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Liam Paull1,2, Mae Seto2,3 and John Leonard1

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Presentation on theme: "Liam Paull1,2, Mae Seto2,3 and John Leonard1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Decentralized Cooperative Trajectory Estimation for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
Liam Paull1,2, Mae Seto2,3 and John Leonard1 1MIT CSAIL, 2University of New Brunswick, 3Defense R&D Canada

2 Challenges and Potential Benefits
High latency Low bandwidth Unacknowledged (broadcast) Unreliable

3 Challenges and Potential Benefits
High latency Low bandwidth Unacknowledged (broadcast) Unreliable Potential Benefits: Vehicles surface for GPS fix less frequently Collected data more accurately localized through trajectory smoothing

4 Underwater Cooperative Localization

5 Underwater Cooperative Localization

6 Underwater Cooperative Localization

7 Underwater Cooperative Localization

8 Underwater Cooperative Localization

9 Underwater Cooperative Localization

10 Underwater Cooperative Localization

11 Centralized Multi-AUV Pose Graph

12 Centralized Multi-AUV Pose Graph
GPS measurements

13 Centralized Multi-AUV Pose Graph
Compass measurements

14 Centralized Multi-AUV Pose Graph
DVL derived odometry

15 Centralized Multi-AUV Pose Graph
Inter-vehicle range measurements

16 Centralized Multi-AUV Pose Graph
Problem: Too much data to send through Acomms

17 Decentralized Multi-AUV Pose Graph
New factor connects other vehicle nodes at times of contact

18 Advantages of Proposed Approach
Guaranteed connectedness of pose graph Data throughput scales linearly with team size Data throughput constant with time No requirements on team hierarchy

19 2 AUVS, One Surfacing for GPS

20 Different Packet Loss Rates

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