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Sexual Harassment & Bullying

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1 Sexual Harassment & Bullying
EHS Counseling Department Introduce yourself. Pre Survey.

2 CHAMPS C—Conversation: Remain silent unless given permission to speak in activity. H—Help: Raise your hand for questions. A—Activity: To understand the different types of harassment/bullying and define together what it means to have a safe campus. M—Movement: Remain seated unless otherwise specified. P—Participation: Fully engaged students, phones and other materials are put away. Listening Respectfully. Briefly review the expectation for the lesson

3 Discussion: Flirting vs. Harassment (5 min)
What is the difference? Flirting or Hurting Brainstorm: Flirting vs. Harassment – who decides? (5 minutes) Write the words “Flirting” and “Harassment” on the board. Students will be asked to brainstorm the differences between flirting and sexual harassment. Examples include: Flirting – feels good, is wanted, is fun; Harassment – feels bad, is unwelcome, is hurtful When finished, handout “Flirting vs. Sexual Harassment” reference sheet for students to take with them. Flirting: Feels good, is welcomed, fun Harassment: Feels bad, is unwanted, hurtful

4 Video: Sexual Harassment (10 min)
Sexual Harassment and Bullying Video

5 Discussion: Video Debrief/ Handout (10 min)
What is Sexual Harassment? What are the types of Sexual Harassment? How can we avoid/prevent Sexual Harassment? How can we help a victim of Sexual Harassment/Bullying? Student Handout. You may use a Chart to discuss the types of Sexual Harassment. “Stop it now!”

6 Myths about Sexual Harassment (5 min)
Myths Video Harassment can only occur between students- myth Harassment is only found in male/female relationships- myth Harassment only happens to females-myth Harassment is only done by strangers-myth

7 How can we promote a safe campus at EHS? (10 min)
Who is responsible for creating our school climate? How can we change to make our campus feel safer for everyone? What kind of campus do we want to have? What is your part in making this a better place?

8 If the internet was a neighborhood (10 min)
 What do you observe?  In what ways does this cartoon reflect your online experience?  Is there anything missing from this picture?  Would you want to live in a real-life version of this neighborhood?  Why do people put up with such environments online?  What do you observe?  In what ways does this cartoon reflect your online experience?  Is there anything missing from this picture? (Mention cyberbullying and online social cruelty if students do not bring it up.)  Would you want to live in a real-life version of this neighborhood?  Why do people put up with such environments online? NOTE: During this discussion, begin to explore with students the notion of a collective civic responsibility to make the Internet a safe “neighborhood.” Challenge the assumption that negative behavior online is something that “we just have to put up with” or “can’t do anything about.”

9 Cyberbulling (10 min)  What is cyberbullying
 Where does it happen most often?  What experiences have you had with cyberbullying?  How do you/other youth respond when it happens? How about adults? Note. Tell students that while this cartoon highlights a number of negative Internet behaviors, this lesson’s focus will be on the issue of cyberbullying because it seems to be a growing trend among young people. Use the following questions to learn what students know about cyberbullying and what their experiences have been with this problem.  What is cyberbullying? (Cyberbullying is willful and repeated harm inflicted through electronic media.3)  Where does it happen most often? (Common vehicles include social networking sites, other Web sites, chat rooms, , instant messaging, text/picture/video messages, gaming sites, blogs and message boards.)  What experiences have you had with cyberbullying?  How do you/other youth respond when it happens? How about adults?

10 Watch (7 min) Cyberbullying Video

11 Discuss (10 min) Why do you think Kim targeted Joe for harassment?
Why do you think Joe endured the cyberbullying without seeking help? Why do you think Rob and the other bystanders joined in or allowed the cyberbullying to go on without interrupting it?

12 Reasons to Tell vs. Remain Silent (7 min)
What are some reasons to remain silent about Sexual Harassment/ Bullying? What are some reasons to tell? ****Remember, all information will remain confidential! Brainstorm: Reasons to Tell, Reasons to Stay Silent (10 minutes) Explain that many students do not report sexual harassment. Label two flip charts, “Reasons to Tell” and “Reasons to Stay Silent.” Ask students to brainstorm the many reasons that people decide to stay silent about the issue of sexual harassment. Then ask them to brainstorm some of the reasons that people do decide to tell. At the conclusion, ask which list is longer (usually, the reasons to stay silent is longer).

13 Policy: What can happen? (3 min)
Valid Reports: Consequences can lead up to possible suspension/expulsion Parents will be notified Police may be called Invalid Reports may also have consequences

14 Questions? Thank you! Please see us in the counseling center if you have any questions. A-CH- Ms. Guerra CI-GOM- Ms. Gonzalez GON-L- Mrs. Domitrz M-PAK- Ms. Guel PAL- SAND- Mrs. Barcoma SANE-Z- Mrs. Esteban Post Survey

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