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Gerhardt Bouwer Statistics South Africa

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Presentation on theme: "Gerhardt Bouwer Statistics South Africa"— Presentation transcript:

1 Working Group on Energy Data Dissemination Practices Presentation on the mandate
Gerhardt Bouwer Statistics South Africa Oslo Group on Energy Statistics, 10th meeting 11 May 2016

2 Background

3 Background Stats SA was involved in the following Oslo group meetings
Feb 2006 1st meeting Feb 2008 3rd meeting May 2011 6th meeting Feb 2007 2nd meeting May 2014 9th meeting

4 Background 9th Oslo Group meeting, 5-8 May 2014
Main object to discuss various topics related to energy data, such as: Energy prices The use of administrative data sources The collection of data on renewable energy Electronic data collection Data dissemination Quality reviews of energy data Suggestion was made to establish a working group to discuss energy data dissemination South Africa was the discussant at the dissemination session and the country was tasked to take the lead of the workgroup

5 Mandate and work plan on energy data dissemination practices

6 Mandate and work plan on energy data dissemination practices
The importance of energy statistics dissemination Energy data dissemination fulfils the responsibility of a fundamental principle of official statistics: “Official statistics … are to be compiled and made available on an impartial basis by official statistical agencies to honour citizens' entitlement to public information” Energy statistics are disseminated in various forms and through different dissemination channels and media platforms A dissemination policy ensures the following issues are addressed: Scope of the data for public dissemination Reference period and data dissemination schedule Data revision policy Dissemination formats Dissemination of metadata and data quality reports

7 Mandate and work plan on energy data dissemination practices
The importance of energy statistics dissemination The dissemination policy should be user oriented, reaching and serving all kinds of users and provide quality information A good understanding of the user needs are essential The user satisfaction survey is an important tool to detect user needs and profiles

8 Mandate and work plan on energy data dissemination practices
Statistical confidentiality It is important to consider the scope of data which can be publically disseminated: Statistical confidentiality should be upheld through the protection of respondent information against any breach of the right to confidentiality through unlawful disclosers of the data Legal provisions governing statistical confidentiality for each country should be considered Application of confidentiality rules should be done in a way to promote access to data while maintaining confidentiality

9 Mandate and work plan on energy data dissemination practices
Data dissemination and statistical confidentiality South African Statistics Act (Act 6 of 1999)

10 Mandate and work plan on energy data dissemination practices
Timeliness, reference period and dissemination timetable Announcing in advanced the precise dates at which various series of energy statistics will be released The advanced released schedule should be posted at the beginning of the year on the agency’s website It is important to take the following into account: Timing of the collection of the initial data by various source agencies The extent to which data derived from the major data sources is subject to revision Timing of preparation of important national economic policy documents that need energy statistics as inputs Modes of data dissemination In order to improve timeliness, a statistical agency should assess punctuality in terms of (1) production time, (2) frequency of release, and (3) punctuality of release

11 Mandate and work plan on energy data dissemination practices
Timeliness, reference period and dissemination timetable

12 Mandate and work plan on energy data dissemination practices
Data revision Provisional data should be revised when new and more accurate information becomes available The two types of revisions are as follows: Routine, normal or concurrent revisions which form part of the regular statistical production process Special revisions which do not form part of the regular revision schedule

13 Mandate and work plan on energy data dissemination practices
Dissemination formats Dissemination of energy statistics to a wide variety of users increases the awareness and trust The chosen dissemination format should suit the users’ needs Energy statistics should be made available electronically and maintained by the responsible agency Social media platforms give organisations access to a wide spectrum of users on a daily basis

14 Mandate and work plan on energy data dissemination practices
SASQAF Stats SA defines quality data according to South African Statistical Quality Assessment Framework (SASQAF) Eight dimensions provide a benchmark against which statistics will be measured: Relevance Accuracy Timeliness Accessibility Interpretability Coherence Methodological soundness Integrity

15 Mandate and work plan on energy data dissemination practices
South African National Statistics System (SANSS) The objective of SANSS is to transform all national statistics into official statistics Even though Stats SA is the statutory organ of state for official statistics, it is a part of the NSS, and not the other way around. The SANSS includes all the producers of statistics across government

16 Mandate and work plan on energy data dissemination practices
Dissemination formats: Publications available in hard copy format

17 Mandate and work plan on energy data dissemination practices
Dissemination formats: Publications in PDF format and data available for download

18 Mandate and work plan on energy data dissemination practices
Dissemination formats: Social media

19 Mandate and work plan on energy data dissemination practices
Dissemination formats: Summary articles / data stories

20 Mandate and work plan on energy data dissemination practices
Dissemination formats: Infographics

21 Mandate and work plan on energy data dissemination practices
Dissemination formats: Roambi (for Apple devices)

22 Mandate and work plan on energy data dissemination practices
Dissemination formats: Mobile app

23 Mandate and work plan on energy data dissemination practices
The Oslo Group will focus on: Promoting the improvement of energy data dissemination practises by further developing recommendations Address procedures to disseminate energy statistics. Examples include: Data confidentiality and suppression Timeliness and accuracy Reference period and dissemination schedule Data availability The challenges of using administrative data Issues relating to electronic dissemination Quality of data: enhancing confidence and trust in official statistics

24 Mandate and work plan on energy data dissemination practices
The Oslo Group will focus on: Availability and ease of use of metadata for the users Broadening access to data and reducing barriers to access Disclosure control is part of the statistical process Confidentiality of data disseminated At what aggregated/disaggregated level can data be disseminated

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