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Mascotte Elementary Charter School Second Annual READING FAIR!

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Presentation on theme: "Mascotte Elementary Charter School Second Annual READING FAIR!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mascotte Elementary Charter School Second Annual READING FAIR!

2 Mascotte Elementary Charter School Reading Fair
Our Reading Fair will be similar to our Science Fair. Students will create a project board with information about a favorite book to encourage other students to read the book. Projects are due May 3rd. Projects will be displayed in the media center on May 11th.

3 What goes on the Reading Fair Project Board?
1. The book information Title Author Illustrator Publisher Publication date

4 What goes on the Reading Fair Project Board?
2. Setting - Time - Place The story took place ________ and _________.

5 What goes on the Reading Fair Project Board?
3. Author’s Purpose (why did the author write the story?) To entertain (All fiction is written to entertain.) To inform (Historical fiction informs.) To persuade (Does the book inspire me to do or become something?) A combination of the above? The author wrote the book to___________.

6 What goes on the Reading Fair Project Board?
Genre What kind of fiction are you reading? (Historical fiction, mystery, fantasy, etc.) The genre of this book is _____.

7 What goes on the Reading Fair Project Board?
5. Main Character(s) Do not list more than three characters. Write a short description of each character. Use adjectives to describe the characters. Name:_______________ Short Description:_________________

8 What goes on the Reading Fair Project Board?
6. Conflict What is the MAIN problem in the story? The main problem in this story is__________.

9 What goes on the Reading Fair Project Board?
7. Solution/Resolution How is the problem solved? The problem was solved when________.

10 What goes on the Reading Fair Project Board?
8. Plot Summary Do NOT retell the entire story! Just summarize what happened in 4 or 5 sentences. Be sure to include the characters. This story was about_______.

11 What goes on the Reading Fair Project Board?
9. Persuasive Writing Why should someone read this book? (at least one reason) You should/should not read this book because _________________.

12 What goes on the Reading Fair Project Board?
10. Artistic/Creative Elements drawing, borders, color See examples of Reading Fair Boards! BE CREATIVE! SHOW HOW AWESOME YOUR FAVORITE BOOK IS!!

13 Examples of Reading Fair Boards:






19 Where do I start? Think of 3-5 FICTION books that you have read that you really enjoyed. Write the titles down. Share and discuss the titles around the table. Did anyone pick the same title(s) as you? Book Browse/Check out Today when you check out books, be sure to pick a couple of possible READING FAIR Project possibilities and be ready to get started on your READING FAIR project next week. THERE WILL NOT BE DUPLICATE TITLES FOR ANY ONE CLASS.

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