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Highlands School Plan 2007/2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Highlands School Plan 2007/2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Highlands School Plan 2007/2011

2 Background Mandate: The Ministry of Education requires that every school in the province establish a School Planning Council Role: to consult with the school community to develop, monitor, review and revise a School Plan to improve student achievement

3 NVSD Goals: The Context
To increase reading proficiency in students To improve success in mathematics To improve the success of Aboriginal students To provide safe and caring school learning environments

4 The Highlands School Plan
In 2002/03 the original School Plan was developed through a consultative process Annually, information is gathered from parents, teachers and students Annually, reporting data reviewed, including the Foundation Skills Assessment and Satisfaction Survey; Year End Performance Measures; TOPA; Safe and Caring Schools Audit (date change for audit)

5 2007/2011 School Plan Goals To achieve high success rates in reading
To achieve high success rates in mathematics To provide a safe and caring school learning environment Note: No goal identified re: Aboriginal students since fewer than 5; however, the school has strategies to foster awareness of Aboriginal culture (e.g. Big House)

6 What’s Happening Now The Plan has been put into action
No teacher representation on SPC this year; however, teachers continue to implement core strategies (e.g. Reading 44; Math 44) Funding from HPAC and the general operating school account have been allocated in terms of our school goals (e.g. Action Schools BC)

7 SPC Implementation Poster in each classroom outlines strategies related to goals (see handout): Goal 1: Reading Success Strategies Goal 2: Math Success Strategies Goal 3: Safe and Caring School Strategies

8 2006 Review The SPC has conducted a thorough review of the School Plan
Reporting data have been added to the School Plan Parents have been surveyed – received limited response and are looking at ways to enhance parent input

9 Highlights Continue in maintenance stage
Want to improve communication between SPC and parents District Goal 3 re: Aboriginal students Highlands does not have specific goals/strategies; however, use resources (e.g. First Nations Book Bin) to build awareness

10 Data Highlights Fewer students across the province, district and our school are exceeding in writing – are monitoring this Kindergarten TOPA and numeracy test results showed strong improvement from January to June for at risk learners Grade 4 reading performance on FSA showed lower scores in 2006 – query re: number of special need learners

11 Data Highlights Goal 3-1: Social Responsibility Data showed that our students’ self assessment was lower than the district average – students have high expectations of themselves?

12 For more information… SPC on school website:

13 How Can I Get Involved? Parent representatives needed on SPC for 2007
Role: Meet about 3 times in the school year Review data Make recommendations Communicate SPC to parents

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