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Seven Keys to Raising Godly Children

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1 Seven Keys to Raising Godly Children
2 Peter 3:9,10

2 Key #6 : Motivation- Punishments & Rewards
Hebrews 2:2 “every transgression & disobedience” will receive “a just reward.” Parents Must Motivate Child to Obey Principles of Rewards and Punishments are Useful and Scriptural

3 Rewards & Punishment in Training Children
Spanking- hot issue in today’s society Spanking taught in the Bible- Proverbs 22:15 “the rod of correction will drive it far from him.” Proverbs 19:18 “chasten your son” Proverbs 29:15 “rod & rebuke”

4 Rewards & Punishment in Training Children
Proverbs 23:13 “beat him with a rod” “strike, smite, hit.” Proverbs 13:24 “spare his rod hates his son” Spanking is NOT an act of Hatred Spanking is an act of Love Those who Deny the value of spanking are the ones who God says hate their children

5 Spanking Compared to God’s Punishment of His People
Hebrews 12:5-11 “whom the Lord loves He chastens” “endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons” “human fathers who corrected us” Chastening an act of Love not Hatred

6 Spanking Compared to God’s Punishment of His People
Think of this logic: IF parents should not punish children THEN God should not punish evil men BUT He does punish evil men No One is wiser that HE is He is our Perfect Example

7 Spanking Compared to God’s Punishment of His People
Hebrews 12:5-11 is a New Testament Scripture Proverbs 3:11ff God’s teaching is the same today as it was in the Old Testament To deny the value of spanking is to deny the Wisdom and Authority of God Himself

8 Spanking Works Where Other Methods Fail
Those who deny the value of spanking offer no workable alternatives Reasoning with children is important & should not be neglected – but it has limits Some suggest we just “control the child’s environment” Matthew 16:24

9 Objections to Spanking Are Not Valid
“Spanking leads to / constitutes Child Abuse.” Sweden outlawed spanking on ground it is child abuse. Scriptural spanking in fact helps to prevent child abuse. “Spanking makes child feel guilty & destroys his self-esteem.” Proverbs 20:30; Matthew 6:12-15; Luke 17:3,4

10 Objections to Spanking Are Not Valid
“Spanking teaches children to use violence.” Undisciplined child the one who tends to use violence Throws fits in rebellion against parents’ authority – never suffer for such conduct Gets older, throws bigger fits, including physical violence against any who don’t let him have his way

11 Objections to Spanking Are Not Valid
IF when small, he is punished for his fits and not allowed to get his way by such conduct – he learns that violence does not pay Spanking, coupled with Love and Instruction, teaches children the vital principle that Only people in positions of Proper Authority have the right to punish others.

12 Objections to Spanking Are Not Valid
Demonstrates other Authority roles, such as God Himself, Civil Rulers, etc. (Romans 12:19; 13:1-7) Those who say spanking teaches children to be violent, are denying the right of God, Civil Rulers and all authority figures to require a penalty of those who flaunt authority

13 Objections to Spanking Are Not Valid
“Spanking simply does not work.” Spanking must be used diligently and consistently Proper training must begin early- Proverbs 19:18 “chasten your son while there is hope”

14 Rewards as a Form of Control
Rewards for Our Service a Part of Life- Luke 10:7 “laborer worthy of his wages” Matthew 25:14-30 Parable of talents Do not work on a job just for the FUN of it. Expect to be paid. Prepare children to live in the “real world” – Proverbs 27:2

15 Rewards as a Form of Control
God Rewards People for Service Hebrews 11:6 Deuteronomy 28:1,2 Ephesians 1:3 Romans 8:14,17; 2:6-11 God does not just Punish Evil – but also Rewards Good Using Rewards and Punishments we help children understand the true nature of the Heavenly Father

16 Biblical Example of Parental Rewards
Luke 15: Prodigal Son – returned Father Kissed him Put a Robe on him Put a Ring on his finger Gave a great feast in his honor Let them Work for Physical things they want – money or some item Need to learn the value of deferring reward till judgment day- 2 Timothy 4:8

17 Biblical Example of Parental Rewards
Expressing Appreciation & giving praise – Matthew 25:21 Nature of the Rewards Should be a Matter of Parents’ Good Judgment “If you’ll do this work first, then you may.” As children grow older, you can pay allowance for special jobs done

18 Pleasant Results to Reward Doing Good, Unpleasant Consequences for Failing to Do Good

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