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Akimel A-al 2016 Cross Country

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Presentation on theme: "Akimel A-al 2016 Cross Country"— Presentation transcript:

1 Akimel A-al 2016 Cross Country

2 Coaches Coach Kennedy
Coach Schoen Coach Sampson Volunteer Coaches: Coach Johnson Coach Christofis Coach Janas

3 What is your role? (Parents are welcome to run with us!)

4 Student-Athletes Academics/Behavior
As a member of our Rattlers athletic program, students are held to higher standards. Student-athletes will: Avoid referrals or behavioral issues in the classroom. Pass ALL classes. (Failing will cause the student to be ineligible) Be prepared (clothing, water, chocolate milk/ food)!

5 Sportsmanship and Attitude
Treat your teammates/coaches they way you would like to be treated. Our team comes before the individuals on our team. Show good sportsmanship at all times (win or lose). Bring a positive attitude to every practice/meet. Thank parents, coaches and volunteers for helping us reach our goals!

6 Dress/Shoes Shorts/t-shirts
Quality running shoes (Sole Sports- Warner/Rural Rd) Spikes are not required Meets – PLAIN black shorts/AMS uniform Cross Country Team T-shirt (see next slide) NO jewelry at meets

7 XC Team T-Shirts Orders forms are here tonight.
$10 (bigger sizes $13) – not required Parents can order too!

8 Tardies/Absences We want to assure athletes are warmed up and stretched in order to prevent injuries, please be on time! Absence/Tardy Policy: On the 2nd unexcused absence and/or the 3rd tardy the athlete may not compete in the first meet. Once meets begin, this moves to 1 unexcused absence and/or 2 tardies. Please communicate BEFORE practice if your athlete must miss practice.

9 Practice/ Meet Times M, T , W & F 6:15-7:45am TH pm – 3:45-5:00pm
Once meets begin (week of Sept. 8th)- Friday morning practices will be up to the coaches. Meets begin at 5pm (see schedule on AKI athletics website) NO School= NO Practice

10 Additional Meets We have an option to run at 2 meets in addition to our Kyrene schedule Twilight Invitational – Friday, Sept. 30, 2016 Arizona Middle School State Meet- November 2016

11 Ability Groups We will group athletes based on a beginning time trial.
Groups may change due to meet results. Conference Meet: Top 7 athletes boys/girls will run in a varsity meet, all other team members will run in a JV meet. (Wed. Oct. 26, 2016)

12 Transportation Students will take the bus to away meets, there will NOT be a return bus. Please sign your athlete out at away meets. Athletes are expected to stay to watch their teammates compete, unless a coach has been informed prior to the meet.

13 Rattler Cross Country Communication
Web page- coaches information, meet schedule, Sign- Up Genius ( we need volunteers to help at our home meets). Text Reminders- See Remind 101 signs around room.

14 Go Rattlers!! Before you leave…. Please meet your coaches.
Go through stations ( communication, volunteers, t-shirts). Go Rattlers!!

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