourable or unfavourable attitude toward the self (Rosenberg, 1965)

17 Implications for Teachers?
Don’t disregard self-esteem Focus on techniques that will result in increased earned self-esteem Don't shield students from feelings of sadness, frustration, and anxiety when they lose, fail or make mistakes Teach self-control

18 The Task: You have three options for your classroom arrangement: rows, groups or u-shape. Decide which arrangement would best suit this class. Discuss your reasoning as a group.

19 Therapeutic Enviornment
A healthcare environment is therapeutic when: Reduce or eliminate environmental stressors Provide positive reinforcement Enable social support Give a sense of control

20 Therapeutic enviornment meant to fulfill the needs of kids.
Needs could be: Sensory Motor Academics Communication ADLs

21 Plan individualized activities.



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