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Terrific Transport Year 2 – Term 6

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1 Terrific Transport Year 2 – Term 6
English Retelling and comparing stories Reports, glossaries and alphabetical texts Poetry Terrific Transport Year 2 – Term 6 Maths Revision of previous learning Division, including division with remainders Maths games and problem solving Shape and measures activities History Car timelines The life of Henry Ford The significance of the production line. Trip to the British Motor Museum Science Scientific enquiry - skills and investigations based on local habitats. Materials revision and forces investigations. RE and PSHE Bible Stories Responsibilities and road safety. Creative – Art and Music Music: Reflect, Rewind and Replay – revising the year’s learning and performing to another class. Art: Fabric printing and collaging. DT: Making a vehicle with strengthened corners and joins, revolving wheels and an axel. PE Sports day practice Forest School session Computing Control and modelling Programming using Scratch

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